Here is what I know about GM's (Especially asshole Oakson)
1) Yes, they do check this site and other's. If you give too much info (IE: character gear), then your ass is grass.
2) Too many krono on the move if a red flag for them. They will see it. Big Red Flag.
3) Character transfers is another red flag if you are not OO/Legit. They will look deep into the account/character being transfer and will ban on the spot if something is amiss. (This is how I got nailed sadly via Oakson).
4) IP logings are stored. They see this easily (I know). If your login IP is waaay different than the original login IP, then it's a friggin red flag. And they will start digging.
5) Any stupid stuff done in game will get red flag. (IE: Box crews taking over camps and getting reported. Red Flag.)
6) People do narc on each other. It does happen.
7) Any CC info or even Full name linked to an account is bad for the simple reason: It's actual proof of OO, and anything that changes on the account (IE: name, address, another CC, phone) will get you banned.
8) Same goes with 2-step. You insert your phone number is same thing as IP login. They will know where the phone number is from and you will get red flag if you are from somewhere else (via IP login or if you change the number).
I think some of this is horseshit. How many of us have cell phone numbers from places we don't live anymore? I sure as hell do (military dude getting stationed all over the freakin world). Add to that that people fucking move. I'm in the middle of a move from Germany to somewhere stateside right now. Getting banned because an IP changed makes no sense. There might be instances where that is a factor, but the ONLY factor doesn't make sense.