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Software Zliz - Sic/Kaen version (1 Viewer) 05-15-2024

This is probably just a matter of a simple xml edit but I can't seem to figure it out. In the target window, the level/race/class display is encroaching too far over to the left. Resizing the window doesn't seem to help. Any ideas?



  • 1677105470276.png
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I like the simplicity of this ui sic. What resolution do you run it at? Is there a way to copy the layout you use as far as positioning without having to drag everything the way you have it?
Love this minimalist UI man, thanks for sharing. Anyone else having issues with getting the "Actions social page" or even just the "Actions" page in general to show up? Not seeing it hidden behind anything like that and have tried every single UI hotkey for the various "Actions" windows and can't get it to show :(

Figured this out. Looks like the Actions window was minimized in the default UI, and for some reason that caused it to just not show up at all when I loaded up the Zliz UI.
So glad I randomly found this thread browsing, this UI is *almost* exactly what I was looking for. For a very long time. Thank you!

yea, I can't explain it without a visual but I LOVE Zliz and Sparxx and wish there was a combo with each. My favorite window from Zliz is the "Character -> Player Information" window (not sure which xml this is at the moment..) and the rest of the Sparxx UI. Maybe @Sic or @ChatWithThisName can comment on this?

yea, I can't explain it without a visual but I LOVE Zliz and Sparxx and wish there was a combo with each. My favorite window from Zliz is the "Character -> Player Information" window (not sure which xml this is at the moment..) and the rest of the Sparxx UI. Maybe @Sic or @ChatWithThisName can comment on this?


EQUI_PlayerWindow.xml is that file

I use a custom mash up of Sparxx and Zliz also
yea, I can't explain it without a visual but I LOVE Zliz and Sparxx and wish there was a combo with each. My favorite window from Zliz is the "Character -> Player Information" window (not sure which xml this is at the moment..) and the rest of the Sparxx UI. Maybe @Sic or @ChatWithThisName can comment on this?

SAME!!!! I would love a combo of both and thought about this quite some time ago.
yup. created a new folder, copied all the Sparxx files into it, then copied the Zliz EQUI_PlayerWindow.xml into it.

To fix the hot keys, edit the HotButton0Loc section in your M2QGroupInfo.ini to this:


Reload your UI and it should have the Zliz player window and Sparxx UI with your hotkeys unstacked.


Before I sell my house, reinstall EQ and change my UI, I wanted to ask if there are any updates or tweaks needed for this UI to meet the new update?
Before I sell my house, reinstall EQ and change my UI, I wanted to ask if there are any updates or tweaks needed for this UI to meet the new update?
did you try it? cause it still works.

no, and unless anything is broken we won't be making changes to it until eq pulls their heads out of their ass.
yup. created a new folder, copied all the Sparxx files into it, then copied the Zliz EQUI_PlayerWindow.xml into it.

To fix the hot keys, edit the HotButton0Loc section in your M2QGroupInfo.ini to this:

Another dumb question but I haven't messed with UI stuff all that much. How would I go about keeping the party box sized properly, if possible? Every time I relog, the boxes are basically overlaid on top of the player information part of the window and I have to manually resize the window.
Another dumb question but I haven't messed with UI stuff all that much. How would I go about keeping the party box sized properly, if possible? Every time I relog, the boxes are basically overlaid on top of the player information part of the window and I have to manually resize the window.
This UI is already made to size for that.

I'd this is off topic of that, please take the conversation to somewhere more qppropriate
Hey Sic, I updated to the latest version of your UI. When I did I lost the MQ distances of my group in the player window. The little green numbers.
IS there something I did wrong when loading the newest version?

Thanks man- BB~
Hey Sic, I updated to the latest version of your UI. When I did I lost the MQ distances of my group in the player window. The little green numbers.
IS there something I did wrong when loading the newest version?

Thanks man- BB~
Sounds like you don't have the plugin loaded that provides that information.
Thanks Many. I double checked that it is plugged in and it is. Latest Zliz still didn't have the distance info in player window.
Not a big deal tho.


I'm using the latest zliz (obviously), and my distance works as expected.

no changes were made to the group window, so i'm not sure what to tell you

UI looks pretty slick. Really like it and how it fits in with the Lua components. I've dabbled in modifying UIs in the past to make them work, but what would it take to increase the size of the Group, Player, Target, Pet, and Xtar windows by 15-20%? I run at 1440 on my main account and the boxes are set to 1080p. This fits in great on the boxes and gives room. On the main though would be great if those components were a bit larger for old eye visibility and not getting dead. Understanding this is maintained and provided as a kindness, any chance of a secondary folder with alternate components for higher resolution?

Thanks for reading.
UI looks pretty slick. Really like it and how it fits in with the Lua components. I've dabbled in modifying UIs in the past to make them work, but what would it take to increase the size of the Group, Player, Target, Pet, and Xtar windows by 15-20%? I run at 1440 on my main account and the boxes are set to 1080p. This fits in great on the boxes and gives room. On the main though would be great if those components were a bit larger for old eye visibility and not getting dead. Understanding this is maintained and provided as a kindness, any chance of a secondary folder with alternate components for higher resolution?

Thanks for reading.
making any individual element larger is pretty trivial, you just open up the .xml file and find where it defines <size> and change the values. What you really want, though, is to adjust the actual font size. Since the same size font in a larger window isn't going to be any easier to read. Font size, unfortunately, is not universally configurable. The game has settings for chat font sizes built into the client, but you can't alter the fonts of the UI elements themselves.

Supposedly, one of the features of the promised UI revamp is the ability to scale this sort of thing for high DPI monitors. But that is buggy AF and not getting any better quickly.
If y'all haven't checked the "Updates" tab at the top and seen that Sic mentioned mqitemcolor and the glow feature; do so. Just another of the many many things I didn't know I needed until I saw him post about it. Absolute game changer when looking for stuff in the many bags we all have.

A MUST have.

Sic, you're incredibly talented at what you do. Don't ever change. This UI is the best and makes adding Lua UI components much easier.
Software Zliz - Sic/Kaen version

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