
From the wonderful RedGuides Wiki

This command is added by MacroQuest

Syntax Key
Notation Description
Text without brackets or braces Required items
<Text inside angle brackets> Placeholder for which you must supply a value
[Text inside square brackets] Optional items
Vertical bar (|) Separator for mutually exclusive items; choose one
{Text | inside | braces} Set of required items; choose one
Ellipsis () Items that can be repeated
Syntax /char
Description Extends EverQuest's /charinfo to display character bind points. The alias /char must be used if you want MacroQuest's information included.



The EverQuest /charinfo, which is *not* detoured by MacroQuest, will return your bind zone and [secondary bind or Origin location] in the main chat window.

For example: "You are currently bound in: The Bazaar, The Field of Bone"

Warning: EverQuest uses the Y, X, Z convention for location data, instead of X, Y, Z used by MQ

See also