
From the wonderful RedGuides Wiki

This command is added by MQ2DanNet

Syntax Key
Notation Description
Text without brackets or braces Required items
<Text inside angle brackets> Placeholder for which you must supply a value
[Text inside square brackets] Optional items
Vertical bar (|) Separator for mutually exclusive items; choose one
{Text | inside | braces} Set of required items; choose one
Ellipsis () Items that can be repeated
Syntax /dquery <name> [-q <query>] [-o <result>] [-t <timeout>]
Description Execute query on name and store return in result.


Option Description
-t <timeout> How long to wait before timeout. Optional, and the default can be configured
-q <query> A query is simply a normal TLO access from the perspective of the peer with the external ${}. For example, Target.ID
-o <result> Optional, and will just write out the result to ${DanNet.Q} or ${DanNet.Query} if omitted. Otherwise it will write to the variable specified (variables are created with /declare). If not run from a macro, the result is ignored and just writes out to the TLO.


See also