This command is added by MQ2EasyFind
Notation | Description |
Text without brackets or braces | Required items |
<Text inside angle brackets> | Placeholder for which you must supply a value |
[Text inside square brackets] | Optional items |
Vertical bar (|) | Separator for mutually exclusive items; choose one |
{Text | inside | braces} | Set of required items; choose one |
Ellipsis (…) | Items that can be repeated |
Syntax | /easyfind [search term] | group [command] | stop | reload <file> | ui | migrate | nav [nav command] |
Description | Finding locations in the current zone. |
Option | Description |
(no option) | Shows help text |
[search term] | Searches the Find window for the given [search term], either exact or partial match. If found, begins navigation. [search term] may also be a zone shortname. In this case, the closest zone connection matching for that zone will be found. |
group [command] | Broadcasts the command to the group, using the configured group plugin. e.g EasyFind.yaml could have the following configured - GroupPlugin: eqbc |
stop | Stops an active EasyFind. |
reload [<filename>] | Reload zone connections. Providing a filename after reload will load an alternate ZoneConnections.yaml file, so long as it's in your \Resources\EasyFind folder. |
reloadsettings | Reloads settings from the config file |
ui | Toggle EasyFind ui |
migrate | Migrate MQ2EasyFind.ini from old MQ2EasyFind to new format (yaml config file) |
nav [nav command] | Find using a nav command of Find window |
/easyfind reload ZoneConnections_Emu.yaml
Loads an alternate Zone connection file called ZoneConnections_Emu.yaml