
From the wonderful RedGuides Wiki

This command is added by MQ2HUDMove

Syntax Key
Notation Description
Text without brackets or braces Required items
<Text inside angle brackets> Placeholder for which you must supply a value
[Text inside square brackets] Optional items
Vertical bar (|) Separator for mutually exclusive items; choose one
{Text | inside | braces} Set of required items; choose one
Ellipsis () Items that can be repeated
Syntax /hudmove <name> <direction> <#> | [ list ] | <name> [delete]
Description Works with the currently loaded HUD. Move or delete elements and sections within MQ2HUD.ini


Option Description
  • /hudmove name

(Moves a single section)

Can be the HUD name, [section] name, or ;comment tag name. Comment tags allow the user define their own sections, which can span across multiple ini [sections].
<direction> <#>
  • Valid directions are: up | down | left | right
  • # is number of pixels


/hudmove name down 100
delete Deletes a single HUD
list List all HUDs in the loaded HUD set and all sections in MQ2HUD.ini


If we typed /hudmove ;section1 right 100 it would move the HUD elements "ManaRegen" and "BuffCount" 100 units to the right.

Level=3,2,339,649,0,255,255,${If[${Target.ID},${Target.Level} - ${Target.Class} - ${Target.Distance} - ${Target.LineOfSight},]}
Raid=3,2,1263,468,0,255,255,${If[${Raid.Members}>0,In Raid - ${Raid.Members},]}
TarID=3,2,172,337,0,255,0,ID: ${Target.ID}
;<x> section1
ManaRegen=3,2,272,272,0,255,0,MR: ${Me.ManaRegen}
BuffCount=3,2,272,367,0,255,0,Buffs: ${Me.CountBuffs}
;<x> section2
ER=3,2,172,342,0,255,0,ER:  ${Me.AltAbilityTimer[Eldritch Rune].TimeHMS}
MGB=3,2,172,357,0,255,0,MGB:  ${Me.AltAbilityTimer[Mass Group Buff].TimeHMS}

Custom sections are defined with the following format:

;<x> name

See also