From the wonderful RedGuides Wiki
This command is added by Lootly
Syntax Key
Notation |
Text without brackets or braces |
Required items
<Text inside angle brackets> |
Placeholder for which you must supply a value
[Text inside square brackets] |
Optional items
Vertical bar (|) |
Separator for mutually exclusive items; choose one
{Text | inside | braces} |
Set of required items; choose one
Ellipsis (…) |
Items that can be repeated
/lootly { [on | off] | [sell [dry]] | [cleanup [dry]] | [set <setting> <#>] | [ini <file>] | [convert <file>] | [log <level>] | [status] | [sort] | [reload] }
Lootly commands
Option |
Description |
[on | off] |
Toggle lootly on/off. |
[sell [dry]] |
Sells designated items to the targeted merchant. Can be called with "dry" to do a dry run that will take no action (selling or destroying). |
[cleanup [dry]] |
Destroy any marked items in your bags. Can be called with "dry" to do a dry run that will take no action (selling or destroying). |
[set <setting>] |
Update lootly settings; DistributeDelay (1-60), NewItemDelay (1-60), SaveSlots (>=1) |
[ini <file>] |
Set lootini (all characters). Creates ini file if it does not exist. |
[convert <file>] |
Converts autoloot ini file entries to lootly format.
e.g /lootly convert loot.ini (autoloot ini file), will product a lootly_loot.ini file |
[log <level>] |
Configure log level (info, debug, warn, error, fatal.) |
[status] |
Show current lootly configuration/settings. |
[sort] |
Sort the lootly_loot.ini file. |
[reload] |
Reload lootly settings from Lootly ini (lootly.ini).
Note different from lootly_loot.ini configuration file. |
See also