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This command is added by MQ2Melee

Syntax Key
Notation Description
Text without brackets or braces Required items
<Text inside angle brackets> Placeholder for which you must supply a value
[Text inside square brackets] Optional items
Vertical bar (|) Separator for mutually exclusive items; choose one
{Text | inside | braces} Set of required items; choose one
Ellipsis () Items that can be repeated
Syntax /melee [on|off] [setting=on|off]... [setting=<int>]...
Description Turns settings on and off, sets items for settings that require them, and turns the plugin on and off. /melee by itself will list all settings that are available to your character.


Category Option Description
General (no option) List all settings that are available to your character.
-=Notice=- RedGuides Wiki Note: options may appear multiple times in this list for readability, as users frequently only read the class sections.
on|off Turns the plugin on or off
save Saves settings to the configuration file
reload reload the configuration file. Helpful if you're editing the file directly.
General debug=on|off
aggro=on|off Plugin tries to keep aggro on target using all enabled aggro abilities/disciplines until aggro is regained, or either you or the target dies.
aggropri=<itemID> Item ID for primary weapon to be used in aggro mode.
aggrosec=<itemID> Item ID for secondary weapon to be used in aggro mode.
arrow=<itemID> Item ID of ammunition to use for ranged/throwing attacks.
backoff=<0-100> Turns attack off if your life percentage goes below the designated value. Will never back off due to low health if aggro=on.
bash=on|off Will try to bash target if you have a shield equipped or have have a 2-handed weapon and the 2 Hand Bash AA.
battleleap=on|off Whether or not to use Battle Leap AA (Default=0/off)
bow=<itemID> Item ID for ranged weapon.
begging=on|off Will turn attack off and beg target and turn back on.
disarm=on|off Will try to disarm target if target is wielding a weapon.
downflag<0-90>=on|off Whether or not to use defined DownShit<0-90> from ini. e.g. downflag0=on After enabling this option for the first time, you must edit the INI file with your relevant DownShit command and then issue /melee load to enable it.
enrage=on|off Turns attack off and issues /pet hold (/pet back if hold not available) if target enrages and you are facing it. Automatically re-engages when enrage ends or if you are behind the target.
facing=on|off Whether or not to face target (checked every 2 seconds and only in ranged mode).
feigndeath=<0-100> Attempt to feign death when life is below [X]%. 0=Off
holyflag<0-90>=on|off Whether or not to use defined HolyShit<0-90> from ini. e.g. holyflag0=on After enabling this option for the first time, you must edit the INI file with your relevant HolyShit command and then issue /melee load to enable it.
infuriate=on|off Turns attack off and issues /pet hold (/pet back if hold not available) if target infuriates and you are facing it. Re-engages when infuriate ends or if you are behind the target.
intimidation=on|off Will use intimidation if available.
jolt=<0-100> Jolt every # of hits (0=off).
Bersker: Diversive Strike, Distracting Strike, Confusing Strike, Baffling Strike, Jarring Strike, Jarring Smash, Jarring Clash, Jarring Slam, Jarring Blow, Jarring Crush
Ranger: Jolt, Cinderbolt, etc. (Spells)
Beastlord: Roar of Thunder
kick=on|off Will use kick if available.
melee=on|off Turn Melee Mode On/Off.
meleepri=<itemID> Item ID for primary weapon to be used in non-aggro mode.
meleesec=<itemID> Item ID for secondary weapon to be used in non-aggro mode
petassist=on|off Will send pet attack on engage and backoff on enrage/infuriate if those options are enabled. The plugin will also use /pet hold if you have that AA.
petdelay=<0-30> Will not engage pet until [x] seconds has passed.
petmend=<0-30> Cast "Mend Companion" or "Replenish Companion" if pet is at or below given health % (will cast higher of the two if you have both).
petrange=<0-150> Will not engage pet until mob is within [x] range of your pet.
pickpocket=on|off Turn off attack & try to pickpocket if not in aggro mode.
plugin=on|off Turn plugin on/off.
pothealfast=<0-100> Use fast heal potion when my HP falls below [X]% (default=30).
pothealover=<0-100> Use heal over time potion when my HP falls below [X]% (default=60).
provoke0=<ID> ID of the Disc/AA/Spell to use for provoking (0=off).
provoke1=<ID> ID of the Disc/AA/Spell to use for provoking (0=off)
provokeend=<0-100> Stop trying to provoke when target's health falls below [X]% (default=15).
provokemax=<0-100> Number of times you will try provoking aa/disc/spells to regain aggro (default=1).
provokeonce=on|off Only use provoke once to attempt to gain aggro.
range=<0-250> Enables ranged attacks when target is at or beyond this range. Note that 0 disables ranged attacks completely.
resume=<0-100> Stand up and turn back attack on if your life percentage goes above this value. Used with /melee feigndeath=on.
shield=<itemID> Item ID of shield to use for bashing
slam=on|off Will slam as often as possible.
sneak=on|off Will try to sneak if not in combat.
standup=on|off Will stand you on a failed FD.
stickdelay=<0-100> Wait [X] seconds before sticking to target.
stickmode=[0|1|2] If 1, it will use the stickcmd as defined in the INI file, if 0, it will use the default stick command, if 2, it will turn off sticking
stickrange=<#> Enables sticking when target is at set distance away (0=no sticking).
stun0=<ID> ID of the Disc/AA/Spell to use for stunning (0=off).
forage=on|off Turns forage on and off
petengagehps=<0-100> Pet engage when current target is below %
stickbreak=on|off on/1: stop stick on manual keyboard press off/0: normal, no override
sticknorange=on|off off: normal on: no range checks
hide=on|off Will try to hide if you're not in combat and not moving
sneak=on|off will try to sneak if not in combat
stun1=<ID> ID of the Disc/AA/Spell to use for stunning (0=off).
stunning=<0-100> Cast defined Stun spell(s) if target at or below [X]% and/or if detected that target is casting a spell.
taunt=on|off Will push taunt button if aggro=on and you're not the target's target. Without a TauntIF statement, this will cause your toon to chain taunt. If you do not wish for that, use a TauntIF setting (see MQ2Melee#Settings).
throwstone=<0-100> Will use throw stone disc when ready and target in range. Note: Will not use in aggro/provoke mode if provoke has not been used yet.
yaulp=on|off Yaulp on or off
Bard selos=on|off Selo's Kick
boastful=on|off Boastful Bellow
Beastlord asp=on|off Bite of the Asp
cstrike=on|off Chameleon Strike
gorillasmash=on|off Gorilla Smash
feralswipe=on|off Feral Swipe
rake=<0-100> Use ability when endurance above [X]%. 0=Off
Rake, Foray, Harrow, Rush, Barrage, Pummel
ravens=on|off Raven's Claw
bvivi=<0-100> Use ability when endurance above [X]%. 0=Off
Bestial Vivisection, Bestial Rending, Bestial Evulsing
fclaw=<0-100> Use ability when endurance above [X]%. 0=Off
Flurry of Claws, Tumult of Claws, Clamor of Claws
Berserker bloodlust=<0-100> Use ability when endurance above [X]% (0=off).
Shared Bloodlust, Shared Brutality, Shared Savagery, Shared Viciousness
cripple=<0-100> Use ability when endurance above [X]% (0=off).
Leg Strike, Leg Cut, Leg Slice, Crippling Strike, Tendon Cleave, Tendon Sever, Tendon Shear, Tendon Lacerate, Tendon Slash, Tendon Gash
cryhavoc=<0-100> Cry Havoc. Use ability when endurance above [X]% (0=off).
frenzy=on|off Frenzy on or off
opfrenzy=<0-100> Use ability when endurance above [X]% (0=off).
Overpowering Frenzy, Overwhelming Frenzy, Vanquishing Frenzy
ragevolley=<0-100> Will use best ragevolley discipline that is available, ready and endurance above [X]% (0=off).
Rage Volley, Destroyer's Volley, Giant Slayer's Volley, Annihilator's Volley, Decimator's Volley, Eradicator's Volley, Savage Volley, Brutal Volley
rallos=<0-100> Use ability when endurance above [X]% (0=off).
Axe of Rallos, Axe of Graster
slapface=<0-100> Use ability when endurance above [X]% (0=off).
Slap in the Face, Kick in the Teeth, Punch in the Throat
vigaxe=<0-100> Use ability when endurance above [X]% (0=off).
Vigorous Axe Throw, Energetic Axe Throw, Brutal Axe Throw
Monk dragonpunch=on|off Dragon Punch, Tail Rake (Iksar)
falls=on|off Auto feign death
cloud=<0-100> Cloud of Fists
fistsofwu=<0-100> Use ability when endurance above [X]% (0=off).
Fists of Wu
leopardclaw=<0-100> Use ability when endurance above [X]% (0=off).
Leopard Claw, Dragon Fang, Clawstriker Flurry, Wheel Of Fists, Whorl Of Fists, Six-Step Pattern, Eight-Step Pattern
monkey=<0-100> Use ability when endurance above [X]% (0=off)
Drunken Monkey
synergy=<0-100> Use ability when endurance above [X]% (0=off).
Calanin's Synergy, Dreamwalker's Synergy, Veilwalker's Synergy, Shadewalker's Synergy
vigshuriken=<0-100> Use ability when endurance above [X]% (0=off).
Vigorous Shuriken
eaglestrike=on|off Eagle Strike
flyingkick=on|off Flying Kick
mend=<0-100> Mend wounds if your life percentage goes below the designated value.
roundkick=on|off Round Kick
tigerclaw=on|off Tiger Claw
Paladin layhand=<0-100> Lay Hands on myself when my HP % falls below [X].
rightidg=<0-100> Use ability when endurance above [X]% (0=off).
Righteous Indignation, Righteous Vexation, Righteous Umbrage, etc.
withstand=<0-100> Use ability when endurance above [X]% (0=off).
Withstand, Defy, Renounce, Reprove, Repel
challengefor=on|off Activate aggro spells.
Challenge for Honor, Trial for Honor, Charge for Honor, Confrontation for Honor, Provocation for Honor, Demand for Honor, Reverent Force
steely=on|off Activate defensive spells.
Steely Stance, Stubborn Stance, Stoic Stance, Steadfast Stance
Ranger jltkicks=<0-100> endurance %
Jolting Snapkicks, Jolting Frontkicks, Jolting Hook Kicks, Jolting Crescent Kicks, Jolting Heel Kicks
enragingkick=<0-100> Enraging kick when life below %
stormblades=on|off Storm of Blades, Focused Storm of Blades, etc
Rogue assassinate=on|off Activate the assassinate skill (ie. Sneak, Hide, move behind target, activate Strike disc, backstab).
poker=<itemID> Item ID for backstabbing weapon. Will be swapped in before backstabbing if necessary.
sensetraps=on|off Will try to sense traps if not in combat
assault=<0-100> Use ability when endurance above [X]% (0=off). Assault, Battery, Onslaught, etc.
bleed=<0-100> Use ability when endurance above [X]% (0=off).
Bleed, Wound, Lacerate, Gash
jugular=<0-100> Use ability when endurance above [X]% (0=off)
Jugular Slash, Jugular Slice, Jugular Sever, Jugular Gash, Jugular Lacerate
pinpoint=<0-100> Use ability when endurance above [X]% (0=off)
Pinpoint Vulnerability, Pinpoint Weaknesses, Pinpoint Vitals, Pinpoint Flaws, Pinpoint Liabilities, Pinpoint Deficiencies
strike=on|off Use your best sneak attack disc
Sneak Attack, Thief's Vengeance, Assassin Strike, Kyv Strike, Ancient Chaos Strike, Daggerfall, Razor Arc, Swift Blade, Dagger Lunge, Dagger Swipe, Daggerswipe, Daggerstrike, Daggerthrust
thiefeye=<0-100> Uses ability if your endurance is over [X]%. (0=off).
vigdagger=<0-100> Use ability when endurance above [X]% (0=off).
Vigorous Dagger-Throw, Vigorous Dagger-Strike, Energetic Dagger-Throw
backstab=on|off Will try to back stab if you wielding a piercing weapon in your main hand and behind the target.
knifeplay=<0-100> Use ability when endurance above [X]% (0=off).
escape=<0-100> Turn off Attack and use rogue escape skill if your life percentage goes below the designated value. Will never happen if aggro=on.
twistedshank=on|off Twisted shank on or off
strikemode=on|off use strikecmd from ini? on = yes, off = no
evade=on|off Will attempt to evade in fight to drop some aggro each time hide skill available, strongly suggest that you set unhide=1 to authorize plugin to break invis and rejoin the fight.
pickpocket=on|off urn off attack & try to pickpocket if not in aggro mode.
Shadow Knight harmtouch=on|off Use Harm Touch ability when ready.
gblade=<0-100> Use ability when endurance above [X]% (0=off).
Gouging Blade, Gashing Blade, Lacerating Blade , etc
withstand=<0-100> Use ability when endurance above [X]% (0=off).
Withstand, Defy, Renounce, Reprove, Repel
challengefor=on|off Activate aggro spells.
Challenge for Power, Trial for Power, Charge for Power, Confrontation for Power, Provocation for Power, Demand for Power, Impose for Power
steely=on|off Activate defensive spells.
Steely Stance, Stubborn Stance, Stoic Stance, Steadfast Stance, Staunch Stance
Warrior callchallenge=on|off Call of Challenge
gutpunch=on|off Use Alt Ability when ready. Gut Punch
kneestrike=on|off Knee Strike. Use alt ability when ready
defense=<0-100> Use ability when endurance above [X]% (0=off).
Bracing Defense, Staunch Defense, Stalwart Defense, Steadfast Defense
commanding=<0-100> Use ability when endurance above [X]% (0=off). Commanding Voice
fieldarm=<0-100> Use ability when endurance above [X]% (0=off).
Field Armorer, Field Outfitter, Field Defender, Field Guardian
opportunisticstrike=<0-100> Use ability when endurance above [X]% (0=off).
Opportunistic Strike, Strategic Strike, Vital Strike, Vital Strike
throatjab=<0-100> Use ability when endurance above [X]% (0=off).


  • All options listed with on/off as the arguments to enable/disable the option can use true or 1 in place of on, and false or 0 can be used in place of off.
Example: /melee on aggro=on taunt=on kick=1 bash=0 intimidation=false disarm=true

See also