This command is added by MacroQuest
Notation | Description |
Text without brackets or braces | Required items |
<Text inside angle brackets> | Placeholder for which you must supply a value |
[Text inside square brackets] | Optional items |
Vertical bar (|) | Separator for mutually exclusive items; choose one |
{Text | inside | braces} | Set of required items; choose one |
Ellipsis (…) | Items that can be repeated |
Syntax | /mqcopylayout <charname> <server> [res:WxH] [nohot] [noload] [nosoc] [none] |
Description | Intelligent copying of EverQuest's UI layout. By default all options are copied at the windowed resolution. |
Option | Description |
<charname> | The name of the character whose UI you'd like to copy |
<server> | The server shortname of the character's UI you'd like to copy |
[res:<W>x<H>] | The resolution of the layout you'd like copied, if that resolution exists. |
nohot | Will exclude hotbuttons. |
noload | Will exclude loadouts. |
nosoc | Will exclude socials |
none | Will exclude hotbuttons, loadouts, and socials. |
/mqcopylayout bobby vox
- This is the minimum arguments required, it will copy everything from the layout including hotbuttons, loadouts and socials from the layout using the windowed resolution.
/mqcopylayout bobby vox nohot
- Will copy everything from the layout excluding hotbuttons from the layout using the windowed resolution.
/mqcopylayout bobby vox nohot noload
- Will copy everything from the layout excluding hotbuttons and loadouts from the layout using the windowed resolution.
/mqcopylayout bobby vox nohot noload nosoc
- Will copy everything from the layout excluding hotbuttons, loadouts and socials from the layout using the windowed resolution.
/mqcopylayout bobby vox none
- Same as the example above: no hotbuttons, no loadouts, no socials
/mqcopylayout bobby vox res:1600x900
- Will copy the layout from the UI_character_vox.ini for the specific 1600x900 resolution (if that resolution actually exists in the UI ini.