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INI based cursor handling. Auto-keeps specified items, up to a desired quantity. Consumes, Drops, or Destroys items when the desired quantity is reached.
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Authors s0rCieR, EqMule, Sym
Software type Plugin
Config file Server_Character.ini

Maintained Yes without support
Acknowledgements BrianMan, A_Druid_00 and Cr4zyb4rd. Maintainers of MQ2AutoDestroy and MQ2Feedme

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This plugin provides INI based cursor handling. Auto-keeps specified items, up to a desired quantity. Consumes, Drops, or Destroys items when the desired quantity is reached.


  • Auto Keep item from list up to a certain quantity.
  • Consume, Drop, or Destroy when quantity is reached.
  • Auto Sleep with certain windows are open (Spellbook, Casting, Bank, Give, Merchant, Trade, GuildTributemaster, TributeMaster, GuildBank, Inventory but not Loot window, Loot window but not Inventory).
  • Quiet/Silent Operating Mode and Global On/Off flags.
  • Autoloot your corpse when loot Window Up.


Syntax Description
/cursor [option] [value] Controls handling of items on cursor, as well as current status
/keep Keep item on cursor (does not add to list)


Example server_character.ini with explanations

; Active: 1 is on, 0 is off
; Silent: 1 is silent, 0 is verbose
; Random: delay before doing something with item
9979=Gloomingdeep Lantern|1
; will keep one lantern
; will keep all Bandages
58654=Crescent Reach Guild Summons|4
; will keep 4 guild summons

See also