RGMercs Lua Edition: FAQ - CLR Class
RGMercs Lua Edition: FAQ - CLR Class
RGMercs Lua Edition: FAQ - CLR Class
Can I use Promised Heal Spells as well as normal heals?
- Answer:
Yes, you can use Promised Heal Spells as well as normal heals. Enable them with the [DoProm] setting.
- Settings Used:
Why is my cleric not using his Quickening of the Prophet Spells?
- Answer:
Make sure you have [DoQp] enabled in your settings.
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I am running out of mana?
- Answer:
You can adjust the [QPManaPCT] setting to a higher mana requirement before Quickening of the Prophet spells are used.
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I am running out of mana?
- Answer:
You can adjust the [VetManaPCT] setting to a higher mana requirement before Veteran's Wrath spells are used.
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- Answer:
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Why is my cleric not using his Symbol Spells?
- Answer:
Make sure you have [DoSymbol] enabled in your settings. Also make sure you have reagents for the spell.
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Why is my cleric not using his Divine Buff Spells?
- Answer:
Make sure you have [DivineBuffOn] enabled in your settings.
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Why is my cleric not using his Heal over Time Spells?
- Answer:
Make sure you have [DoHOT] enabled in your settings, and ajust your thresholds for when to use them.
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My casters keep dying to fast, which heal do I need to adjust?
- Answer:
You can adjust the [RemedyHealPoint] setting to increase the health percentage at which Remedy Heals are used.
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I am using Complete Heal and my tank is still dying - what can I do?
- Answer:
You can adjust the [CompHealPoint] setting to increase the health percentage at which Complete Heal is used.
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I like to use Wards can I set them to auto cast?
- Answer:
Yes, you can enable [DoAutoWard] in your settings to use Wards automatically.
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My squishies in the group keep dying - how can I help them?
- Answer:
Enable [DoClutchHeal] in your settings to use clutch heals on low health targets.
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What is the difference between Heal and Hybrid Modes?
- Answer:
Heal Mode is for when you are the primary healer in a group. Hybrid Mode is for when you are the secondary healer in a group and need to do some DPS.
- Settings Used:
My squishies in the group keep dying - how can I help them?
- Answer:
You can adjust the [ClutchHealPoint] setting to increase the health percentage at which clutch heals are used.
- Settings Used:
Why is my cleric not using his Nuke Spells?
- Answer:
Make sure you have [DoNuke] enabled in your settings.
- Settings Used:
I am running out of mana?
- Answer:
You can adjust the [NukePct] setting to a higher mana requirement before nuke spells are used.
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Why is my cleric not using his Cure Spells?
- Answer:
Make sure you have [DoCure] enabled in your settings.
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Why is my cleric not using his Reverse Damage Shield Spells?
- Answer:
Make sure you have [DoReverseDS] enabled in your settings.
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Why is my cleric not using his Complete Heal Spells?
- Answer:
Make sure you have [DoCH] enabled in your settings.
- Settings Used: