RGMercs Lua Edition: FAQ - Pull Module

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RGMercs Lua Edition: FAQ - Pull Module

RGMercs Lua Edition: FAQ - Pull Module

Can I manually add a mob to the pull list?

  • Answer:
 You can add a mob to the [PullAllowList] and it will be pulled.
  • Settings Used:

Can I adjust the number of mobs I pull in Chain Mode?

  • Answer:
 Yes, you can adjust the number of mobs in the chain with [ChainCount].
  • Settings Used:

My Cleric never meds to full, how do I fix this?

  • Answer:
 You can adjust the start % for pulls with [GroupWatchStartPct] and you will not pull until they are above that setting.
  • Settings Used:

My Puller isn't Pulling, what do I do?

  • Answer:
 Make sure you have [DoPull] enabled.
  • Settings Used:

I keep trying to pull after I die, how do I stop this?

  • Answer:
 Enable [StopPullAfterDeath] and you will stop pulling after you die.
  • Settings Used:

I want to adjust the time between pulls so I have time to Manually Loot, how do I do that?

  • Answer:
 You can adjust the time between pulls with [PullDelay].
  • Settings Used:

Why are my group members always OOM?

  • Answer:
 Make sure [GroupWatch] is enabled.  You can adjust the stop % for pulls with [GroupWatchStopPct] and you will stop pulling until they are above that setting.
  • Settings Used:

I keep pulling low level mobs, how do I fix this?

  • Answer:
 You probably have your [PullMinLevel] set too low, adjust it to the lowest level you want to pull.
  • Settings Used:

I don't like getting backstabbed when I pull, how do I fix this?

  • Answer:
 Enable [PullBackwards] and you will run back to camp facing the mob.
  • Settings Used:

Can I manually add a mob to the pull deny list?

  • Answer:
 You can add a mob to the [PullDenyList] and it will not be pulled.
  • Settings Used:

How do I make it so my puller doesn't pull in certain zones?

  • Answer:
 You can add a zone to the [PullSafeZones] and it will not pull in that zone. This list is found in /config/rgmercs/PCConfigs/Pull_<Server>_<Character>.lua
  • Settings Used:

How do I just Hunt then entire zone?

  • Answer:
 Enable [HuntFromPlayer] and you will scan from your current location after every pull, instead of the Hunt Starting Position.
  • Settings Used:

I keep pulling high level mobs, how do I fix this?

  • Answer:
 You probably have your [PullMaxLevel] set too high, adjust it to the highest level you want to pull.
  • Settings Used:

I keep forgetting to set myself as MA and Puller, how do I fix this?

  • Answer:
 Enable [AutoSetRoles] and you will be set as MA and Puller when you start pulls.
  • Settings Used:

I keep pulling mobs in the water and drowning, how do I fix this?

  • Answer:
 Disable [PullMobsInWater] and you will NOT pull mobs in the water.
  • Settings Used:

I can't seem to pull mobs on this ledge/hill/pit?

  • Answer:
 You can adjust the distance you pull on the Z axis with [PullZRadius].
  • Settings Used:

I want to adjust the distance I pull from, how do I do that?

  • Answer:
 You can adjust the distance you pull from with [PullRadius].
  • Settings Used:

I want to make sure my group is ready before I pull, how do I do that?

  • Answer:
 Select a different mode from the [GroupWatch] dropdown. Off = Don't check group members. Healers = Check Healers for Mana, HP, or Endurance. Everyone = Check Everyone for Mana, HP, or Endurance.
  • Settings Used:

I run out of spawns to pull in Hunt Mode, how do I fix this?

  • Answer:
 You can adjust the distance you pull from in Hunt Mode with [PullRadiusHunt].
  • Settings Used:

What are the different Pull Modes and how do I use them?

  • Answer:
 Select a different mode from the [PullMode] dropdown. Normal = Pull to Camp Location and attempt to pull 1 mob at a time. Chain = Pull to Camp Location and attempt to pull multiple mobs at a time. You can set the Number in [ChainCount] Hunt = Roam the Hunt Pull Radius moving to each mob to fight. Farm = Follow the Farm Path waypoints and kill at each stop. 
  • Settings Used:

I want to adjust the distance I pull from at the waypoint stops in Farm Mode, how do I do that?

  • Answer:
 You can adjust how far you pull from at the stops using the [PullRadiusFarm] setting.
  • Settings Used:

Con colors have to wide of a range, can I use levels instead?

  • Answer:
 Enable [UsePullLevels] and you will use Min and Max Levels instead of Con Colors.
  • Settings Used:

I keep trying to pull when I have half endurance. I don't want to run out, how do I fix this?

  • Answer:
 You can adjust the Endurance % for pulls with [PullEndPct] and you will not pull until you are above that setting.
  • Settings Used:

Why am I pulling Grey con mobs?

  • Answer:
 You probably have your [PullMinCon] set too low, adjust it to the lowest con you want to pull.
  • Settings Used:

I want to use a different ability to pull, how do I change it?

  • Answer:
 Select a different ability from the [PullAbility] dropdown.
  • Settings Used:

I keep trying to pull when I have half mana. I don't want to run out, how do I fix this?

  • Answer:
 You can adjust the Mana % for pulls with [PullManaPct] and you will not pull until you are above that setting.
  • Settings Used:

I keep trying to pull when I have half health. I don't want to die, how do I fix this?

  • Answer:
 You can adjust the HP % for pulls with [PullHPPct] and you will not pull until you are above that setting.
  • Settings Used:

How can I set a path for my characters to follow while farming?

  • Answer:
 You can set a path for your characters to follow while farming by adding waypoints to the [FarmWayPoints] list.
  • Settings Used:

I want to make sure my group has enough Endurance before I pull, how do I do that?

  • Answer:
 Enable [GroupWatchEnd] and you will check for Endurance on Group Members.
  • Settings Used:

Why am I not pulling Red con mobs?

  • Answer:
 You probably have your [PullMaxCon] set too low, adjust it to the highest con you want to pull.
  • Settings Used:

I keep stopping pulls while diseased or debuffed, how do I fix this?

  • Answer:
 Enable [PullDebuffed] and you will pull even if you are debuffed.
  • Settings Used: