RGMercs Lua Edition: FAQ - ROG Class

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RGMercs Lua Edition: FAQ - ROG Class

RGMercs Lua Edition: FAQ - ROG Class

What do the different Modes do?

  • Answer:
 Currently Rogues only have DPS mode, this may change in the future
  • Settings Used:

Why would I not want to click my epic item?

  • Answer:
 Enable [DoEpic] if you want to use the epic item.
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Why would I not want to use Openers?

  • Answer:
 Enable [DoOpener] if you want to use the opener ability.
  • Settings Used:

Can I specify the poison I want to use?

  • Answer:
 Yes you set your poison item by placing its name into the [PoisonName] field. You can drag and drop the poison item from your inventory into the field.
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Why would I not want to click my chest item?

  • Answer:
 Enable [DoChestClick] if you want to use the chest item.
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I want to use a clicky item to summon my poisons, how do I do that?

  • Answer:
 You can set your poison summoner by placing its name into the [PoisonClicky] field. You can drag and drop the poison summoner item from your inventory into the field.
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I am always summoning more poison, how can I make sure to summon enough the first time?

  • Answer:
 You can set the minimum number of poisons you want to have before summoning more by setting the [PoisonItemCount] field.
  • Settings Used:

How can I make sure to always be sneaking / hiding for maximum DPS?

  • Answer:
 Enable [DoHideSneak] if you want to use Hide/Sneak during Downtime. This will keep you ready to ambush or backstab at a moments notice.
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