RGMercs Lua Edition: FAQ - SHM Class

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RGMercs Lua Edition: FAQ - SHM Class

RGMercs Lua Edition: FAQ - SHM Class

I want to use more Magic DOTs, how do I do that?

  • Answer:
 Setting [DoMagicDot] to enabled will use Magic DOTs when available.
  • Settings Used:

I want to use more Diease Slows, how do I do that?

  • Answer:
 Setting [DoDieaseSlow] to enabled will use Diease Slow Spells when available.
  • Settings Used:

I want to use AE Slow, how do I do that?

  • Answer:
 Setting [DoAESlow] to enabled will use AE Slow Spells/AAs when available.
  • Settings Used:

I want to use Slow, how do I do that?

  • Answer:
 Setting [DoSlow] to enabled will use Slow Spells/AAs when available.
  • Settings Used:

I want to use more HOTs, how do I do that?

  • Answer:
 Setting [DoHOT] to enabled will use Heal Over Time Spells when available.
  • Settings Used:

I want to use AE Heal, how do I do that?

  • Answer:
 Setting [DoAESurge] to enabled will use AE Heal Spells/AAs when available.
  • Settings Used:

I want to use Canni AA, how do I do that?

  • Answer:
 Setting [DoAACanni] to enabled will use Canni AA during downtime.
  • Settings Used:

How do I configure my Canni Dance?

  • Answer:
 Setting [AACanniManaPct] to 70 will use Canni AA when you are below 70% mana.
  • Settings Used:

How do I configure my Canni Dance?

  • Answer:
 Setting [AACanniMinHP] to 70 will Stop using Canni AA when you are above 70% HP.
  • Settings Used:

I want to use Canni Spell, how do I do that?

  • Answer:
 Setting [DoSpellCanni] to enabled will use Canni Spell during downtime.
  • Settings Used:

How do I configure my Canni Dance?

  • Answer:
 Setting [SpellCanniManaPct] to 70 will use Canni Spell when you are below 70% mana.
  • Settings Used:

What do the different Modes Do?

  • Answer:
 Healer Mode will focus on Healing and Buffing the Group. Hybrid Mode will focus on DPS and Healing.
  • Settings Used:

How do I configure my Canni Dance?

  • Answer:
 Setting [SpellCanniMinHP] to 70 will Stop using Canni Spell when you are above 70% HP.
  • Settings Used:

I want to use Group Shrink, how do I do that?

  • Answer:
 Setting [DoGroupShrink] to enabled will use Group Shrink Buff when available.
  • Settings Used:

I want to use Heals while in DPS rotation, how do I do that?

  • Answer:
 Setting [DoHealDPS] to enabled will use Heals while in DPS rotation.
  • Settings Used:

I want to use Aura, how do I do that?

  • Answer:
 Setting [DoAura] to enabled will use Aura when available.
  • Settings Used:

I want to use TwinCast on my heals, how do I do that?

  • Answer:
 Setting [DoTwinHeal] to enabled will use Twin Heal Nukes when available.
  • Settings Used:

I want to use Haste, how do I do that?

  • Answer:
 Setting [DoHaste] to enabled will use Haste Spells/AAs when available.
  • Settings Used:

I want to use Run Speed, how do I do that?

  • Answer:
 Setting [DoRunSpeed] to enabled will use Run Speed Spells/AAs when available.
  • Settings Used:

I want to use Growth Buff, how do I do that?

  • Answer:
 Setting [DoGrowth] to enabled will use Growth Buff when available.
  • Settings Used:

I want to use Stat Buffs, how do I do that?

  • Answer:
 Setting [DoStatBuff] to enabled will use Stat Buffs when available.
  • Settings Used:

Why am I not casting AE Malo whenthere is a group of mobs in camp?

  • Answer:
 Setting [AEMaloCount] to 3 will start AE Maloing when there are 3 or more mobs in camp. Also make sure that you enabled [DoAEMalo]
  • Settings Used:

I want to use Malo, how do I do that?

  • Answer:
 Setting [DoMalo] to enabled will use Malo Spells/AAs when available.
  • Settings Used:

I want to Nuke more, how do I do that?

  • Answer:
 Setting [DoNuke] to enabled will use Nuke Spells when available.
  • Settings Used:

I want to use AE Malo, how do I do that?

  • Answer:
 Setting [DoAEMalo] to enabled will use AE Malo Spells/AAs when available.
  • Settings Used:

Why am I not casting AE slow whenthere is a group of mobs in camp?

  • Answer:
 Setting [AESlowCount] to 3 will start AE slowing when there are 3 or more mobs in camp. Also make sure that you enabled [DoAESlow]
  • Settings Used: