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- maor specific in our named check.
- Pullarc on UI window (puller tab).
- LevelMin on UI Window (puller tab).
- LevelMax on UI Window (puller tab).
- Corrected some groupbuff stuff where pets might get skipped/notskipped.
- Misc (read in chat's voice as "misk") stuff Fix't (also in chat's voice)).
- All classes can now turn on/off UseGlyph (oops).
- showsettings and help will now show the information for pullarc, minlevel, and maxlevel.
- All classes are no longer using Group Assist to determine if they should do tank things.
-- It's now based on their mode. So if you want to tank things, go to a tank mode. If you want to DPS
-- Go to an Assist mode.
- PullerTank will now face the direction the camp was set when waiting for valid spawns to pull.