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Resource icon

Utility XTarget Xtended v1.25

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[1.24] - 2024-10-28​


- Added description comment to top of init
(05cdf75) ~Lisie

Features ⛲

- Added Toggle and setting for AdvTooltip
(858f8d6) ~grimmier378


PR # [7](https://github.com/yb-f/xtargetx/pull/7): love
(a1d497e) ~Lisie
Tooltip love

Added Tooltip to the rows.
Got tired of not knowing the full name.

Script now closes when you camp
(254a3f4) ~grimmier378

Styling 🦋


added reload option to theme drop down.
this will reload them themez file without reloading the lua. handy after creating or editing your theme with ThemeZ to load on the fly.
(740725d) ~grimmier378


PR # [6](https://github.com/yb-f/xtargetx/pull/6):
(a0aea9b) ~Lisie

Bug Fixes 🐛


now properly saves and loads theme between loads.
fix for crashing when not in a group and accessing popup settings.
(2dbaff0) ~grimmier378


PR # [5](https://github.com/yb-f/xtargetx/pull/5):
(112fa74) ~Lisie

Features ⛲

- Integrated xFix function into functionality.
If you are already running xFix we do nothing.
If not we will clean up XTargets using the function from xFix.
(a9f955f) ~grimmier378


PR # [4](https://github.com/yb-f/xtargetx/pull/4):
(2eb1d61) ~Lisie

added combat check to xfix routine
(b28bb15) ~grimmier378

Features ⛲

- You can now click the table header to open the settings popup menu if you have nothing on xtarg list.
(83cc010) ~grimmier378


PR # [3](https://github.com/yb-f/xtargetx/pull/3):
(ba5e21a) ~Lisie

Bug Fixes 🐛

- Attempt to fix missing spawns compared to in-game xtarget window
(b15c90e) ~grimmier378


PR # [2](https://github.com/yb-f/xtargetx/pull/2):
(3caf2cb) ~Lisie

Styling 🦋

- ThemeZ Support.
(2fc1a2a) ~grimmier378


PR # [1](https://github.com/yb-f/xtargetx/pull/1):
(768bbb4) ~Lisie
--Added directional arrow column. Points to where the spawn is in relation to you.

--Color of directional arrow is the same as distance coloring.
--Updated wrong resource.