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IRL - if you were to start 6 classes to group today what would you start? (3 Viewers)

Was just about to start War / Clr / Enc / Brd / Bst / Mnk.

Returned to the game after skipping the last 20 years, did some TLP, but now jumping into live. It seems most people would go Shm/Ber vs the Clr/Enc, but I'm wondering if the extra stability of this group will be valuable on a true nothing to endgame type of run. I plan to explore a lot of this stuff I missed along the way.
If you are wanting to try a pet group with mages, Id suggest 2x MAG, NEC, BST, SHM, ENC.

Bounce the mobs between 2x mage pets and let the NEC pet DPS. BST pet as backup pet tank.

Ive tried this and it is quite fun and funny to watch.

There is something within EQ for bouncing a mob between pets and it sometimes equals less dmg ive seen.

I've given it a though before... a pet focused group. I just have a hard time giving up a true dedicated tank. Though I bet a good pet tank will do just as fine or better than an under geared / aa'd tank though. Plus you can jus spam summon them if needed.
I've given it a though before... a pet focused group. I just have a hard time giving up a true dedicated tank. Though I bet a good pet tank will do just as fine or better than an under geared / aa'd tank though. Plus you can jus spam summon them if needed.
I run some pet tanking groups and they do lack at times, namely multiple mobs and missions. You could always throw an SK in there since he brings a pet 😉
what makes SK > War and Pally?
Lots to unpack. I would start by saying any of the three are completely capable of anchoring a routine group in current content.
Both of the knight classes are better at holding the mobs attention, but the warrior can do it just fine too. The Warrior has higher hp and ac, given equivalent gear, and you can push yourself a little harder with a warrior. Not much but not zero. None of the three are going to get a great DPS, but the SK probably does the most unless you're fighting undead then the paladin can give bonkers deeps.
There is rarely any need for exotic pulling, just run up and bring the crowd back with you, but if there is occasion to split a camp then the sk is best at it, a pal can do it some with harmony but don't count on it much. a shadow knight can get snap aggro easier on a group because they have 'joo Pay attention to me now' ability that the other tanks lack. So ae tanking is a bit simpler on the sk, at least if you need snap aggro. A pal generates substantial threat on a group by healing. I personally have never found their area threat lacking, although they don't have the same tools to snap ae aggro as a sk.
A warrior has very little healing abilities, an SK is good at keeping themselves topped off, a paladin can heal the whole group.
Warriors are usually fugly ogres or trolls, SKS can be Some of the cute races, only Paladins can be a high elf though and they're my favorite. So QED.

TL;DR They aren't, play what you want
I have a war, shm, bst, monk, zer, brd currently and it’s disgusting. Though low key I miss my mages and I will probably roll a pal, shm, dru, mage, mage, Ench.
Was just about to start War / Clr / Enc / Brd / Bst / Mnk.

Returned to the game after skipping the last 20 years, did some TLP, but now jumping into live. It seems most people would go Shm/Ber vs the Clr/Enc, but I'm wondering if the extra stability of this group will be valuable on a true nothing to endgame type of run. I plan to explore a lot of this stuff I missed along the way.

Having the clr in the beginning while leveling is really nice, though once you get aa and gear on your tank you really don’t need a cleric anymore and a sham is preferable, though not by much, stuff will die so fast in melee groups that you really don’t gain a lot either way tbh.
I'd probably do something different and go paladin, druid, enchanter, bard, wiz, mage as a caster group. Just because i usually favor melee groups (love rogues and zerkers) it gives me something different
it depends, what am i trying to do and what do i like? I am not about making optimized groups except for raids. My favorite group was Warrior, Bard, Shaman, Cleric, Mage, Wizard. The synergy kinda sucks but there wasnt anything i couldnt do :P
I run Pal Sha Ench Mag Bst Dru mostly. Originally I put whatever flavor in slot 6 but ended up keeping the Druid. Druids are ez button for Quality of Life. I will always have one going forward.
One of my kids loves animals and asked if I could make a cat group. Wanted me to make 6 beast lords. Thought that might be a little absurd but I may give it a shot just for the fun of seeing all the cats :xd:

Sorry that both my contributions to this thread are not really helpful for what you're looking for. I just can't help myself. One of my favorite things to do in this game is humor groups :ohdear:
I'd probably do something different and go paladin, druid, enchanter, bard, wiz, mage as a caster group. Just because i usually favor melee groups (love rogues and zerkers) it gives me something different
Are you me? Lol

Not far off.
I think if I had to start a new one myself that wasn't that, I would go PLD/DRU/BRD/ENC/WIZ/MAG to try something a little different.

Spider man gif
I have three groups I currently run.


The warrior group is the easiest to not die with.
The shadow knight group has extreme burns.
The paladin group is my favorite to play though.
For my previous comment, of SK > War | Pally, it wasn't meaning that they are better / more efficient, simply I find more people use them or at least post about it.

Really just about any composition can work, as long as you have the key components.. something to take all the damage, something do heal all the damage, and people do do lots of damage.

I do plan on running a Pal | Shm | Brd | Monk | X | X group soon, not yet sure on the last two spots...
If you want an exotic type of group, and you dont mind custom coding your own routines with Lua, I recommend:

- 6 necros: survivability trough the room (FD, DA, self heals, etc), crowd control (root, short mez, etc) and tons of mana free dps (6 hasted pets). Super powerful.

- 4 enchanters + 2 clerics: endless crowd control and double-cleric reduntancy healing make it almost impossible to die, plus 4 charmed pets deliver as much DPS as you would ever need.

I am having tons of fun 6-boxing these types of exotic groups, coding my own routines to maximize their abilities.
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Hi Friends,
Been gone for awhile since they banned my mage in Jan. Also they still have my cleric on suspension. I tried to petition but no response. I am afraid to play my other accounts and have them banned too. Anyway I am going to start 6 new accounts and play from level 1. I just wanted your opinion on which 6 classes you would start today if you had to.


I was thinking of what 6 characters would have good synergy for the class specific spells that when a set number of spells or damage is done like 2-3 million damage is dealt
for instance 3 enchanter and 3 mages the chanters can rotate ae stun and nukes to proc their spell and the mages do their nukes while all the pets beat them down the mages have aa/spells to make ALL pets get healed when they cast DD spells chanters have nuke buffs auras and buffs that increase crit dmg etc basically if you farm the right zones and don't pull unstunnable mobs you can kill several at a time and when you get a named just use the pets to tank and when the pet gets low just trigger that pets divine aura for 18 sec while another pet gets agro
all the healing is focused on pets but maybe have an out of group healer or use chanter runes? i dont know how many players of each class you need to trigger the high damage proc but if you only need 2 you could do 2/2/2 chanter/mage/druid all doing stun/nuke/rain/beam or whatever they need to trigger their proc spell and the druids can spot heal maybe?

Has anyone thought of awesome combos even if it is specialized for specific areas; like only for elemental or undead zones to maximize class specialties?
I have three groups I currently run.


The warrior group is the easiest to not die with.
The shadow knight group has extreme burns.
The paladin group is my favorite to play though.
Ogre war and 2 sexy dark elves females, 2 gnome shorties, and a half elf hottie to keep the other 4 in the rotation in check.

Guildname…Ogre Orgies Inc
So question for you all. For the people NOT running a Bard in the group game, how is it moving toons around zones? I've always had a Bard in my group, and I love being able to have double invis and speed buff and never really have to worry about mobs seeing me. I'm curious how non Bard groups move around etc. Is it worth dropping bards in today's group games for another dps toon, or are they still valuable?
So question for you all. For the people NOT running a Bard in the group game, how is it moving toons around zones? I've always had a Bard in my group, and I love being able to have double invis and speed buff and never really have to worry about mobs seeing me. I'm curious how non Bard groups move around etc. Is it worth dropping bards in today's group games for another dps toon, or are they still valuable?
Bards ADPS is hard to match in MOST groups. Moving around is fine, rarely will i make a group without a invis/lev for the shitty melees..
IRL - if you were to start 6 classes to group today what would you start?

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