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IRL - if you were to start 6 classes to group today what would you start? (1 Viewer)

So question for you all. For the people NOT running a Bard in the group game, how is it moving toons around zones? I've always had a Bard in my group, and I love being able to have double invis and speed buff and never really have to worry about mobs seeing me. I'm curious how non Bard groups move around etc. Is it worth dropping bards in today's group games for another dps toon, or are they still valuable?
Pocket mage and rog
1. Rog stabs mage untill dead
2. Rog drags bloody corpse
3. Rog healer Merc revive mage
4. Mage coth group

I feel like I've done this enough that I should just make a script already :woop:

BRD with ENC on same account

BER with MAG + NEC on the same a/c
BER with MAG + NEC on the same a/c

level all of them gear all of them swap in or out as needed
I have a buddy who runs

he buzz saws through everything.
I only have one big rog and a small rogue that just got banned but i remember when making poisons that there were some that seemed to imply that they work together with other rogues poisons. something about when 1 rog procs his type of poison the next type will trigger then back and forth doing massive damage they were really expensive to make so i didn't bother looking into it much but I bet with the Poisonous Alliance type spells too they could shred mobs and whenever they take more that 50% damage they just duck out of combat and drop to the bottom of the hate list so the mob always stays on the tank if he cant out damage the rogues.

Sounds like an awesome group you don't need crowd control because you can have multiple smoke screens to weed the pulls to only what you want and the shd can FD pull as well.
I Like Swimsuit GIF by MOODMAN
If I were only ever going to flip instances, I would run SK, SHM, Bard, ROG, ROG, BST

But If I were interested in playing in open zones, particularly modern content, I would run this.
I do run this most of the time swapping ENC for Bard at times and MAG or WIS for a Necromancer, Druid or Ranger if one of those I have stabled needs levels or AA enough to overcome my laziness.
Glad to read your post as I am beginning to roll out another caster team, except I’m gonna be using a pal instead of sk for in combat Rez, what version of the swaps you spoke of do you find the best? So far I was think pal, sham, mage, mage, ench, dru or bard.
The resemblance is uncanny
Revisiting this!
I made the group (PAL DRU BRD ENC MAG WIZ for other's reference). Only at 110 but very solid so far. That wizard claps! I doubt its quite as much damage outside of burns as my normal group, but having the enchanter definitely reduced the ohshit moments along the way when fighting above my weight class (only PLed to 75/80ish). On the burns, not that it is some claim to fame, but as a maiden voyage on hitting 110 they just did Griklor on the first shot without him making it back into the air, with everyone but the PLD in conflag and a mix of some jewelry i farmed up from VP (PLD has Snowsquall and some other CoV pieces).
If I were to start over perse then I would still do the following:

Holy Trinity - SHD, SHM, BRD
Melee group - BST/MNK, BER, ROG
Caster group - MAG, NEC, WIZ
Pocket CLR/ENC for buffs.
Hi Friends,
Been gone for awhile since they banned my mage in Jan. Also they still have my cleric on suspension. I tried to petition but no response. I am afraid to play my other accounts and have them banned too. Anyway I am going to start 6 new accounts and play from level 1. I just wanted your opinion on which 6 classes you would start today if you had to.


Not a min/max setup, but surprizingly agail.

Plus it's ability to go on full burn in seconds is quite impressive.
Pally, Bard, Shaman, Rogue, Monk, and Zerker my all time favorite group..
would love to try a caster group tho. Mage, Necro, Wizard, Bard, Enchanter, Druid. just never got it to work.
I have both but what makes SK > War and Pally?
SK is probably the most OP class in EQ, especially for group content.

But, warriors are the best tank in the game. There are grouoable named mobs that SK's can't tank. Not many, one or two per expansion at most, it even that.

But, warriors rule the roost for pure hatred generation. Once I lock aggro, it's impossible for a group member to get aggro.


Warriors are very much dependent on gear, quests and AA to be able to do that. So I don't generally recommend multi boxers to play a warrior unless they want to main a warrior. It's a labor of love, but if you do it, you'll be swaggering across PoK with a big smile.

Also, warriors are nearly a wet noodle for hate generation at the lower levels. One of the reasons I recomend Shadow Knights for casual players.
Hi Friends,
Been gone for awhile since they banned my mage in Jan. Also they still have my cleric on suspension. I tried to petition but no response. I am afraid to play my other accounts and have them banned too. Anyway I am going to start 6 new accounts and play from level 1. I just wanted your opinion on which 6 classes you would start today if you had to.

This round... try not to make it so obvious... sit like 2 toons to soak exp., have a tank, puller, healer, and slower.... all thats needed. rest are just extra.... go to zones that people dont go to.... run your MQ2 at night... Away from people... and questing area's... dont auto run missions... have them in different guilds to make it less obvious.... and dont run them all at a time past people. i see it everyday and facepalm at the carelessness it blows my mind... just keep your head down and out of the way so your not bothering people. use a mage to summon all your toons around places and only use 3 toons and a campfire to port the rest...

i cannot stress enough how Obvious it is to spot an MQ2 player... its almost like people dont care about it, so its no surprise that people get banned on a low population server's with no real rules....

i hope this helps some... 15+ years 5 boxing with MQ - here on same server not One single issue with suspension or bans....

also dont get into fights via tell even if they are in the wrong... it takes 1 report to stop your fun. as long as you follow the above you will not run into that issue again.

Hope this helps and wish more people took hiding MQ2 more serious. I Wish you All the luck in the world my friend.

PS. dont use more then 1 melee toon, i use my puller to get mobs, and let mage pet tank, they can take on even nameds in newest content. 2+ melee toons are Way to obvious and can be spotted miles away... use shrink also and set up in places when you can like in caves so players need to really go to you... to watch you. most others just do it in the open. go afk while there bot runs and that ruins the gameplay for everyone so its obvious to see, and get reported once.
Okay so

3 Rezzers 2 Clicky Rez sticks, 3 Pet tanks if I need them. 3 pet swarms. And An Epic Bard making it all happen faster. Mez if I need it.
Pocket mage and rog
1. Rog stabs mage untill dead
2. Rog drags bloody corpse
3. Rog healer Merc revive mage
4. Mage coth group

I feel like I've done this enough that I should just make a script already :woop:
It's rough ride, but monks can get through most of the worst scenarios, as far as going through killing zones.

FD & flop. Worse case scenario, it just takes a long time. Boots of the Rocketeer can be handy too.
DPS Wise How much of a difference is a Rog to a Zerker? Never really parsed it out.

My Typical group layout is SK/SHM/BRD/Zerk/Zerk/Bst
rogues had a huge boost with the mob type consolidation - lots more backstab-able mobs --- but not everything is backstab-able, where the zerk shines

i've been running sk, shm, brd, ber, rog, bst this xpac and i really like it
rogues had a huge boost with the mob type consolidation - lots more backstab-able mobs --- but not everything is backstab-able, where the zerk shines

i've been running sk, shm, brd, ber, rog, bst this xpac and i really like it
ok! Ill have to give that a shot
Latest 6 man I took from 1 to 125 was
Pal, Druid, Chanter, Mage, Bst, Necro

Paly didn't feel as easy as SK.... but still didn't have any issues with any group content from 1 to 125 and currently use em to farm gear for alts and friends in missions.
I’ve switched to Druid for caster team this year, with SK I have no issues but nice ADPs with my Wiz
I use druid in my caster group on raids, just cant rely on them to heal a tank. They're great for hours and then suddenly let the tank die horrifically. Just never been a fan of using them as a healer.
I’m pretty excited to try the cwtn pally as a tank spinning one up now, one of my good friends has a group geared one he prefers over the other tanks. Think my group will be pal, sham, mage, mage, bard, ench.
New answer based on playing as 100% manual alt-tabber:
  • WAR + melee dps merc
  • CLR + melee dps merc
  • ENC+ melee dps merc
WAR bow pulls, ENC and CLR sit until I need to tab to them to do something, set WAR to Main Assist, set mercs to aggressive.

Yes, there are combos with better utility were I still doing bad 3rd party things, but for the manual playstyle, I took biggest tank with fewest buttons, biggest CC with easiest buttons (and ability to guarantee 1-2 pulls in worst cases) and biggest heals with fewest buttons. And all employ a DPS merc because I just need to make mobs die faster, and melee DPS mercs require the least amount of attention for the DPS return.
New answer based on playing as 100% manual alt-tabber:
  • WAR + melee dps merc
  • CLR + melee dps merc
  • ENC+ melee dps merc
WAR bow pulls, ENC and CLR sit until I need to tab to them to do something, set WAR to Main Assist, set mercs to aggressive.

Yes, there are combos with better utility were I still doing bad 3rd party things, but for the manual playstyle, I took biggest tank with fewest buttons, biggest CC with easiest buttons (and ability to guarantee 1-2 pulls in worst cases) and biggest heals with fewest buttons. And all employ a DPS merc because I just need to make mobs die faster, and melee DPS mercs require the least amount of attention for the DPS return.
I've been running my ENC, SHM, CLR, DRU, MAG, ROG as a 6 box since I restarted after 17 years, but I've been thinking of switching to manually running them as 2 sets of 3 + mercs like that.

ENC (heal merc) + DRU (heal merc) + CLR (tank merc).
SHM (tank merc) + MAG (heal merc) + ROG (heal merc).

My ENC is absolutely 💯 a bad-ass puller, his pet can tank like nobody's business with Empowered Minion Rk. II (even on most named) and the DRU has those insta-cast DPS AAs that really bring the pain, not to mention the 2nd best damage shields in the game and Husk of the Reptile. CLR rounds things out with heals and Orsif's Retort on his tank merc helps a lot.

SHM buffs/slows/haste/heal/etc. plus his tank merc to hold aggro while the ROG backstabs, MAG pet is a beast and a half with his Earring + pet gear, and most of the healing is done by the mercs so I can concentrate on positioning the ROG.

Haven't tried it yet, since the ENC and MAG caught a 7-day suspension, but I intend to give it a whirl when they take off the dunce cap and leave detention. Meanwhile I'm working on my Rogue's Epics since I've got some downtime. Magician's will be next, but again, detentions gotta let him go first. So, lots to do and try! Meanwhile, I have zero intention of abandoning RG; if you enjoy doing something, use it 'til you lose it is my motto. Life's too short.
Hi Friends,
Been gone for awhile since they banned my mage in Jan. Also they still have my cleric on suspension. I tried to petition but no response. I am afraid to play my other accounts and have them banned too. Anyway I am going to start 6 new accounts and play from level 1. I just wanted your opinion on which 6 classes you would start today if you had to.

I just started a second caster group War, Cl, Chanter, wiz wiz mage....i like the coth on mage and the porting of wiz
shd, shm, brd, rog, ber, bst

This, but if not a beastlord then I'd go ranger, and if I didn't do SK then I'd do paladin (double ress is a nice QoL feature, if sham goes down it's not a party wipe).
Also, monks are in a really good spot in life, and dropping the rogue for one isn't a terrible idea.
It just boils down to tank, healer, CC, DPSx3. If there's slow and haste in there, it makes a big difference.

I find that I really like pet groups. And the Paladin's rez just adds a lot of robustness to a group. And ports are convenient.


If it weren't for the mana issues on a druid, I might let a druid take on the heals and ports, since the enc has the slow, and go with
pal, dru, enc, bst, mag, mag

If you like melee, then it's going to look something like Sic's suggestion of shd, shm, brd, rog, ber, bst.
If you like specialisation (or raiding) you might go with war, clr, brd, rog, ber, bst
My current group is Shd, Shm, Brd, Bst, Monk, Rogue. Absolutely love it. I'm not certain why but i have an aversion to zerkers. I don't mind grouping with one, but the idea of making one just doesn't sit with me. I'll post my DPS numbers at some point if people want to see it.
I just started a persona group that is exactly this.

Before that it was shd / shm / brd / mag x3.

I've rolled like, 4? berserkers over the years and zero mnk/rog. Monks were in the dumpster for soooo long I feel like I should play one while they're really good.
If I started today and was boxing:

1. Shadow Knight (hands down best group tank, solid puller);
2. Shaman (great melee ADPS, great heals, solid dps, and some crowd control, get the rez stick);
3. Bard (pulling, crowd control, dps, ADPS)
4. Rogue (modern day well-geared and AA'd rogue is a buzz saw and fun to play, plus SoS is sweet for exploring).

I don't think the above are going to be particularly controversial. You can now plug in almost any other classes. But I'm lazy and I'd be boxing, so for my next two choices,

5. Mage (COTH is the bomb if you're boxing); and
6. Wizard (insane DPs and ports).

You can definitely put together a group that does more DPS. But this is for a group that's not just grinding. It's for exploring a new expansion, hitting up different areas. It has no weak areas. It's a solid group for any content, and with ports and COTH, your play is easier.
Been playing around with 3 groups at lvl 115-118 atm running around in TOL.

First Group: War, Clr, Brd, Rng, Mnk, Bst
Second Group: Sk, Shm, Brd, Bst, Rog, Ber
Third Group: Pal, Shm, Wiz, Mag, Nec, Enc (sometimes switch in bard).

War group is a little low on DPS compared to the other two. Probably could increase the DPS if I swap Shm for Clr, but I wanted to keep a higher lvl Clr geared/AAed.

Haven't had much experience with PAL since PoP days but starting to enjoy his tanking and playstyle.
Still unsure if Enc brings more to the table than the Brd. I'm very biased bc of selos.....

Each of these groups have their own ups and downs, just depends on your playstyle.

If I had to choose only 6 classes, I would go with Pal, Shm, Brd, Bst, Rog, Mag.
Probably not the highest DPS group but pretty well rounded. Melee and caster dps, in combat rez, and mez.
IRL - if you were to start 6 classes to group today what would you start?

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