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Plugin - MQ2Events (1 Viewer)

I am hoping someone here has a solution for me. I cannot get the mq2events Ini file to work.
Things I know as facts.

1) I used .ini from another source, I am 100% is a (.ini file) windows call it out a configuration file, and the extension is (.ini) not a txt file.
2) I can load it by using the command line >> /event load and it says reloading and stays like that reloading.
3) I can enable it by using the command line >> /event on and it says enable and stays enable.
4) The file is located in the release folder and the name is >> MQ2Events_toonName.ini file
5) Using the command line >> /event list or events list doesn't do anything.

I created and used different .ini files just in case my file was corrupt. I am trying to use this code.
Replace the word me with my toonName. All my toons are on kissassist.

trigger=#1#The ice encrusted Avatar of War shouts that |${Me}| must bend the knee!#2#
command=/if (!${Me.Ducking}) /multiline ; /mqp on; /stopcast; /keypress ESC; /keypress x

trigger=#1#The Avatar of War nods, accepting the subservience of those that gave it#2#
command=/if (${Me.Ducking}) /multiline ; /mqp off; /keypress x

I made macros hottbutton (bct command) using /mqpause on ; /keypress x ; /pause 60 ; mqpause off ; /keypress x
This works, but it is manual, and I have to pay attention to it. I am work and had to write this up from memory, lol.

I hope I was clear and someone can help me with this.
I am hoping someone here has a solution for me. I cannot get the mq2events Ini file to work.
Things I know as facts.

1) I used .ini from another source, I am 100% is a (.ini file) windows call it out a configuration file, and the extension is (.ini) not a txt file.
2) I can load it by using the command line >> /event load and it says reloading and stays like that reloading.
3) I can enable it by using the command line >> /event on and it says enable and stays enable.
4) The file is located in the release folder and the name is >> MQ2Events_toonName.ini file
5) Using the command line >> /event list or events list doesn't do anything.

I created and used different .ini files just in case my file was corrupt. I am trying to use this code.
Replace the word me with my toonName. All my toons are on kissassist.

trigger=#1#The ice encrusted Avatar of War shouts that |${Me}| must bend the knee!#2#
command=/if (!${Me.Ducking}) /multiline ; /mqp on; /stopcast; /keypress ESC; /keypress x

trigger=#1#The Avatar of War nods, accepting the subservience of those that gave it#2#
command=/if (${Me.Ducking}) /multiline ; /mqp off; /keypress x

I made macros hottbutton (bct command) using /mqpause on ; /keypress x ; /pause 60 ; mqpause off ; /keypress x
This works, but it is manual, and I have to pay attention to it. I am work and had to write this up from memory, lol.

I hope I was clear and someone can help me with this.
try creating a trigger from ingame, see if it ends up in the ini file

/event settrigger <name> <trigger text>
I am hoping someone here has a solution for me. I cannot get the mq2events Ini file to work.
Things I know as facts.

1) I used .ini from another source, I am 100% is a (.ini file) windows call it out a configuration file, and the extension is (.ini) not a txt file.
2) I can load it by using the command line >> /event load and it says reloading and stays like that reloading.
3) I can enable it by using the command line >> /event on and it says enable and stays enable.
4) The file is located in the release folder and the name is >> MQ2Events_toonName.ini file
5) Using the command line >> /event list or events list doesn't do anything.

I created and used different .ini files just in case my file was corrupt. I am trying to use this code.
Replace the word me with my toonName. All my toons are on kissassist.

trigger=#1#The ice encrusted Avatar of War shouts that |${Me}| must bend the knee!#2#
command=/if (!${Me.Ducking}) /multiline ; /mqp on; /stopcast; /keypress ESC; /keypress x

trigger=#1#The Avatar of War nods, accepting the subservience of those that gave it#2#
command=/if (${Me.Ducking}) /multiline ; /mqp off; /keypress x

I made macros hottbutton (bct command) using /mqpause on ; /keypress x ; /pause 60 ; mqpause off ; /keypress x
This works, but it is manual, and I have to pay attention to it. I am work and had to write this up from memory, lol.

I hope I was clear and someone can help me with this.
do you have a generic mq2events.ini file? if so and don't plan on populating that, might want to remove it. It should only use the generic one if your character's specific name one doesn't exist - but it might be worth checking. And/Or you might want to just /plugin mq2events unload followed by a /plugin mq2events load while in game. if for some reason it wasn't getting your character information when it was trying to load, it would load the generic file

also if your toon is named "Bilbo" you need MQ2Events_Bilbo.ini having the B proper case is important

sounds like you went through the regular stuff i suggest like the .ini and not .ini.ini or .ini.txt

the fact that /event list doesn't do anything means *something* is wrong

I would also check that you're putting your file in the release folder that you think you are. I help a lot of folks who accidentally end up with 2 mq2 installation locations and will be editing stuff in an incorrect location pulling their hair out trying to figure out why something isn't changing.
trigger=#1#The ice encrusted Avatar of War shouts that |${Me}| must bend the knee!#2#
command=/if (!${Me.Ducking}) /multiline ; /mqp on; /stopcast; /keypress ESC; /keypress x

trigger=#1#The Avatar of War nods, accepting the subservience of those that gave it#2#
command=/if (${Me.Ducking}) /multiline ; /mqp off; /keypress x
First off, do not use #1# or #2# if you don't plan on using those variables in the command line. #1# takes the text saves it as a string to be manipulated later, if that is what you want. Since you're not doing any of that, just use #*# at the beginning and end of the trigger= line

Use |${Me.CleanName}| instead of using your actual character name wherever possible.

Use /keypress duck instead of /keypress x

The trigger line can be shortened, you don't have to search for the entire text of the emote. Searching for just enough to match will suffice. My trigger for this event is:
trigger=#*#that |${Me.CleanName}| must bend the#*#

Consider adding a Zone.ID check to the command line. Since you will never use this outside of the Kael in ToV, you can add ${Zone.ID}==829 to the /if statement. You can check the Zone.ID of your current zone by typing /echo ${Zone.ID}

Your [stand] trigger is slightly different from mine and IDK if it makes a difference. You should definitely verify that the Event Messages filter text from the EQ client is matching exactly as what is in your .ini file. If you don't have Event Messages filtered out to a window that you can easily see it, you should do that.
trigger=#*#Avatar of War nods, accepting the subservience of those that gave#*#
command=/if (${Zone.ID}==829 && ${Me.Ducking}) /multiline ; /stand; /mqp off
The extra "The" and "it" that you have may not be in the actual text of the emote
Ok, I see the events now using /event list

What is the proper sequence to get this to work?

1) /plugin mq2events load
2) /event load
3) /event on
4) /event list This works now. I see both triggers now.

To check if the char is ducking, I just need to /say (must bend the) The toon should duck, correct?
Right now saying /say (must bend the) does nothing.
This is the new code, so to be clear I do not need to use my real Toon name inside the ini file?

trigger=#*#that |${Me.CleanName}| must bend the#*#
command=/if (!${Me.CleanName}) /multiline ; /mqp on; /stopcast; /keypress ESC; /keypress duck

trigger=#*#The Avatar of War nods, accepting the subservience of those that gave it#*#
command=/if (${Me.CleanName}) /multiline ; /mqp off; /keypress duck
Last edited:
You would do "that <toon name> must bend the" so "That Overtimer must bend the"

Change these:

command=/if (!${Me.CleanName}) /multiline ; /mqp on; /stopcast; /keypress ESC; /keypress duck

What that is saying is /if <not my name> do these commands. You'll super die because that will always fail.

You want it to be /if (!${Me.Ducking}) - This is saying if I'm not ducking then do these commands.

command=/if (${Me.CleanName}) /multiline ; /mqp off; /keypress duck

Same thing here. You are doing /if <my name> You want /if (${Me.Ducking}) then do these commands, so that it's saying if I'm ducking do these commands. The way it is now all your other toons using the same line would duck.
I guess (!) means not equal. I got it, wow thanks.

Yes, it works now, lol. Thank you.

This works with Kissassist.

trigger=#*#that |${Me.CleanName}| must bend the#*#
command=/if (${Zone.ID}==829 && !${Me.Ducking}) /multiline ; /mqp on; /stopcast; /keypress ESC; /keypress duck

trigger=#*#The Avatar of War nods, accepting the subservience of those that gave it#*#
command=/if (${Zone.ID}==829 && ${Me.Ducking}) /multiline ; /mqp off; /keypress duck

Commands I got from you guys. I hope anyone here looking for help.
/plugin mq2events unload
/plugin mq2events load
/event list >>>>>>>>>The differant events you have running.
/event load >>>>>>>>> Load the program, seems like you do not need to do this if you change the program live.
/event on >>>>>>>>> Enable the program.
/echo ${Zone.ID} >>>>>>>>>>> Tells you the current zone you are in.


  • MQ2Events_Yourname.ini
    357 bytes · Views: 42
For the Raid version of this fight, it lists 3 names to duck;
The ice-encrusted Avatar of War shouts that each of these must bend the knee: {name}, {name}, and {name}
How would that change the trigger? Would you put |${Me.CleanName}| in for all 3 names, or is there a catch-all syntax to use?

Additionally, there are two other mechanics for the raid that I am unsure how to handle.
First is a bandolier swap. The trigger phrase is The rage of Rallos Zek channels through his avatar into {name}
The issue is that it can list anywhere from one to about 20 names, depending on fight length. So is there a way to match the character name to any of the names (like a catch-all that I mentioned earlier)?
*Side question, is there anything in a normal KissAssist that would switch a bandolier back to its default? The reason I ask is because for this emote, you have to switch to an empty bandolier (no prim/sec/range/ammo) and idk if the KA will auto-swap me back to whatever it was when I started the KA.
If there is nothing in KA that effects it, the trigger I would suspect would just be a simple command=/bandolier activate empty
Then I would need 2 triggers to switch back right? One for success Nobody succumbed to the rage and one for failure The rage overtakes and they would both have command=/bandolier activate main

The other mechanic is a simple run out that should be |trigger=#*#${Me.CleanName}| is targeted by an archer as it ignites its arrow#*# and I plan to have command=/multiline ; /boxr pause; /nav loc x y z
The issue is that many arrows go out and I don't want to overlap. Is there a way to specify to run out and stay > 100 range from anyone for ~18 seconds?

For the Raid version of this fight, it lists 3 names to duck;
The ice-encrusted Avatar of War shouts that each of these must bend the knee: {name}, {name}, and {name}
How would that change the trigger? Would you put |${Me.CleanName}| in for all 3 names, or is there a catch-all syntax to use?

Additionally, there are two other mechanics for the raid that I am unsure how to handle.
First is a bandolier swap. The trigger phrase is The rage of Rallos Zek channels through his avatar into {name}
The issue is that it can list anywhere from one to about 20 names, depending on fight length. So is there a way to match the character name to any of the names (like a catch-all that I mentioned earlier)?
*Side question, is there anything in a normal KissAssist that would switch a bandolier back to its default? The reason I ask is because for this emote, you have to switch to an empty bandolier (no prim/sec/range/ammo) and idk if the KA will auto-swap me back to whatever it was when I started the KA.
If there is nothing in KA that effects it, the trigger I would suspect would just be a simple command=/bandolier activate empty
Then I would need 2 triggers to switch back right? One for success Nobody succumbed to the rage and one for failure The rage overtakes and they would both have command=/bandolier activate main

Addressing the first two parts of your question. These work for me.

[Kael 2 Raid 2]
trigger=#*#The Avatar of War insists on your reverence#*#
command=/if (!${Me.Ducking}) /multiline ; /boxr pause; /target clear; /attack off; /keypress DUCK
[Kael AoW Stand]
trigger=#*#The Avatar of War nods, accepting the subservience of those that gave it#*#
command=/if (${Me.Ducking}) /multiline ; /keypress DUCK; /boxr unpause
[Kael 2 Raid 3]
trigger=#*#The rage of Rallos Zek channels through his avatar #1#|${Me.CleanName}|#*#
command=/bandolier activate Empty
[Kael 2 Raid 4]
trigger=#*#You feel the urge to become enraged pass#*#
command=/bandolier activate 1HB

In a raid, the trigger to duck is sent directly to the character and doesn't require matching a name. For the Bandolier, I created an empty spot (called Empty) and activate it when triggered. The follow trigger activates the normal slot.
Addressing the first two parts of your question. These work for me.

[Kael 2 Raid 2]
trigger=#*#The Avatar of War insists on your reverence#*#
command=/if (!${Me.Ducking}) /multiline ; /boxr pause; /target clear; /attack off; /keypress DUCK
[Kael AoW Stand]
trigger=#*#The Avatar of War nods, accepting the subservience of those that gave it#*#
command=/if (${Me.Ducking}) /multiline ; /keypress DUCK; /boxr unpause
[Kael 2 Raid 3]
trigger=#*#The rage of Rallos Zek channels through his avatar #1#|${Me.CleanName}|#*#
command=/bandolier activate Empty
[Kael 2 Raid 4]
trigger=#*#You feel the urge to become enraged pass#*#
command=/bandolier activate 1HB

In a raid, the trigger to duck is sent directly to the character and doesn't require matching a name. For the Bandolier, I created an empty spot (called Empty) and activate it when triggered. The follow trigger activates the normal slot.

Thanks, you reminded me that I have the GINA set up the same way for the duck. Is there a reason people are clearing the target on the duck?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but what I'm seeing is that you must download the following files and I expect these need to be compiled for our use to have a working plugin.
I just want to make sure I'm not missing something here.

you have mq2events.dll in your VV install - unless you're trying to self compile
Asking this in here since I'm starting from an MQ2Events perspective to solve this, but I realize this may not be the correct approach.

What's the best way to handle different actions for the same emote under different conditions? Is there even a way?

My first thought was something like

[Move It 1]
trigger=#*#Big Bad Mob demands everyone must move!#*#
condition=/if (condition 1) /nav locyxz 40 10 3

[Move It 2]
trigger=#*#Big Bad Mob demands everyone must move!#*#
condition=/if (condition 2) /nav locyxz -10 -40 3

But testing shows only the last trigger happens. Even messing with the triggers to make them different (such as removing "ve!" from the first) didn't get both to evaluate.
Not sure how it works, but have you tried anything like.
trigger=#*#Big Bad Mob demands everyone must move!#*#
condition=/if (condition 1) /nav locyxz 40 10 3
condition2=/if (condition2) /nav locxyz 30 20 3


trigger=#*#Big Bad Mob demands everyone must move!#*#
condition=/if (condition 1) /nav locyxz 40 10 3 || /if (condition 2) /nav locxyz 30 20 3
Just a thought, perhaps just ping pong the characters?

command=/multiline ; /nav locyxz 40 10 3 ; /timed 1000 /nav locyxz -10 -40 3

It's not that a character will need to move to both off the same emote. Just that the emote will happen periodically (non-deterministically) and based on conditions happening at the moment of a particular emote, I'd like to move characters to the various locations as appropriate. This would be straightfoward if I could define a sub in the Events.ini and just point the command to that (but something like that would be useful in more than just Events).
Is it possible to do an 'else' in the command? I basically have an event that does:

command=/if ((${Select[${Me.Class.ShortName},SHM,DRU,CLR]} > 0) && (${Me.AltAbilityReady[257]} || ${Me.AltAbilityReady[255]} || ${Me.AltAbilityReady[321]})) /rs Ward is READY! CR-${Me.AltAbilityReady[Celestial Regeneration]}

but what I really want to do is something like:

command=/if ((${Select[${Me.Class.ShortName},SHM,DRU,CLR]} > 0) && (${Me.AltAbilityReady[257]} || ${Me.AltAbilityReady[255]} || ${Me.AltAbilityReady[321]})) /rs Ward is READY! CR-${Me.AltAbilityReady[Celestial Regeneration]} ELSE /rs Ward is DOWN! CR-${Me.AltAbilityReady[Celestial Regeneration]}

But of course the output is

You can use the TLO form of If to accomplish what you want.
Can you elaborate? From the docs:

string If[conditions,whentrue,whenfalse]

access to type(s): string

Performs Math.Calculate on conditions, gives whentrue if non-zero, gives whenfalse if zero

/docommand ${If[${Me.Sitting},/stand,/echo I am not sitting down]}
If I am sitting, stand up, Otherwise echo I am not sitting down

/docommand ${If[${Me.CurrentHP}<50,/cast "Gate",/goto :Continue]}
If my hp percent is below 50 cast the Gate spell, otherwise goto the Continue label

But I tried just

command=${If[${Me.Sitting},/stand,/echo I am not sitting down]}

and it doesn't do anything. Do you have an example?
Can you elaborate? From the docs:

string If[conditions,whentrue,whenfalse]

access to type(s): string

Performs Math.Calculate on conditions, gives whentrue if non-zero, gives whenfalse if zero

/docommand ${If[${Me.Sitting},/stand,/echo I am not sitting down]}
If I am sitting, stand up, Otherwise echo I am not sitting down

/docommand ${If[${Me.CurrentHP}<50,/cast "Gate",/goto :Continue]}
If my hp percent is below 50 cast the Gate spell, otherwise goto the Continue label

But I tried just

command=${If[${Me.Sitting},/stand,/echo I am not sitting down]}

and it doesn't do anything. Do you have an example?
your command would be something like command=/if (condition) ${If[${Me.Sitting}, /stand, /echo I am not sitting down]}

this would be (if my condition is met, then do something "a" if i am sitting, or something "b" if i am not sitting)

or if you wanted it to just execute the if portion you would use the /docommand like:

command=/docommand ${If[${Me.Sitting}, /stand, /echo I am not sitting down]}

the docommand lets the other stuff resolve the ${If and then it would use the result to "do the command" "/stand" or "/echo whatever"
your command would be something like command=/if (condition) ${If[${Me.Sitting}, /stand, /echo I am not sitting down]}

this would be (if my condition is met, then do something "a" if i am sitting, or something "b" if i am not sitting)

or if you wanted it to just execute the if portion you would use the /docommand like:

command=/docommand ${If[${Me.Sitting}, /stand, /echo I am not sitting down]}

the docommand lets the other stuff resolve the ${If and then it would use the result to "do the command" "/stand" or "/echo whatever"

I tried command=/docommand ${If[${Me.Sitting}, /stand, /echo I am not sitting down]} and it did nothing.

I also tried command=/if ${Me.Sitting} If[${Me.AltAbilityReady[Exquisite Benediction]},/stand,/echo I am not sitting down]} (I am sitting) and it didn't do anything.

I verified that my event was firing by changing to something simple like

command=/chat #ssheals ${Me.AltAbilityReady[Exquisite Benediction]} and it output TRUE
/if (condition)

you have to have ( and ) around an if statement

you can test any of thes just by using the slash command in eq/mq window

if you did :
/if ${Me.Sitting} If[${Me.AltAbilityReady[Exquisite Benediction]},/stand,/echo I am not sitting down]}
it would tell you that you are missing the ( ) around the condition.

you can just put this in your eq/mq2 window to test
/docommand ${If[${Me.Sitting}, /stand, /echo I am not sitting down]}
or with a condition (this just says if i have a name then evaluate the ${If
/if (${Me.Name}) /docommand ${If[${Me.Sitting}, /stand, /echo I am not sitting down]}
/if (condition)

you have to have ( and ) around an if statement

you can test any of thes just by using the slash command in eq/mq window

if you did :
/if ${Me.Sitting} If[${Me.AltAbilityReady[Exquisite Benediction]},/stand,/echo I am not sitting down]}
it would tell you that you are missing the ( ) around the condition.
View attachment 33540

you can just put this in your eq/mq2 window to test
/docommand ${If[${Me.Sitting}, /stand, /echo I am not sitting down]}
or with a condition (this just says if i have a name then evaluate the ${If
/if (${Me.Name}) /docommand ${If[${Me.Sitting}, /stand, /echo I am not sitting down]}

It's always something small that is missed. That works. Thanks so much for your time!
For this raid "Illdaera's Vengeance" I was practicing writing a mq2event for a simple mechanic to run away+hide from line of sight when an emote goes out, and return when safe and unpause KissAssist & begin fighting again... The [AOEmoveaway] trigger works; it pauses KA instantly & runs to location indefinitely until return trigger... After 5 seconds, the emote goes off and my character returns... However, the KissAssist /mqp off function happens instantly once the return emote is triggered.

Question: What is needed in the /multiline to make the "/mqp off" line happen after a set amount of time and not instantly on the [AOEreturn] trigger? (in this case after 7 seconds and when the character is back to the correct /nav loc)

Thanks in advance.

trigger=#*#Avatar of Steel prepares for a massive strike at anyone not hidden from sight.#*#
command=/multiline ; /mqp on; /nav loc 100.48 -236.63 -271.76

trigger=#*#Avatar of Steel swings its fist in a massive strike.#*#
command=/multiline ; /nav loc 8.25 -289.88 -261.10; /mqp off
For this raid "Illdaera's Vengeance" I was practicing writing a mq2event for a simple mechanic to run away+hide from line of sight when an emote goes out, and return when safe and unpause KissAssist & begin fighting again... The [AOEmoveaway] trigger works; it pauses KA instantly & runs to location indefinitely until return trigger... After 5 seconds, the emote goes off and my character returns... However, the KissAssist /mqp off function happens instantly once the return emote is triggered.

Question: What is needed in the /multiline to make the "/mqp off" line happen after a set amount of time and not instantly on the [AOEreturn] trigger? (in this case after 7 seconds and when the character is back to the correct /nav loc)

Thanks in advance.

trigger=#*#Avatar of Steel prepares for a massive strike at anyone not hidden from sight.#*#
command=/multiline ; /rootme off; /mqp on; /nav loc 100.48 -236.63 -271.76

trigger=#*#Avatar of Steel swings its fist in a massive strike.#*#
command=/multiline ; /nav loc 8.25 -289.88 -261.10; /timed 70; /mqp off; /rootme on
each "section" delimited by the ";" needs to have its own timed. Each "section" doesn't know about the other sections or communicate in any way

/multiline ; /timed 10 /echo timed 10; /timed 15 /echo timed 15; /timed 20 /echo timed 20 Here each section has its owned /timed # /thing

all sections get fired at the same time, and timed just allows them to be staggered out.

so you would do something like this:

/multiline ; /nav loc 8.25 -289.88 -261.10; /timed 70 /mqp off; /timed 75 /rootme on
this would nav to your location, after 70 deciseconds it would do an /mqp off, and after 75 total deciseconds it would do the /rootme on. Take note that it isn't 70 deciseconds and then 75 deciseconds AFTER the mqp off, they are all taking place at the initial multiline start

Do you actually make use of the rootme? you know that just prevents you from moving around with your WASD type movements right, and does't actually root you in place?
Thanks Sic, that makes sense on the sections between the semicolons. will put those entries in and test.

Once the bosses shield is down, it seems you have to attack from the spiral bridge in Argath instead of from the ground level.
So was trying to have the character run to the melee BURN location on bridge @ 8.25 -289.88 -261.10 after AOE emote goes off
.. and then stay rooted once back to the correct /loc..

and then when emote goes off, unroot and send to safe spot out of line of sight.... rinse and repeat...

this was intended to help my KissAssist bard not spin off the bridge when attacking boss.. I would like to see how to do the same for other characters i have using CTWN plugins. I know theres options in the CTWN plugin window, just havent looked at that yet. just starting on the bard mq2events for now
Thanks Sic, that makes sense on the sections between the semicolons. will put those entries in and test.

Once the bosses shield is down, it seems you have to attack from the spiral bridge in Argath instead of from the ground level.
So was trying to have the character run to the melee BURN location on bridge @ 8.25 -289.88 -261.10 after AOE emote goes off
.. and then stay rooted once back to the correct /loc..

and then when emote goes off, unroot and send to safe spot out of line of sight.... rinse and repeat...

this was intended to help my KissAssist bard not spin off the bridge when attacking boss.. I would like to see how to do the same for other characters i have using CTWN plugins. I know theres options in the CTWN plugin window, just havent looked at that yet. just starting on the bard mq2events for now
are you talking about stick? yeah if you don't want to stick, you can turn off usestick, then you'll have to move your dude when you want them to be moved to if the mob moves around and such.
are you talking about stick? yeah if you don't want to stick, you can turn off usestick, then you'll have to move your dude when you want them to be moved to if the mob moves around and such.

This boss happens to be perma rooted, and when attacking from the bridge my KissAssist bard use:

StickHow=snaproll rear

and then the CTWN plugins use whatever is out of the box default and works great...

however, for this fight, front facing just the boss is required without spinning around back which will cause to fall off bridge and not be able to land melee hits on boss...
are you talking about stick? yeah if you don't want to stick, you can turn off usestick, then you'll have to move your dude when you want them to be moved to if the mob moves around and such.

Guessing with stick function disabled on mq2melee for kissassist bard and CTWN plugins, they would just return and attack target that main assist is killing once back to their correct position on the bridge without snaproll to the rear or frankly anywhere?
This boss happens to be perma rooted, and when attacking from the bridge my KissAssist bard use:

StickHow=snaproll rear

and then the CTWN plugins use whatever is out of the box default and works great...

however, for this fight, front facing just the boss is required without spinning around back which will cause to fall off bridge and not be able to land melee hits on boss...
well this is far from an mq2events question at this point, but yes, for the cwtn plugins, there are 10 total options you can change to have options on how you want to stickhow.
Hi all

I want to retrieve the BBBBBB and Mangler's Resolution to trigger a command, but I tried the following trigger, it doesn't work

trigger=BBBBBB#*#Mangler's Resolution#*#

log: BBBBBB hit an evangelical adherent for 2532947 points of magic damage by Mangler's Resolution
Hi all

I want to retrieve the BBBBBB and Mangler's Resolution to trigger a command, but I tried the following trigger, it doesn't work

trigger=BBBBBB#*#Mangler's Resolution#*#

log: BBBBBB hit an evangelical adherent for 2532947 points of magic damage by Mangler's Resolution

trigger=#1# hit #2# for #*#Mangler's Resolution#*#
and then ${EventArg1} would have the stuff before the hit blah blah blah
command=/echo ${EventArg1} hit ${EventArg2} with Mangler's Resolution
From a conversation with @Knightly in Discord.

When using mq2events on mqnext, the spell link text is not stripped, so events with spell links need the wildcards like so:

trigger=#1# begins casting #*#Complete Heal#*#
command=/multiline ; /mqp on ; /stopcast ; /target ${EventArg1} ; /cast "Stun" ; /timed 5 /mqp off
hey sic, you think theres a way to set events up to auto pickup and place the goop from Seeking Sorcerer event? Been doing it with a hotkey but if i could setup my bard to auto do it would be sweet
trigger=#1#Icebound Bledrek shouts "the message he does right before placing a straw pile(willhave to look next time i do it)"
command=/multiline ; /mqp on; /clear target; /itemtarget lichen; /nav target; /pause 3; /click left item; /autoinv; /useitem lichen|Tank
repeat for Bled Enraged

Think that would work? might have to try it and see lol
Plugin - MQ2Events

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