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Plugin - MQ2Events (2 Viewers)

Trying to make an event for this DoT. I want to keep track if the mob is resisting it and he is just chain casting it on a boss that it will never land. Below is what i have but i cant get it to make it work or find an example. Any help would be great thanks.

trigger=|${Target.DisplayName}| resisted your Drones of Doom!#2#
command=/g Resisted Drone of Doom!
trigger=#*#resisted your Drones of Doom#*#

You don't actually care what the mob's name is, so don't bother checking that. Just get the important bit.
Heres my mq2events trigger for activating bard epic + fierce Eye when shaman uses thier epic. hopefully someone else besides me gets use out of this ( i made this because of @Sic and @ChatWithThisName plugin mq2shaman uses epic on cool down ) so enjoy~

trigger=#1#You are blessed with the gift of the Ruchu#2#
command=/multiline ; /alt act 3506 ; /pause 5 ; /useitem Blade of Vesagran
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so im stuper stumped on how to code _____ is cursed with life, _____ is cursed by death into a where the code makes the two move close to the other. the first one would be " #1#|${Me}| is cursed with life " but how would i make the targeted person of the life move close to the targer of death without manually putting each toon names, ___ is cursed by death for each line. i want it more generalized. but idk how to make it proccess without putting the name down. any help pls? @Sic
A crude work around would be to have whoever is marked for Life/Death announce it and then have another Event go from there.

Trigger=You are cursed by death.
Command=/g I am marked for death!

Trigger=#1# tells the group, "I am marked for death!"
Command=/multiline ; /tar ${Arg1} ; /nav target

This is a rough draft so research the exact functions of Arg1 etc.
so im stuper stumped on how to code _____ is cursed with life, _____ is cursed by death into a where the code makes the two move close to the other. the first one would be " #1#|${Me}| is cursed with life " but how would i make the targeted person of the life move close to the targer of death without manually putting each toon names, ___ is cursed by death for each line. i want it more generalized. but idk how to make it proccess without putting the name down. any help pls? @Sic
or just fight with all your characters already piled up on top of each other and the boss at the same time.
trigger="Your task '#1#' has been updated#*#"
command=/bc Task Update ${EventArg1} now on step ${Task[${EventArg1}].Step.Index}:${Task[${EventArg1}].Step}.

Posting this here as it seems appropriate. Generated this to get notified via EQBC when one of my characters completes a task step, so it notifies you that it completed a step, what Task it was updated in, what step you're currently on, and the instruction for that step.

/bc by itself is just a message (EQBC = EverQuest Box Chat) just has some control stuff in it too. So I'm using it to chat with myself. Replace /bc with your preferred method of talking to your other characters.
Trying to set up something to help some box clerics in a ch chain. I'd like for our tanks to announce when they switch. When the tank announces, I'd like the event to see it, then target them. Can events do that?

Tank1 tells the raid: "Tank1 is tanking now - switch tank target"
The event would pick that up, then do the command /target Tank1

It's ok if it doesn't, just exploring options of having both people and bots in a chain. The ch chain macros don't seem to line up quite right unless I'm missing something. Thank you!
Sorry new to using all these plugins, im trying to figure out how to create the ini file? ive loaded the plugin and did /event on? Am i missing a step or several lol?
tried creating it manually, but to be honest im not sure what im doing
(I also attached an empty mq2events_toonname.ini that you can change the name of to your characters name if that is easier - but below is how to do it)

go into your release folder

right click anywhere that is empty


go to new -> text document
then change it from new.txt to "MQ2Events_Dudename.ini"

it will ask you are you sure - because you're changing the file type from .txt to .ini
hit yes

if my toonname was "AAA" this is what his file would look like


You want to ensure you didn't name it "MQ2Events_AAA.txt.ini" or "MQ2Events_AAA.ini.ini" etc

From the overview page of mq2events:

2 Common Issues:

1. Ensure you have created your MQ2Events_ToonName.ini file in your RELEASE folder
2. Ensure the file is "MQ2Events_ToonName.ini" where ToonName is your dude like MQ2Events_Bob.ini --- you can't have MQ2Events_Bob.ini.ini or MQ2Events_Bob.ini.txt to verify your file type is correct:

open your release folder, Click the "View" tab


Move over to the right and select "File Name Extentions"
Then you should see your MQ2Events_ToonName.ini files
This is correct

This is NOT Correct


  • MQ2Events_ToonName.ini
    145 bytes · Views: 54
Is it possible to use MQ2Events to splash text accross my screen?
you can make it do a /popup or a /popcustom
/popcustom [color] [time] [message]

/popcustom 5 10 This pink message will display for 10 seconds.

1 = dark grey
2 = light green
4 = dark blue
5 = pink
6 = light grey
7 = white
13 = red
14 = bright green
15 = yellow
16 = bright blue
18 = cyan
20 = black
So this is my version for the Ice bound Avatar of War Group Mission Universal Duck Command for CWTN PLUGINS

trigger=#1#The ice encrusted Avatar of War shouts that |${Me}| must bend the knee!#2#
command=/if (!${Me.Ducking}) /multiline ; /docommand /${Me.Class.ShortName} mode 0 ; /docommand /${Me.Class.ShortName} pause on; /attack off; /target clear; /keypress DUCK

trigger=#1#The Avatar of War nods, accepting the subservience of those that gave it#2#
command=/if (${Me.Ducking}) /multiline ; /docommand /${Me.Class.ShortName} pause off ; /docommand /${Me.Class.ShortName} mode 1 ; /keypress DUCK
For your events that specific to a particular mission, I suggest adding a check of the ${Zone.ID} to the /if condition. Otherwise, you susceptible to randos feeding you trigger lines when you're not doing the mission.
After a few hours late last night I finally found out some of the issues with this script. When you use the EventArg1 with a direct tells or raidinvites and such.. it adds noise onto the string. Once ya remove this it works again.

trigger=#1# tells you, 'RI'
command=/raidinvite ${EventArg1.Right[-2].Left[-1]}
trigger=#2# tells you, 'GiveMe'
command=/makeraidlead ${EventArg2.Right[-2].Left[-1]}

Hope this helps out some of you.. I think it will open up a LOT more abilities with this plugin
Has anyone had any issues where they need to reload mq2events to get raid events to work right? I'm finding I need to unload and reload the plugin to get events to even start to work during raids.
you can always do a /events on and then a /events list to verify that they are on and loaded correctly
I know they are loaded and working. I can run the KD group mission fine, but when I raid, (for example) the kneel won't work (uses the same emote), (yes I have all of the auto stand turned off) but then my event for axes will. I want to equate it to server lag, but not 100% sure.
I know they are loaded and working. I can run the KD group mission fine, but when I raid, (for example) the kneel won't work (uses the same emote), (yes I have all of the auto stand turned off) but then my event for axes will. I want to equate it to server lag, but not 100% sure.

works fine for me :P
Trying to get my ooc reply working with a delay, but I can't get it to delay. Any suggestions:

trigger=#*#says, 'dayum#*#
command=/if (${Zone.ID}==002) /multiline ; /timed ${Math.Calc[${Math.Rand[20]}+15]}s; /say backatcha

Trying to get my ooc reply working with a delay, but I can't get it to delay. Any suggestions:

trigger=#*#says, 'dayum#*#
command=/if (${Zone.ID}==002) /multiline ; /timed ${Math.Calc[${Math.Rand[20]}+15]}s; /say backatcha

you have a stray semicolon between the timed command and the say command.

You also do not need the /multiline format for this, since you're just doing one thing. Try:
command=/if (${Zone.ID}==002) /timed ${Math.Calc[${Math.Rand[20]}+15]} /say backatcha
So I don't get a delay Here is the code:

trigger=#*#says, 'dayum#*#
command=/if (${Zone.ID}==002) /timed (${Math.Calc[${Math.Rand[40]}+20]}s) /say backatcha

When i have a toon say "dayum" response is essentially immediate. As I understand it the aqbove code should delay betweem 20 and 40 seconds.

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So I don't get a delay Here is the code:

trigger=#*#says, 'dayum#*#
command=/if (${Zone.ID}==002) /timed (${Math.Calc[${Math.Rand[40]}+20]}s) /say backatcha

When i have a toon say "dayum" response is essentially immediate. As I understand it the aqbove code should delay betweem 20 and 40 seconds.


I don’t think you need the extra s at the end of the Math.Calc.

My /timed are just numbers. /delay has s or m at the end.
Yeah, the s is what's getting you. See my previous post for the appropriate code. Also, your math is off by a factor of 10 if you want 20-40 seconds. /timed uses deciseconds, so you want the math to random between 200 and 400.
Is there a command to target someone off a what they say? like if someone says, Buffs is there a way for me to target the player who said buffs?
Create an Event in your (for example, Enchanter) MQ2Events_xxx.ini. EventArg1 is defined in the trigger and used in the command. If you use MQ2Cast you can do it in a single command without multiline
But if i remember correctly, there is something wrong with the EventArg string and needs to trimmed or offset or something, to work properly

Either way, you can get the idea.

trigger=#1#says, 'gimme crack#*#
command=/casting "Sagacity" -targetid|${Spawn[pc ${EventArg1}].ID}
General Mq2Events.ini:
[Holistic Health]
trigger=#*#The power of Sul runs through you#*#
command=/multiline ; /mqp on ; /nav spawn lamplight ; /gsay ${Me.Name} moving to LAMP

[Holistic Health Off]
trigger=#*#Holistic Health melts away in the lamp light#*#
command=/multiline ; /mqp off ; /nav spawn Anashti ; /gsay ${Me.Name} is CURED

Found this, it works in the Group Expedition: Anashti Sul, Lady of Life mission in TBM to cure the DT spell. I am wondering about getting the achievement to not let the heros to spawn would this work:

Proposed Code for coffins:
[Hero Coffin Spawn]
trigger=#*#shall call upon#*#
command=/multiline ; /mqp on ; /tar "Hero's Coffin" ; /nav spawn Hero's Coffin ; /attack on

[Hero Coffin Destroyed]
trigger=#*#may be gone#*#
command=/multiline  /mqp off ; /nav spawn Anashti
Plugin - MQ2Events

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