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Plugin - MQ2HUD (1 Viewer)

Is there a way to show large amounts of platinum to 3 or 4 decimal places in the hud?
The emu server i play on requires large amounts, i can use math calc to show to 2 decimal places, ( 1.00 ) billion but would like to display a little more accuratly. eg. ( 1.000 )
This is just to keep watch on how much any char has, and is easier to see than just using $(Me.Platinum} and as i believe the cap is 2 billion, before plat rolls over back to 0

Thank you for any assistance
even using Float, im still confused on what your trying to accomplish here... ${Me.Platinum} shows total carried plat on you. The other options for platinum are as follows.

Im guessing your adding all 3 up together and placing that number on the HUD. But you dont want it to show the huge number?
Yeah, I'm just trying to make easier to see at a glace what a char has in inventory to prevent rollover. ${Me.Platinum} gives everying, eg. 1785638645 platinum but not easy to read quickly
Using math calc, with the above example i can get the display to show as 1.79 in billions so it rounds up or down to the nearest 10million which is ok if best it will do.
I just would like show an extra decimal place, eg. 1.786 if possible so it shows to the nearest 1 million. If that makes sence, :)

I know its an odd request, just this server uses ludicrous amounts of plat, and looking to see quick what a char has on him - 1.78 billion, or 178 million
Would someone be willing to help me out with the syntax for Extended Targets?

I am trying to use MQ2Hud to display each of the Xtar's target's name (TOTT) and class (TOTC). For example, for my own single target I have "TOTT=3,1350,580,255,255,0,${Me.TargetOfTarget} | ${Me.TargetOfTarget.Class}", which shows me the name/class of who my target is attacking. I want the same for each of the XTAR's.

So far, I am playing with the following:

XT1=3,765,500,0,255,0,XT1 - ${Me.XTarget[1].Name} | ${Me.XTarget[1].Class}
XT2=3,765,512,0,255,0,XT2 - ${Me.XTarget[2].Name} | ${Me.XTarget[2].Class}
XT3=3,765,524,0,255,0,XT3 - ${Me.XTarget[3].Name} | ${Me.XTarget[3].Class}

This will give me the Xtar name and class... but I want it to display that mobs target's name and mobs target's class.

${Me.XTarget[1].TargetOfTarget} | ${Me.XTarget[1].TargetOfTarget.Class} offers a NULL value.

${Me.XTarget[1].AggroHolder} also offers a NULL value.

What would the correct syntax be?
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My inquiry above is possible right? all extended targets on aggro have a TargetOfTarget. I would imagine it's doable.

Does anyone have a link to a wiki or other examples where I can study to learn how to write the syntax for this? I think I've read through everything and not seeing anything that helps. What I have tried isn't working, and I am not sure where to look beyond what I've already read. I could just be dumb.
you can't get something else's target of target like that. targetoftarget is only valid for me
Okay, thanks. I won't go chasing phantoms then.

This would be a valuable tool for tanks to help quickly pickup un-tanked adds on raids, if it were ever possible.
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For the x and y coordinates of the HUDs, it seems x=0 is the left most edge of the EQ /viewport which is 100% working as expected.
However I don't understand the math behind the Y coordinate yet. What I do know is that in order to get MY hud at the top of the screen I have to use -440, which is odd because the HUDs i've seen posted here have positive numbers for Y. When I set y=0, the HUD is centered approximately at the middle of the game client window, regardless of viewport. Is everyone else's 0,0 the top left corner?

Plugin - MQ2HUD

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