The following Holyshit is copied from Hanlor's Razor's post (a MUST see for SK's):
/if (${Me.CombatState.Equal[COMBAT]} && ${Target.Named} && !${Me.CombatAbilityReady[Deflection Discipline]} && !${Melee.DiscID}==4590 && ${Me.CombatAbilityReady[Bonebrood Mantle]}) /disc Bonebrood Mantle
I already asked in that topic, but it seems more active here, so I am gonna try again /hide
I got all of his Holyshit's working except this one, it simply won't fire when Deflection has run out. I stared at it for minutes, but I could also stare at it for days and wouldn't see what I done wrong hehe. Any help would be very appreciated and redcented ofcourse =)
Also for the brilliant minds amongst us, how would an Holyshit look like that would pop Grelleth's Carapace after both Deflection and Bonebrood Mantle are down?
I am willing to pay a krono or some awesome PL session's if you are on AB, otherwise I can only redcent you /smile