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Plugin - MQ2Melee (1 Viewer)

I saw this posted in a very old post from Maskoi, but I can't get this to work - is there a new syntax for this one? Trying to setup shits for my healers.

${SpawnCount[npc named radius 35]}>0
Majority of named in EQ have a # in their name. Like #kyv_assassin thats how MQ2 defines named. Not all named though have that anymore so depending on where you are that could be unreliable.
Majority of named in EQ have a # in their name. Like #kyv_assassin thats how MQ2 defines named. Not all named though have that anymore so depending on where you are that could be unreliable.

The ones I'm killing do, the ${Target.Named} works for my DPS. Maybe I need to put a zradius in there.
${SpawnCount[npc named radius 35]}>0

Might try leaving out the "npc". I'm not sure they are classified as "npc named" but just "named".
You can always test it by typing the below lines into your chat window while in POK. (should be plenty of named in that zone)

/echo ${SpawnCount[npc named radius 100]}

then try

/echo ${SpawnCount[named radius 100]}

and also

/echo ${SpawnCount[named radius 100 zradius 10]}
Thanks for the tips - actually it looks like all 3 of those work. I'm going to wait for the named that I'm killing at this camp to pop and try them again.

Update: 35 was just too short on range. Figured it should be fine since it's well within camp radius, but once I got up to 55 it has been firing consistently for me.
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I started a beastlord so naturally I wanted more finesse on when it would use flurry of claws so it wouldn't break the mez on my enchanter... So here's the holyshit to handle flurry of claws.

Rich (BB code):
holyshit0=/if (${SpawnCount[npc radius 50]}==1) /disc Flurry of Claws Rk. II

Basically makes sure there is no other targets in range as it is an AE that hits up to 3 targets. Helps boost DPS when it wont break mez.

Also it does not seem like mq2melee is firing the Rake line on it's own at the moment.
I have no idea on how to play my zerker properly, I picked him up cheap as a 100 to PL alts with but I'll try your shits out and see if they help. Thanks for posting them and if you get them working better please let me know =)
I have no idea on how to play my zerker properly, I picked him up cheap as a 100 to PL alts with but I'll try your shits out and see if they help. Thanks for posting them and if you get them working better please let me know =)

Zerker really only needs one downshit and that is to click your Respite line whenever it is mathematically possible. Even getting a second or two before the next mob comes in is sufficient to get your endurance back up with this. You'll never go over 25% but you'll never run out of endurance either (generally speaking)

Rich (BB code):
downshit1=/if ( ${Me.PctEndurance}<25 && ${Me.Endurance}>25 && ${Me.CombatAbilityReady[Reprieve Rk. II]} && !${Me.CombatState.Equal[COMBAT]} && ${Me.Standing} && ${Melee.DiscID}==0 && !${Me.Invis} && !${Select[${Zone.ShortName},guildlobby,poknowledge,potranquility,guildhall,nexus,neighborhood]} ) /disc Reprieve Rk. II

Switch Reprieve for whatever level you have and rank. RK1 one the first PctEndurance part should be 21. If you have RK3 then it should be 29. This particular version does not fire off in high traffic zones like guild lobby/POK.
Started working on my ranger again... Looks like Ferocious Kick and Focused Storm of Blades needed some holyshit magic to work so here it is.

Rich (BB code):
holyshit0=/if (${Me.Endurance}>137 && ${Me.CombatAbilityReady[Focused Storm of Blades]} && ${Spell[Focused Storm of Blades].MyRange}>${Target.Distance3D} && ${Me.Standing}) /disc Focused Storm of Blades
holyshit1=/if (${Me.AltAbilityReady[Ferocious Kick]} && ${Spell[Ferocious Kick].MyRange}>${Target.Distance3D}) /alt activate 337

It will basically click on Ferocious Kick if it's up and in range (200). Likewise Focused Storm of Blades will do the same though it's much shorter range (50). I like using the spell data when possible on the off chance they do something stupid like change the range of something. Seriously Sony... I must be Dhalsim being able to kick some dude from bow range. LOL...

I got a question for people... Is there any way to you know check if your target is a 'raid' mob (IE. when you con it it would go 'This would take an army to defeat'). I wanted to make a holyshit that would help me when we're killing older content with friends that if I grab agro it would pop weaponshield or cover tracks instantly. Key thing here I guess would be making sure it's a named and a raid level mob.
Two questions. First, which is correct as I have seen both:
${Me.CombatState.Equal[COMBAT]} or ${Me.Combat}

Second, I would like to make a downshit for my enchanter to cast the spell "Shadowed Rune" if a named mob appears in the xtarget window. Can anyone help me out with this?

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Is there a place I can find all the syntax for the various things you can include in mq2melee like Me.CombatAbilityReady, Me.Endurance, Target.Distance, etc? I'd like to learn more.
Also I have seen both:
Rich (BB code):
(${Target.Type.Equal[NPC]} && ${Target.Named} ...

and simply:
Rich (BB code):

included in these codes. Do you need to have both or would ${Target.Named} suffice to trigger a holy on a named mob only? Thanks.
Tried to use the TLO Builder, but I guess I am too stupid for it /sniff

I am trying to create a holy shit for my cleric to battle rez my sk tank with 'Divine Resurrection' in case he dies.

Any pointers?

Thx in advance =)
Tried to use the TLO Builder, but I guess I am too stupid for it /sniff

I am trying to create a holy shit for my cleric to battle rez my sk tank with 'Divine Resurrection' in case he dies.

Any pointers?

Thx in advance =)
So think of what you are doing. You want to rez your main tank, if he dies, with a super long refresh AA. That means you need to know if the tank has a corpse, in range of the AA cast, and if the AA is ready. Then you want to target the corpse, wait just a split second, and use the AA.
Rich (BB code):
/if (${SpawnCount[${Group.MainTank} corpse]} && ${Spawn[${Group.MainTank} corpse].Distance}<${Me.AltAbility[Divine resurrection].Spell.Range} && ${Me.AltAbilityReady[Divine resurrection]}) /multiline ; /squelch /tar ${Group.MainTank} corpse ; /timed 5 ; /alt act ${Me.AltAbility[Divine resurrection].ID}
Alright I need some help from someone...

I want to pull the data for what is running in the disc window but I dont know how to or it's just not listed on the mq2 TLO section at all.. I want to improve my downshit for the Rest line so that it will if it detects Stalwart Defense up that it will properly /stopdisc and pop rest since it's up like every 30 seconds anyways and mq2melee keeps stalwart up all the time for warriors.
Alright I need some help from someone...

I want to pull the data for what is running in the disc window but I dont know how to or it's just not listed on the mq2 TLO section at all.. I want to improve my downshit for the Rest line so that it will if it detects Stalwart Defense up that it will properly /stopdisc and pop rest since it's up like every 30 seconds anyways and mq2melee keeps stalwart up all the time for warriors.
Then you can use Me.ActiveDisc.ID, etc. Me.ActiveDisc.Name.Equal[stalwart defense]
The following Holyshit is copied from Hanlor's Razor's post (a MUST see for SK's): http://www.redguides.com/community/...ight-Shit-Help?p=211358&viewfull=1#post211358

Rich (BB code):
/if (${Me.CombatState.Equal[COMBAT]} && ${Target.Named} && !${Me.CombatAbilityReady[Deflection Discipline]} && !${Melee.DiscID}==4590 && ${Me.CombatAbilityReady[Bonebrood Mantle]}) /disc Bonebrood Mantle

I already asked in that topic, but it seems more active here, so I am gonna try again /hide

I got all of his Holyshit's working except this one, it simply won't fire when Deflection has run out. I stared at it for minutes, but I could also stare at it for days and wouldn't see what I done wrong hehe. Any help would be very appreciated and redcented ofcourse =)

Also for the brilliant minds amongst us, how would an Holyshit look like that would pop Grelleth's Carapace after both Deflection and Bonebrood Mantle are down?

I am willing to pay a krono or some awesome PL session's if you are on AB, otherwise I can only redcent you /smile
The following Holyshit is copied from Hanlor's Razor's post (a MUST see for SK's): http://www.redguides.com/community/...ight-Shit-Help?p=211358&viewfull=1#post211358

Rich (BB code):
/if (${Me.CombatState.Equal[COMBAT]} && ${Target.Named} && !${Me.CombatAbilityReady[Deflection Discipline]} && !${Melee.DiscID}==4590 && ${Me.CombatAbilityReady[Bonebrood Mantle]}) /disc Bonebrood Mantle

I already asked in that topic, but it seems more active here, so I am gonna try again /hide

I got all of his Holyshit's working except this one, it simply won't fire when Deflection has run out. I stared at it for minutes, but I could also stare at it for days and wouldn't see what I done wrong hehe. Any help would be very appreciated and redcented ofcourse =)

Also for the brilliant minds amongst us, how would an Holyshit look like that would pop Grelleth's Carapace after both Deflection and Bonebrood Mantle are down?

I am willing to pay a krono or some awesome PL session's if you are on AB, otherwise I can only redcent you /smile

How many holyshit's do you have? I think there is a limit of 15. It might not fire if you have too many.
The first step to debugging any holyshit is to /echo it in game as see what it says. so
/echo (${Me.CombatState.Equal[COMBAT]} && ${Target.Named} && !${Me.CombatAbilityReady[Deflection Discipline]} && !${Melee.DiscID}==4590 && ${Me.CombatAbilityReady[Bonebrood Mantle]})

See what returns FALSE/TRUE that shouldnt. What I can tell you is that ${Target.Named} is unreliable at best. Holyshits only fire during /attack on, so CombatState check is pointless. !blah==xxxx works, but just use ${Me.ActiveDisc.ID}!=4590, and finally, sometimes second/third words on discs dont work. like /disc deflection works but i think /disc deflection discipline doesnt. try /disc bonebrood

Otherwise, ensure the rank is correct on the disc.
This is what i do in my macros for hardcoded sk discs:
Rich (BB code):
/if (${Me.CombatAbilityReady[Grelleth's carapace]} && ${Me.CurrentEndurance}>${Spell[Grelleth's Carapace].EnduranceCost} && !${Melee.DiscID}) /disc Grelleth's carapace
/if (${Me.CombatAbilityReady[Deflection Discipline]} && ${Me.PctHPs}<15 && !${Melee.DiscID}) /disc deflection
/if (${Me.CombatAbilityReady[Bonebrood Mantle]} && ${Me.CurrentEndurance}>${Spell[Bonebrood Mantle].EnduranceCost} && !${Melee.DiscID} && ${Me.PctHPs}<55) /disc Bonebrood Mantle
Question about ${Me.ActiveDisc.ID}!=4590. If i wanted to add a check for multiple discs, would the syntax be ${Me.ActiveDisc.ID}!=4590,0000,000? Thanks in advance.
Question about ${Me.ActiveDisc.ID}!=4590. If i wanted to add a check for multiple discs, would the syntax be ${Me.ActiveDisc.ID}!=4590,0000,000? Thanks in advance.
You would use the ${Select[]} TLO. !${Select[${Me.ActiveDisc.ID},4590,1234,7890]}
Okay, I got the Bonebrood to work when Deflection is down /cheer

Rich (BB code):
/if (${Me.CombatState.Equal[COMBAT]} && ${Target.Named} && !${Me.CombatAbilityReady[Deflection Discipline]} && ${Me.CombatAbilityReady[Bonebrood Mantle]}) /disc Bonebrood

Now I would like to add that it only casts when the named mob is above 90% health, any clues/hints?

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I am on a roll!!! Got the Grelleth's Carapace working too on nameds when both deflection and bonebrood are down /doublecheer

Rich (BB code):
/if (${Me.CombatState.Equal[COMBAT]} && ${Target.Named} && !${Me.CombatAbilityReady[Deflection Discipline]} && !${Me.CombatAbilityReady[Bonebrood Mantle]} && ${Me.CombatAbilityReady[Grelleth's Carapace]}) /disc Grelleth's

Still would like to add a code that it only fires when the named mob is above 90%, 10% is plenty enough to get the debuffs in and that way you wont blow all your defense skills on one named. Anyone got a clue/hint how to code that part? You will be forever in my dreams =)

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Would this come close?

Rich (BB code):

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Muahahahaha that worked, I am so happy right now =)
Warrior Rest Discipline

Rich (BB code):
downshit1=/if ( ${Me.PctEndurance}<25 && ${Me.Endurance}>25 && ${Me.CombatAbilityReady[Rest Rk. iii]} && !${Me.CombatState.Equal[COMBAT]} && ${Me.Standing} && ${Melee.DiscID}==0 && !${Me.Invis} && !${Select[${Zone.ShortName},guildlobby,poknowledge,potranquility,guildhall,nexus,neighborhood]} && !${Select[${Me.ActiveDisc},Fortitude Discipline,Last Stand Discipline]}) /multiline ; /stopdisc ; /disc Rest rk. iii

Basically added a check that makes sure Fortitude or Last Stand Discipline isnt running before stopping active discs and hitting rest.

NOTE: You can just use the name with no rank and it will still match the rank 2 and 3 spells as well since the shorter version will match the longer one as long as some part of the argument matches something in the list of values.
Ok after alot reading, not working in KA, I came up with this for my Wiz. The Spells fire pretty reliably, the AAs are tricky to observe and seam to fire pretty rarly on these settings but do fire. Enjoy since I didnt see anything out for Wiz yet.

Rich (BB code):
downshit1=/if (${Me.CombatState.Find[COMBAT]} && ${Target.AggroHolder.ID}==${Me.ID} && ${Me.AltAbilityReady[Mind Crash]} && ${Me.AltAbilityTimer[Concussive Intuition]}*6<=${Me.AltAbility[Concussive Intuition].MyReuseTime}*0.9 && (${Target.PctHPs}>40 || (${Target.Named} && ${Target.PctHPs}>15)) && !${Me.Casting.ID}) /casting "Mind Crash" alt
downshit2=/if (${Me.CombatState.Find[COMBAT]} && ${Target.AggroHolder.ID}==${Me.ID} && ${Me.AltAbilityReady[Concussive Intuition]} && ${Me.AltAbilityTimer[Mind Crash]}*6<=${Me.AltAbility[Mind Crash].MyReuseTime}*0.9 && (${Target.PctHPs}>40 || (${Target.Named} && ${Target.PctHPs}>15)) && !${Me.Casting.ID}) /casting "Concussive Intuition" alt
downshit3=/if (${Me.CombatState.Find[COMBAT]} && ${Target.PctAggro}>80 && ${Target.PctHPs}>25 && ${Me.SpellReady[Concussive Barrage Rk. II]} && !${Me.Casting.ID}) /cast ${Me.Gem[Concussive Barrage Rk. II]}
downshit4=/if (${Me.CombatState.Find[COMBAT]} && ${Target.PctAggro}>60 && ${Target.PctAggro}<=80 && ${Target.PctHPs}>25 && ${Me.SpellReady[Thoughtfreeze Rk. II]} && !${Target.Buff[Thoughtfreeze Effect].ID} && !${Me.Casting.ID}) /cast ${Me.Gem[Thoughtfreeze Rk. II]}
downshit5=/if (!${Me.SpellReady[Placid Harvest Rk. II]} && !${Me.Casting.ID} && ${Me.AltAbilityReady[Forceful Rejuvenation]} && ${Me.PctMana}<65 && !${Me.AltAbilityReady[Harvest of Druzzil]}) /casting "Forceful Rejuvenation" alt

Of course need to edit and mem the appropriate spells you want to use!!!
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FWIW, /delay is only used by macros and doesnt do anything for holyshits. the somewhat equivalent is /timed, though it isnt the same because everything is still cycled, it has just delayed the next instruction from that particular line.
Plugin - MQ2Melee

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