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Plugin - MQ2Melee (2 Viewers)

I've been asked a few times for this in PM's so I'll post it.

Bard Fade

Rich (BB code):
downshit1=/if (${Me.CombatState.Equal[COMBAT]} && ${SpawnCount[npc radius 10]}> 1 && ${Me.CurrentMana} > 900 && ${Me.PctHPs}<30 && ${Me.AltAbilityReady[Fading Memories]} && ${Macro.RunTime} >1) /casting "Fading Memories"


Checks to see you are in combat - ${Me.CombatState.Equal[COMBAT]}
Checks to make sure there is a mob near you - ${SpawnCount[npc radius 10]}> 1
Makes sure you have mana to fade - ${Me.CurrentMana} > 900
Waits for your hp to be under 30%(change to whatever you'd like) - ${Me.PctHPs}<30
Checks to make sure Fading Memories is ready - ${Me.AltAbilityReady[Fading Memories]}
I don't know of a situation where Fade is ever down, but I put it in just to be safe.
Checks that a macro is running, so it go if when you dont want it to playing by hand - ${Macro.RunTime} >1

Remove the ${Macro.RunTime}>1 if you want it to fire even when you are running a toon by hand.

TLDR- Fades your bard when they get their ass kicked for early song agro.
There is a text limit but i think its bigger than 255 not sure.

Is the max 255? i have and its 315. I know its a down shit and i can divide it into 2. But im trying to learn and get practice in

Rich (BB code):
downshit1=/if (${Me.PctEndurance}<25 && ${Me.CombatAbilityReady[Respite Rk. II]} && ${Me.CurrentEndurance}>100 && ${Window[CombatAbilityWnd].Child[CAW_CombatEffectLabel].Text.Equal[Staunch Defense Rk. II]}) /multiline ; /notify CombatAbilityWnd CAW_CombatEffectButton leftmouseup ; /timed 10 ; /disc Respite Rk. II

Alrighty then i wont worry about keeping them under 255 characters then
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Wiz merc controlled aggro burn. Balanced if in combat, burn if merc has < 75% aggro and mob is under 90% hp, balanced if it gets more aggro than that. Switches to passive mode out of combat.

Rich (BB code):
holyshit0=/if (${Me.Mercenary.Equal[ACTIVE]} && !${Select[${Me.MercenaryStance},Balanced,Burn]} && ${Select[${Group.Member[1].Class},Wizard]}) /stance balanced
holyshit1=/if (${Me.Mercenary.Equal[ACTIVE]} && ${Select[${Group.Member[1].Class},Wizard]} && ${Me.SecondaryPctAggro} > 75 && ${Group.Member[1].Name.Equal[${Me.SecondaryAggroPlayer.CleanName}]} && ${Me.MercenaryStance.NotEqual[Balanced]}) /stance balanced 
holyshit2=/if (${Me.Mercenary.Equal[ACTIVE]} && ${Select[${Group.Member[1].Class},Wizard]} && ${Me.SecondaryPctAggro} <= 75 && ${Group.Member[1].Name.Equal[${Me.SecondaryAggroPlayer.CleanName}]} && ${Me.MercenaryStance.NotEqual[Burn]} && ${Target.PctHPs} < 90) /stance burn

downshit0=/if (${Me.Mercenary.Equal[ACTIVE]} && ${Me.MercenaryStance.NotEqual[Passive]} && ${Select[${Group.Member[1].Class},Wizard]}) /stance passive
First time poster here - This stuff is awesome, guys. Have spent a couple of weeks setting up my box team with mq2melee and kissassist thanks to all the great examples floating around here.

Right now I'm working on my monk and as some of you guys might know, monks can put out some pretty impressive burst on short burns (group named mobs) with micromanagement. Just trying to take as much micro out of it as possible.

What I am wanting to do is have it open with iron fist (special attack disc) and dump synergy, five point palm, crane stance, stunning kick then click iron fist off and continue to a better DPS disc. Still haven't discovered a way to get it to automatically click a disc off, however. Any ideas here? Thus far I've just been tabbing over to the monk and clicking it off.

Also, is there a way to have an /if check for an active disc (not just if it's ready or on cooldown)?

Sony gave it to us as of last patch... /stopdisc I think is the command.

- - - Updated - - -

Also, AnonimousHero, are there benefits to using downshits for auras instead of just using kissassist, now that maskoi's got the bugs worked out?

Well first off not all bugs are squished. My 95 enchanter still gets spam casting Mana Repercussion Aura for some reason (probably because on the aura window it shows up as 'Mana Rep. Aura' which is different from the buff it casts on you.

The other reason I use it is it's able to use a different spell gem for swapping auras for classes which can have multiple auras up like enchanters or clerics. This saves space and compresses the spell bar a bit. This is more important on enchanters when using Mana repercussion aura type auras because they only last a period of like 5 minutes vs the standard 30 minutes for most auras.
This may be basic, I'm good at asking basic questions.

I have a bard, and I'm trying to set up holy/downshits for him. Here is what I tried:
Rich (BB code):
downshit1=/if (!${Me.Buff[Symphony of Battle].ID} && ${Spell[Symphony of Battle].Stacks} && !${Me.Invis}) /casting "Rapier of Somber Notes" item
downshit2=/if (!${Me.Buff[Resonance].ID} && ${Spell[Resonance].Stacks} && !${Me.Invis}) /casting "Voice of the Serpent" item
downshit3=/if (${Spell[Aura of the Muse].Stacks[0]} && !${Me.Aura[Aura of the Muse].Length} && !${Me.Moving} && !${Me.Invis}) /casting "Aura of the Muse" gem9
holyshit1=/if (${Me.Song[Prophet's Gift of the Ruchu].ID}) /casting "Blade of Vesagran" item

All of the flags are on, and these work if I am not currently in the middle of a /melody or if I don't have a song going. I have tried putting things like /stopsong in using multilines, but nothing is really working.

What I am trying to do is, say if I am out of combat with melody on, if DS1 applies, stop my melody, and cast the item. If I am in combat, I want to stop my melody, cast my epic. I can handle turning the songs back on after, I just don't always watch the buff window to know when the timers are up. Also, I prefer not to use mq2twist, but if i need to set that up I can try. Lastly, for the aura, it will always be cast in 9. It would be nice if I could, after it casts, memorize selo's accelerating chorus in its place. Any suggestions? Thanks!
Is there a method though to get them to /stopsong and cast the sword buff, etc? Or just gotta watch them manually? Also wondering about triggering events like when a MGB Auspice is fired off being able to cast Fierce Eye and the like?
1 yes depending what sword and when to cast. 2 maybe it can't read events but would know when auspice is on you depending on the holyshit
I been looking high and low on the boards, Does anyone know if there are IN GAME typed commands to turn off a holyshit/downshit/Aggro? Like i just wanted to turn off my SKs Holyshit AE aggro when multi adds are in camp, Downshit that will auto detect and attack a mob on his ETW, or Turn off melee's aggro but keep all other fuctions running, or do you have to edit the Melee File to do this?
Why would you want to turn off your SK's aggro when its on? SKs don't do any ae aggro unless you tell them to via a macro or holyshit. MQ2Melee has no built in ae aggro functions. What exactly is it you are trying to accomplish?
from reading his post i think you miss understood it as i almost did, i believe he is trying to say is their a way when multiple mobs are in came to make a holyshit or downshit to turn Melee off and keep casting AE and aggro on current target.... atleast thats what i got out of it

- - - Updated - - -

Sinn69 if your tanking multiple mob's I wouldnt want to waste the dps of turning off aggro in your statment or Attack in that case to lose dps or aggro, unless you have a mezzer... kiss assist if you correctly set up your ini file's for each class you play run's flawlessly on ae aggro mezzing attacking casting ect.... maskoi has a PERFECT right up on how to get everything going on it. i play 12 toons on bristlebane so if you need any questions give me a hollar but take a look at this link below

http://www.redguides.com/community/showthread.php/25353-KissAssist-6-Updated-05-27-2013-v6-5 ( Copy and paste this link as im not able to fix it from phone )
I wanted to turn off the SK AE aggro Holyshit during a High Level Raid Events , that why i was asking if is possible. if not i just turn off melee all together.
Or to simplify it make a in game macro for whatever holyshit you SK are aggro is to have a on and off button.. in game sorta like. /melee holyshit1=0 and to turn it on. Rinse and repeats /melee holyshit1=1 but remember to mark your macro to what u wat u want in game
Rich (BB code):
withstandif=${If[${Melee.AggroMode} && ${Me.PctHPs} =>80,1,0]}

Can't seem to get this to Fire. Want my SK to use his Reprove Disc when he is in aggro mode and his HPs are lower than 80%.
Reprove is a disc to recover endurance below checks end<25 %, Reprove is ready, have enough end to cast it and i don't have another disc going

Rich (BB code):
downshit0=/if (${Me.PctEndurance}<25 && ${Me.CombatAbilityReady[Reprove Rk. II]} && ${Me.CurrentEndurance}>100 && ${Melee.DiscID}==0) /disc Reprove Rk. II
Reprove is a disc to recover endurance below checks end<25 %, Reprove is ready, have enough end to cast it and i don't have another disc going

Reprove is a Defensive Disc the when active for 15 seconds will block the next 2 incomeing melee attacks.

withstand=1 turns it on, but is will keep using it even if my SK doesnt have aggro and just drains his Endurance. Want the disc to fire only if he is tanking a mob.
Rich (BB code):
downshit1=/if (${Me.CombatState.Equal[COMBAT]} && ${SpawnCount[npc radius 10]}> 1 && ${Me.CurrentMana} > 900 && ${Me.PctHPs}<30 && ${Me.AltAbilityReady[Fading Memories]} && ${Macro.RunTime} >1) /casting "Fading Memories"
holyshit1=/if (${Me.CombatState.Equal[COMBAT]} && ${SpawnCount[npc radius 10]}> 1 && ${Me.CurrentMana} > 900 && ${Me.PctHPs}<30 && ${Me.AltAbilityReady[Fading Memories]} && ${Macro.RunTime} >1) /casting "Fading Memories"

This is from Nostress quite some time ago and he had it as a downshit. I'm trying to get it to work on a bard I'm working on and having an issue. Basically it's singing the songs and such, and when the pull comes in, it's just getting pummeled and dying and I can't see where it's even trying to use the downshit (thus, why I made a holyshit to test....same result, dead bard). Bard is almost 96 with 55k ish HP killing blueish mobs, they hit for 10ks and such and it can't more than maybe a round before dying, but I'd think the shit would fade it off before that happens.

Just a timing thing and the plugin isn't doing it quite quick enough, or is there a typo/issue I'm not aware of? Note, all of this is before the bard has even engaged the mob. Just standing there, then splatted and no attempt at fading (that I can see)
holyshit0=/if (${Target.Type.Equal[NPC]} && ${Me.CombatState.Equal[COMBAT]} && !${Me.Moving} && ${Me.Song[Spirit of Vesagran].ID} && ${Cast.Ready[33473]}) /casting "Blessed Spiritstaff of the Heyokah"

The song should be as it shows in your short buff window. The 2.0 item id is from lucy. I think it's right. This will only work if the shaman is in active melee combat. To make it work on a stationary toon it needs to be a downshit i think.

Updated with Maskoi's code.
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${Me.Combat} usually doesn't work on casters this is physical melee use ${Me.CombatState.Equal[COMBAT]}. Holyshit is during combat so usually not needed on casters anyways.

Red cented
Ok. Really dumb question inc: On my SK..how do I make MQ2Melee NOT cast Harm Touch? I want to trigger it manually when I need it, especially with the long cool down.
There's a /melee htouch=0 option, I believe. You can type /melee and see a list of options to it.

Are you using kissassist or your own stuff?

See, I thought the same thing, and all it does is populate a small list of melee commands I can turn on or off, none of which seem to correlate with Harm Touch. I've tried /melee HT=0, HarmTouch=0, HTouch=0, and HarmT=0. All of them have the same result.

As far as Macros, none on this character yet. I'm just leveling him with a tank merc at the moment. When he gets to about level 30 I have toons I can box him with. I just had this weird desire to play a SK (which I never have before) and didn't feel like making two toons just so I could box.
Hm, am I going crazy? I'm pretty sure I've turned it on/off on my SK, and that it showed up in the /melee output. Try /melee status and see if it spews one out for you?
The funny thing is...that seemed to have worked. It's not casting it anymore, yet didn't indicate otherwise...lol
I was actually reading the MQ2 page on macroquest2.com, and was noticing our version seems greatly divergent based on the commands available. Is there any further reading on the split? The one there seems to have a lot more functionality - but not sure if it's not chosen for a reason (doesn't work?)
See, I thought the same thing, and all it does is populate a small list of melee commands I can turn on or off, none of which seem to correlate with Harm Touch. I've tried /melee HT=0, HarmTouch=0, HTouch=0, and HarmT=0. All of them have the same result.

As far as Macros, none on this character yet. I'm just leveling him with a tank merc at the moment. When he gets to about level 30 I have toons I can box him with. I just had this weird desire to play a SK (which I never have before) and didn't feel like making two toons just so I could box.

/melee harmtouch=0
/melee save
Ours is the mq2 version. Teichou and I maintain it. What commands are you referring too.

Was using this: http://www.macroquest2.com/wiki/index.php/MQ2Melee

Maybe I'm just using it wrong, but I couldn't figure out how to make most of the listed options work. The command set I was getting returned was much smaller.

Specifically like Bard boastful bellow AA - when I tried to turn it on, I got an unknown option back on my bard (who has the AA).
To answer your question, even a few years ago when I was doing the compiles here, I used to maintain Melee myself for the site as well. We would get abilities and updates in faster that way. Throughout the years since then, I believe that Maskoi and Teichou reworked melee for RG and keep it updated and working even better than the original. I've just been away for so long, I'm forgetting things. I really do feel like an MQ2 N00b again.
I have recently gotten access to a warrior account and found that Flash of Anger causes problems with the aura downshit so here is the revised one that will make sure that Champion's Aura is ready to cast before trying to cast it thus preventing spam casting and making you look like an idiot.

Warrior Aura

Rich (BB code):
downshit0=/if (${Spell[Champion's Aura].Stacks[0]} && ${Me.CombatAbilityReady[Champion's Aura]} && !${Me.Aura[Champion's Aura].Length} && !${Me.Moving} && !${Me.Invis} && ${Me.CurrentEndurance} >=200 && !${Select[${Zone.ShortName},guildlobby,poknowledge,potranquility,guildhall,nexus,neighborhood]}) /disc Champion's Aura

Automatically pop FLASH OF ANGER (6-8 second of auto dodge or parry) if your health drops below 40% while in combat (you can adjust this however you feel appropriate). This should give your healer enough time to get your health back up to 100%. Reuse on this disc is 1.5 minutes. NOTE: Flash of Anger goes to your buff window not your disc window so it can be popped while something else is running too so no worries about a conflict with something like final stand.

Rich (BB code):
holyshit0=/if (${Me.PctHPs}<40 && ${Me.CombatAbilityReady[Flash of Anger]} && ${Me.CurrentEndurance}>305) /disc Flash of Anger

- - - Updated - - -

Automating Wizard Merc for maximum DPS.

NOTE: This requires 2 slots on your xtarget to make it work well. In my setup I use 10 for 'My Mercenary' and 1 for 'Group Assist Target'.

This first one will set the merc passive if it gets too far away. This has a tendency to get it to warp right on top of you or run towards you. Since the range for enchanter auras is 100 I use that as the magic number.

Rich (BB code):
downshit15=/if (${Me.XTarget[10].Type.Equal[Mercenary]} && ${Spawn[${Me.XTarget[10].ID}].Class.Name.Equal[Wizard]} && ${Spawn[${Me.XTarget[10].ID}].Distance3D}>500) /multiline ; /stance Passive

This checks if your merc is there and a wizard merc. Has less than 80% agro and the mob the assist is on is lower than 95% health. It then turns your merc on and sets it to burn.

Rich (BB code):
downshit14=/if (${Me.XTarget[10].Type.Equal[Mercenary]} && ${Spawn[${Me.XTarget[10].ID}].Class.Name.Equal[Wizard]} && ${Me.XTarget[10].PctAggro}<80 && ${Me.XTarget[1].Type.Equal[Group Assist Target]} && ${Spawn[${Me.XTarget[1].ID}].PctHPs}<95 && ${Spawn[${Me.XTarget[1].ID}].Type.NotEqual[NULL]} && ${Me.MercenaryStance.NotEqual[Burn]}) /multiline ; /mercassist ; /stance burn

This checks the above stuff and if your merc is over 80% agro will switch it to balanced (so it'll do some deagroing stuff in theory).

Rich (BB code):
downshit13=/if (${Me.XTarget[10].Type.Equal[Mercenary]} && ${Spawn[${Me.XTarget[10].ID}].Class.Name.Equal[Wizard]} && ${Me.XTarget[10].PctAggro}>80 && ${Me.XTarget[1].Type.Equal[Group Assist Target]} && ${Spawn[${Me.XTarget[1].ID}].PctHPs}<95 && ${Spawn[${Me.XTarget[1].ID}].Type.NotEqual[NULL]} && ${Me.MercenaryStance.NotEqual[Balanced]}) /multiline ; /mercassist ; /stance balanced

I'm going to be testing these today sometime.
Plugin - MQ2Melee

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