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Plugin - MQ2Melee (1 Viewer)

MMOBugs built mq2bagwindow into their compile so you didn't need to copy the file.

We are working on an offline updater for our compile hopefully that will be out next month. It will copy the files automatically.
Last edited by a moderator:
not sur if that can help i use this for downshit condition
downshitif=${If[${Zone.ID}!=344 && ${Zone.ID}!=345 && ${Zone.ID}!=219 && ${Zone.ID}!=465 && ${Zone.ID}!=464 && ${Zone.ID}!=202 && ${Zone.ID}!=203 && ${Zone.ID}!=151 && ${Zone.ID}!=33480 && !${Me.Moving} && !${Me.Feigning} && ${Zone.ID}!=33113 && !${Me.Invis},1,0]}
AnonymousHero's Complication of Shits

Alright, I'm gonna compile all the downshits/holyshits that I've written in this thread into one post so Maskoi can copy them to the front page entries if he wants. Also I'm sick of looking through 7 pages of shits to find what I need for my own purposes.


Melee/Hybrid - Rest Disc
NOTE: This will effectively keep your endurance at 25% permanently unless you chain pull like a mad man. Even then you only need a break of a few seconds because you can pop this ability anytime you dont have swords icon on you.

Rich (BB code):
downshit1=/if ( ${Me.PctEndurance}<25 && ${Me.CombatAbilityReady[Rest Rk. ii]} && !${Me.CombatState.Equal[COMBAT]} && ${Me.Standing} && ${Melee.DiscID}==0 && !${Me.Invis} && !${Select[${Zone.ShortName},guildlobby,poknowledge,potranquility,guildhall,nexus,neighborhood]}) /disc Rest rk. ii

Iksar Mask (SoD, to get non-KOS with Iksars in those zones specifically)

Rich (BB code):
downshit15=/if (${Select[${Zone.Name},Field of Scale,Kaesora Library,Kaesora Hatchery,Kurn's Tower]} && ${FindItemCount[=Bone Mask of the Ancient Iksar]} && ${Spell[Illusion: Ancient Iksar].Stacks[50]} && !${Me.Moving} && !${Me.Invis}) /casting "Bone Mask of the Ancient Iksar"|Item

Tracking Skill-Up
NOTE: Useful for Rangers, Druids and Bards who get the tracking skill. Will basically mash the 'tracking' button until you get to your skill cap. Always good to have Tracking for backup for patch days.
Rich (BB code):
downshit0=/if (${Me.AbilityReady[Tracking]} && ${Me.Skill[Tracking]} < ${Me.SkillCap[Tracking]}) /doability Tracking
holyshit0=/if (${Me.AbilityReady[Tracking]} && ${Me.Skill[Tracking]} < ${Me.SkillCap[Tracking]}) /doability Tracking

Downshit Snippets

To prevent your shits from firing in non-hostile zones

Rich (BB code):
&& !${Select[${Zone.ShortName},guildlobby,poknowledge,potranquility,guildhall,nexus,neighborhood]}


Enchanter Auras - Twincast/Learner's Aura with one spell gem.
NOTE: Keeps one spell gem for itself. Switches as necessary. You could change Learner's Aura to whatever one you want. A popular one I like to run is Twincast/Mana Reiterate since my enchanter uses a caster DPS merc and if I can permastun something well it will rip it to shreds.

Rich (BB code):
downshit0=/if (${Spell[Twincast Aura].Stacks[0]} && !${Me.Aura[Twincast Aura].Length} && !${Me.Moving} && !${Me.Invis} && ${Me.CurrentMana}>=600 && ${Me.Gem[12].Name.NotEqual[Twincast Aura]} && !${Select[${Zone.ShortName},guildlobby,poknowledge,potranquility,guildhall,nexus,neighborhood]}) /memspell 12 "Twincast Aura"
downshit1=/if (${Spell[Twincast Aura].Stacks[0]} && !${Me.Aura[Twincast Aura].Length} && !${Me.Moving} && !${Me.Invis} && ${Me.CurrentMana}>=600 && ${Me.Gem[12].Name.Equal[Twincast Aura]} && !${Select[${Zone.ShortName},guildlobby,poknowledge,potranquility,guildhall,nexus,neighborhood]}) /casting "Twincast Aura"|12
downshit4=/if (${Spell[Learner's Aura Rk. II].Stacks[0]} && ${Me.Aura[Twincast Aura].Length} && !${Me.Aura[Learner's Aura Rk. II].Length} && !${Me.Moving} && !${Me.Invis} && ${Me.CurrentMana}>=1433 && ${Me.Gem[12].Name.NotEqual[Learner's Aura Rk. II]} && !${Select[${Zone.ShortName},guildlobby,poknowledge,potranquility,guildhall,nexus,neighborhood]} && !${Me.Aura[2].Length}) /memspell 12 "Learner's Aura Rk. II"
downshit5=/if (${Spell[Learner's Aura Rk. II].Stacks[0]} && ${Me.Aura[Twincast Aura].Length} && !${Me.Aura[Learner's Aura].Length} && !${Me.Moving} && !${Me.Invis} && ${Me.CurrentMana}>=1433 && ${Me.Gem[12].Name.Equal[Learner's Aura Rk. II]} && !${Select[${Zone.ShortName},guildlobby,poknowledge,potranquility,guildhall,nexus,neighborhood]} && !${Me.Aura[2].Length}) /casting "Learner's Aura Rk. II"|12


Cleric Auras (Only using 1 spell slot)
NOTE: You'll want to change Yaulp XI Rk. II for whatever you want to use. It basically loads whichever one it needs to cast whenever you're not fighting and casts it then replaces it with whatever spell you set (My friend used Yaulp XI Rk. II but you could use whatever).

Rich (BB code):
downshit0=/if (!${Select[${Zone.ShortName},guildlobby,poknowledge,potranquility,guildhall,nexus,neighborhood,bazaar]} && !${Me.Moving} && !${Me.Invis} && !${Me.CombatState.Equal[COMBAT]} && !${Me.Gem[Circle of Divinity Rk. II]} && ${Me.CurrentMana}>=${Spell[Circle of Divinity Rk. II].Mana} && ${Me.Gem[Yaulp XI Rk. II]} && !${Me.Aura[Circle of Divinity].Length}) /memspell ${Me.Gem[Yaulp XI Rk. II]} "Circle of Divinity Rk. II"
downshit1=/if (!${Select[${Zone.ShortName},guildlobby,poknowledge,potranquility,guildhall,nexus,neighborhood,bazaar]} && !${Me.Moving} && !${Me.Invis} && !${Me.CombatState.Equal[COMBAT]} && ${Me.Gem[Circle of Divinity Rk. II]} && ${Me.CurrentMana}>=${Spell[Circle of Divinity Rk. II].Mana} && !${Me.Aura[Circle of Divinity].Length}) /casting "Circle of Divinity Rk. II"
downshit2=/if (!${Select[${Zone.ShortName},guildlobby,poknowledge,potranquility,guildhall,nexus,neighborhood,bazaar]} && !${Me.Moving} && !${Me.Invis} && !${Me.CombatState.Equal[COMBAT]} && ${Me.Aura[Circle of Divinity].Length} && !${Me.Aura[Aura of the Pious].Length} && ${Me.CurrentMana}>=${Spell[Aura of the Pious].Mana} && ${Me.Gem[Yaulp XI Rk. II]} && !${Me.Gem[Aura of the Pious]}) /memspell ${Me.Gem[Yaulp XI Rk. II]} "Aura of the Pious"
downshit3=/if (!${Select[${Zone.ShortName},guildlobby,poknowledge,potranquility,guildhall,nexus,neighborhood,bazaar]} && !${Me.Moving} && !${Me.Invis} && !${Me.CombatState.Equal[COMBAT]} && ${Me.Aura[Circle of Divinity].Length} && !${Me.Aura[Aura of the Pious].Length} && ${Me.CurrentMana}>=${Spell[Aura of the Pious].Mana} && ${Me.Gem[Aura of the Pious]}) /casting "Aura of the Pious" downflag4=1
downshit4=/if (${Me.Aura[Circle of Divinity].Length} && ${Me.Gem[Circle of Divinity Rk. II]} && !${Me.Gem[Yaulp XI Rk. II]} || ${Me.Aura[Aura of the Pious].Length} && ${Me.Gem[Aura of the Pious]} && !${Me.Gem[Yaulp XI Rk. II]} ) /memspell ${If[${Me.Gem[Circle of Divinity Rk. II]},${Me.Gem[Circle of Divinity Rk. II]},${If[${Me.Gem[Aura of the Pious]},${Me.Gem[Aura of the Pious]},]}]} "Yaulp XI Rk. II"


Paladin Aura

Rich (BB code):
downshit1=/if (${Spell[Blessed Aura].Stacks[0]} && !${Me.Aura[Blessed Aura].Length} && !${Me.Moving} && !${Me.Invis} && ${Me.CurrentMana}>=600 && ${Me.Gem[11].Name.Equal[Blessed Aura]} && !${Select[${Zone.ShortName},guildlobby,poknowledge,potranquility,guildhall,nexus,neighborhood]}) /casting "Blessed Aura"|11


Berseker Aura

Rich (BB code):
downshit0=/if (${Spell[Bloodlust Aura].Stacks[0]} && !${Me.Aura[Bloodlust Aura].Length} && !${Me.Moving} && !${Me.Invis} && ${Me.CurrentEndurance} >=200 && !${Select[${Zone.ShortName},guildlobby,poknowledge,potranquility,guildhall,nexus,neighborhood]}) /disc Bloodlust Aura

Monk 1.0 - Only casts while in combat
NOTE: Will not click if you have a high level RNG/BST buff as the ATK overwrites this effect.

Rich (BB code):
holyshit5=/if (${FindItemCount[=Celestial Fists]} && ${Spell[Celestial Tranquility].Stacks[0]} && ${Me.CombatState.Equal[COMBAT]}) /casting "Celestial Fists"|item
ShadowKnight Downshits
You need to exchange spell gems and likely items, if you have different that what I currently use.
Rich (BB code):
downshit1=/if (!${Me.Invis} && !${Me.Feigning} && ${Me.Standing} && ${Spell[Form of Defense XI].Stacks} && !${Me.Buff[Form of Defense XI].ID}) /casting "Infinity Loop"
downshit10=/if (!${Me.Invis} && !${Me.Feigning} && !${Me.Combat} && ${Cast.Ready[Zombie Skin]}  && ${Melee.AggroMode} && ${Me.Standing} && ${Spell[Zombie Skin].Stacks} && !${Me.Buff[Zombie Skin].ID}) /casting "Zombie Skin" gem7
downshit11=/if (!${Me.Invis} && !${Me.Feigning} && !${Me.Combat} && ${Cast.Ready[Falhotep's Covenant]}  && ${Me.Standing} && ${Spell[Falhotep's Covenant].Stacks} && !${Me.Buff[Falhotep's Covenant].ID}) /casting "Falhotep's Covenant" gem7
downshit12=/if (!${Me.Invis} && !${Me.Feigning} && !${Me.Combat} && ${Cast.Ready[Drape of the Fallen]}  && ${Me.Standing} && ${Spell[Drape of the Fallen].Stacks} && !${Me.Buff[Drape of the Fallen].ID} && ${Me.PctMana}>20) /casting "Drape of the Fallen" gem7
downshit7=/if (!${Me.Invis} && !${Me.Feigning} && !${Me.Combat} && ${Cast.Ready[Steadfast Stance]}  && ${Me.Standing} && ${Spell[Shroud of the Darksworn].Stacks} && !${Me.Buff[Shroud of the Darksworn].ID} && ${Me.PctMana}>20) /casting "Shroud of the Darksworn" gem7
downshit13=/if (!${Me.Invis} && !${Me.Feigning} && ${Me.PctMana}>5 && ${Cast.Ready[Steadfast Stance]} && ${Spell[Steadfast Stance].Stacks} && !${Me.Buff[Steadfast Stance].ID}) /casting "Steadfast Stance"
downshit2=/if (!${Me.Invis} && !${Me.Feigning} && ${Me.Standing} && ${Spell[Myrmidon's Skill IV].Stacks} && !${Me.Buff[Myrmidon's Skill IV].ID}) /casting "Grendlaen Hide Spaulders"
downshit3=/if (!${Me.Invis} && !${Me.Feigning} && ${Me.Standing} && ${Spell[Might of Stone IV].Stacks} && !${Me.Buff[Might of Stone IV].ID}) /casting "Bauble of the Breeze"
downshit4=/if (!${Me.Invis} && !${Me.Feigning} && ${Me.Standing} && ${Spell[Illusionary Spikes IV].Stacks} && !${Me.Buff[Illusionary Spikes IV].ID}) /casting "Blightwing's Cape"
downshit5=/if (!${Me.Invis} && !${Me.Feigning} && ${Me.Standing} && ${Spell[Soothing Breath IV].Stacks} && !${Me.Buff[Soothing Breath IV].ID}) /casting "Boneshard of the Lost"
downshit6=/if (!${Me.Invis} && !${Me.Feigning} && !${Me.Combat} && ${Me.Standing} && ${Cast.Ready[Gift of Falsin]} && ${Me.Pet.ID} && !${Me.PetBuff[Gift of Falsin]} && ${Me.PctMana}>20) /casting "Gift of Falsin" gem7
downshit9=/if (!${Me.Invis} && !${Me.Feigning} && !${Me.Combat} && ${Me.Standing} && ${Cast.Ready[Grelleth's Skin]} && ${Spell[Grelleth's Skin].Stacks} && ${Me.PctMana}>20 && !${Me.Buff[Grelleth's Skin].ID}) /casting "Grelleth's Skin" gem11
Remember to update spell slots if needed. These all fit a lvl100 Magician

Pet Buffs
will auto cast the standard pet buffs I keep up.. Can add in what ever you prefer
Rich (BB code):
downshit9=/if  (!${Me.Moving} && !${Me.Invis} && ${Me.Pet.ID} && !${Me.PetBuff[Groundswell stance]}) /casting "Groundswell stance" gem7
downshit5=/if  (!${Me.Moving} && !${Me.Invis} && ${Me.Pet.ID} && !${Me.PetBuff[Burnout XI]}) /casting "Burnout XI" gem12
downshit6=/if  (!${Me.Moving} && !${Me.Invis} && ${Me.Pet.ID} && !${Me.PetBuff[Iceflame Armor]}) /casting "Iceflame Armor" gem12
downshit10=/if (!${Me.Moving} && !${Me.Invis} && ${Me.Pet.ID} && !${Me.PetBuff[Primal Fusion]}) /casting "Focus of Primal Elements" item
downshit11=/if (!${Me.Moving} && !${Me.Invis} && ${Me.Pet.ID} && !${Me.PetBuff[Velocity]}) /casting "Velocity" gem12

If you use illusion clickies from Station Store, you can use the following to keep you pet in that form. Remmebr to change illusion type and clicky name
Rich (BB code):
downshit7=/if  (!${Me.Moving} && !${Me.Combat} && ${Me.Standing} && ${Me.Pet.ID} && !${Me.PetBuff[Pet Illusion: Undead Gingerbread Man]} && !${Me.Invis}) /casting "Petamorph Wand - Undead Gingerbread Man"

Caster buffs
These fit a lvl100 Magician, and will keep all buffs up on the caster, including pet mana buff if pet is up.
Rich (BB code):
downshit8=/if  (!${Me.Moving} && !${Me.XTarget[1].ID} && !${Me.Invis} && ${Spell[Chaotic Assistance Rk. II].Stacks} && !${Me.Buff[Chaotic Assistance Rk. II].ID}) /casting "Chaotic Assistance Rk. II" gem10
downshit1=/if  (!${Me.Moving} && !${Me.XTarget[1].ID} && !${Me.Invis} && ${Spell[Arcane Symbiosis Recourse].Stacks} && !${Me.Buff[Arcane Symbiosis Recourse].ID} && ${Me.Pet.ID}) /casting "Arcane Symbiosis" gem9
downshit2=/if  (!${Me.Moving} && !${Me.XTarget[1].ID} && !${Me.Invis} && ${Spell[Phantasmal Guardian].Stacks} && !${Me.Buff[Phantasmal Guardian].ID}) /casting "Phantasmal Guardian" gem12
downshit3=/if  (!${Me.Moving} && !${Me.XTarget[1].ID} && !${Me.Invis} && ${Spell[Shield of the dauntless].Stacks} && !${Me.Buff[Shield of the dauntless].ID}) /casting "Shield of the dauntless" gem12
downshit4=/if  (!${Me.Moving} && !${Me.XTarget[1].ID} && !${Me.Invis} && ${Spell[Gather Capacity].Stacks} && !${Me.Buff[Gather Capacity].ID} && ${Me.PctMana}<65  ) /casting "Gather Capacity" gem11
would downshits be the best way to get druid's spirit of the white wolf aa to run continually? they have two versions (self-only and group) which run on separate cool down timers, but they also over-write each other, so it doesnt seem that putting them both in the buff section of kissassist would be appropriate.
would downshits be the best way to get druid's spirit of the white wolf aa to run continually? they have two versions (self-only and group) which run on separate cool down timers, but they also over-write each other, so it doesnt seem that putting them both in the buff section of kissassist would be appropriate.

Easiest way would be to have it check when your self buff is close to wearing off (like 18 seconds left) then use the group version...
Easiest way would be to have it check when your self buff is close to wearing off (like 18 seconds left) then use the group version...

Rich (BB code):
I was trying a different approach, but i'm still having problems with them both activating simultaneously. Any thoughts?

downshit0=/if (!${Me.Buff[Spirit of the White Wolf].ID} && ${Me.AltAbilityReady[Spirit of the White Wolf]} && !${Me.Buff[Group Spirit of the White Wolf].ID}) /alt activate 705
downshit1=/if (!${Me.Buff[Spirit of the White Wolf].ID} && ${Me.AltAbilityReady[Group Spirit of the White Wolf]} && !${Me.Buff[Group Spirit of the White Wolf].ID}) /alt activate 10396

Also, AnonimousHero, are there benefits to using downshits for auras instead of just using kissassist, now that maskoi's got the bugs worked out?
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First time poster here - This stuff is awesome, guys. Have spent a couple of weeks setting up my box team with mq2melee and kissassist thanks to all the great examples floating around here.

Right now I'm working on my monk and as some of you guys might know, monks can put out some pretty impressive burst on short burns (group named mobs) with micromanagement. Just trying to take as much micro out of it as possible.

What I am wanting to do is have it open with iron fist (special attack disc) and dump synergy, five point palm, crane stance, stunning kick then click iron fist off and continue to a better DPS disc. Still haven't discovered a way to get it to automatically click a disc off, however. Any ideas here? Thus far I've just been tabbing over to the monk and clicking it off.

Also, is there a way to have an /if check for an active disc (not just if it's ready or on cooldown)?
This is something I've also been looking into for a long time, and have yet to find a way to do so :(. If this isn't possible currently, I wonder how hard it would be to add?
Complex to say the least
i have no clue what iron fist is. If it shows up in the combat ability window it would be something like the example below to detect and click iron fist off

from sym
Rich (BB code):
/if (${Window[CombatAbilityWnd].Child[CAW_CombatEffectLabel].Text.Find[iron fist]}) /notify CombatAbilityWnd CAW_CombatEffectButton leftmouseup
Complex to say the least
i have no clue what iron fist is. If it shows up in the combat ability window it would be something like the example below to detect and click iron fist off

from sym
Rich (BB code):
/if (${Window[CombatAbilityWnd].Child[CAW_CombatEffectLabel].Text.Find[iron fist]}) /notify CombatAbilityWnd CAW_CombatEffectButton leftmouseup

Is that related to a downshit to remove a specific buff, too? I still haven't seen a shit to do that yet.
So, do you know the code to remove a buff, or can you direct me to a resource that can help? Ive poked around the melee plugin wiki, but without more coding knowledge i feel like i'm trying to swim upstream. Any suggestions?
Rich (BB code):
/if (${Me.Buff[Pact of the Wolf].ID})  /nomodkey /notify BuffWindow buff${Math.Calc[${Me.Buff[Pact of the Wolf].ID}-1].Int} leftmouseup
Complex to say the least
i have no clue what iron fist is. If it shows up in the combat ability window it would be something like the example below to detect and click iron fist off

from sym
Rich (BB code):
/if (${Window[CombatAbilityWnd].Child[CAW_CombatEffectLabel].Text.Find[iron fist]}) /notify CombatAbilityWnd CAW_CombatEffectButton leftmouseup

Thanks a bunch, this is exactly what I was looking for!
Also, AnonimousHero, are there benefits to using downshits for auras instead of just using kissassist, now that maskoi's got the bugs worked out?

Can someone explain the difference between using down/holyshits and running kissasssist to keep buffs etc up?

Does one replace the other, or do people run both things? Im a big fan of kissassist, but never tried experimenting with down/holy and the FAQ doesnt tell me exactly why and when one thing would be better than the other?
Biggest difference is that the downshits are maintained by a plugin rather than a macro, which means that you can have the plugin manage your buffs all the time, and not just when running kissassist macro.

Downshits are in my opinion also much more flexible in the way that you can configure it to use buffs or spells (doesnt have to be buffs) based on environment and fighting conditions.

As an example, my SK will auto-detect which aggro spell to used based on the spawncount around him, simply by using a holyshit from the Mq2melee plugin. In the same way, he will auto use all the discs I want in the order I want them to when tanking a named.

This has huge benefit's to me, as there is no delay in clicking the skills etc, he will just do it.
Can someone help me figure out why I can't cast my AA's on a Wiz. I had them working just fine, and due to a system wipe I lost them all. I tried using the alt act for them as well, and still nothing wants to cast. I'm sure I'm missing something or put the wrong thing in somewhere :-)

Rich (BB code):
holyshit0=/if (${Target.Type.Equal[NPC]} && !${Me.Moving} && ${Me.PctMana} > 10 && ${Target.PctHPs}<97 && ${Me.AltAbilityReady[Force of Will]} ) /casting "Force of Will"
holyshit1=/if (${Target.Type.Equal[NPC]} && !${Me.Moving} && ${Me.PctMana} > 10 && ${Target.PctHPs}<97 && ${Me.AltAbilityReady[Banestrike]} ) /casting "Banestrike"
Nah not for those, they all only fire if the mob is under a certain hp. You can add ${Me.CombatState.Equal[Combat]} if you want to be super safe.
Ok, thanks for the help nostress, I changed them over, and noticed I had spaces where they should not have been. They work just fine now.

Rich (BB code):
downshit0=/if (${Me.CombatState.Equal[Combat]} && ${Target.Type.Equal[NPC]} && !${Me.Moving} && ${Me.PctMana}>=10 && ${Target.PctHPs}<97 && ${Me.AltAbilityReady[Force of Will]}) /casting "Force of Will"
downshit1=/if (${Me.CombatState.Equal[Combat]} && ${Target.Type.Equal[NPC]} && !${Me.Moving} && ${Me.PctMana}>=10 && ${Target.PctHPs}<97 && ${Me.AltAbilityReady[Banestrike]}) /casting "Banestrike"

If anyone else wants to use them for their wiz nuke or to fire their Banestrike.
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Here are the mage downshits I use to get a bit more out of my level 90 mages while using kissassist with them. All my downshits are set to only go off if a macro is running ( ${Macro.RunTime}>1 ) so if I'm playing the character I don't have to remember turning on and off the plugin.

Rich (BB code):
downshit1=/if  (!${Me.Moving} && !${Me.Invis} && ${Me.Pet.ID} && !${Me.PetBuff[Burnout IX rk. ii]} && ${Macro.RunTime} >1) /casting "Burnout IX rk. ii
downshit2=/if  (!${Me.Moving} && !${Me.Invis} && ${Me.Pet.ID} && !${Me.PetBuff[Iceflame Ward]} && ${Macro.RunTime} >1) /casting "Iceflame Ward"
downshit3=/if (!${Me.Moving} && !${Me.Invis} && ${Me.Pet.ID} && !${Me.PetBuff[Primal Fusion]} && ${Macro.RunTime} >1)  /casting "Focus of Primal Elements" item
Neophys's downshits to keep the epic up, burnout and the proc buff up on the pet, with a little addition to have them only fire if a macro is running.

Rich (BB code):
downshit4=/if (${Target.Type.Equal[NPC]} && ${Me.XTarget} > 1 && ${SpawnCount[npc radius 40]}>1 && ${Me.AltAbilityReady[Frenzied Burnout]} && ${Target.PctHPs}<95) /multiline ;  /casting "Fundament: First Spire of the Elements" ; /casting "Frenzied Burnout"
Casts frenzied burnout, and first spire on a multimob pull.

Rich (BB code):
downshit5=/if (${Target.Type.Equal[NPC]} && ${Target.Named} && ${Me.AltAbilityReady[Servant of Ro]} && ${Target.PctHPs}<95 && ${Macro.RunTime} >1) /casting "Servant of Ro"
downshit6=/if (${Target.Type.Equal[NPC]} && ${Target.Named} && ${Me.AltAbilityReady[Acute Focus of Arcanum]} && ${Target.PctHPs}<100 && ${Macro.RunTime} >1) /casting "Acute Focus of Arcanum"
downshit7=/if (${Target.Type.Equal[NPC]} && ${Target.Named} && ${Me.AltAbilityReady[Silent Casting]} && ${Target.PctHPs}<100 && ${Macro.RunTime} >1) /casting "Silent Casting"
downshit8=/if (${Target.Type.Equal[NPC]} && ${Target.Named} && ${Me.AltAbilityReady[Arcane Whisper]} && ${Target.PctHPs}<99 && ${Macro.RunTime} >1) /casting "Arcane Whisper"
downshit9=/if (${Target.Type.Equal[NPC]} && ${Target.Named} && ${Me.AltAbilityReady[Host of the Elements]} && ${Target.PctHPs}<95 && ${Macro.RunTime} >1) /casting "Host of the Elements"
downshit10=/if (${Target.Type.Equal[NPC]} && ${Target.Named} && ${Me.AltAbilityReady[Fundament: First Spire of the Elements]} && ${Target.PctHPs}<100 && ${Macro.RunTime} >1) /casting "Fundament: First Spire of the Elements"
downshit11=/if (${Target.Type.Equal[NPC]} && ${Target.Named} && ${Me.AltAbilityReady[Improved Twincast]} && ${Target.PctHPs}<100 && ${Macro.RunTime} >1) /casting "Improved Twincast"
Downshits for nameds. Casts servant of Ro, host of the elements, silent casting, arcane whisper, improved twincast, acute focus of arcanum, and firstspire.

Rich (BB code):
downshit12=/if (${Target.Type.Equal[NPC]} && ${Me.XTarget} > 0 && ${SpawnCount[npc radius 40]}>1 && ${Me.Inventory[17].TimerReady}==0 && ${Target.PctHPs}<95) /casting "abstruse Conjuredflame Robe" item
Clicks hot t1 robe clickie if it's up if you are in combat. Change the name to what ever clicky robe you use.

Rich (BB code):
downshit1=/if (${Target.Type.Equal[NPC]} && ${Target.Named} && ${Me.AltAbilityReady[Fundament: Second Spire of Ancestors]} && ${Target.PctHPs}<95 && ${Macro.RunTime} >1) /multiline ; /casting "Fundament: Second Spire of Ancestors" ; /timed 10 ; /casting "Ancesteral Aid" ; /timed 10 ;  /casting "Call of the Ancients"
downshit2=/if (${Target.Type.Equal[NPC]}  && ${Target.Named} && ${Me.XTarget} > 0 && ${Me.Inventory[17].TimerReady}==0 && ${Target.PctHPs}<95 ${Macro.RunTime} >1) /casting "abstruse spiritskin coat" item

These two downshits will pop a bunch of AA when a named shows up in camp. Second Spire, Ancesteral Aid, and Call of the Ancients

Rich (BB code):
downshit3=/if (${Me.CombatState.Equal[COMBAT]} && ${SpawnCount[npc radius 10]}> 1 && ${Me.PctHPs}<80 && ${Me.AltAbilityReady[Ancestral Guard]} && ${Macro.RunTime} >1) /casting "Ancestral Guard"
downshit4=/if (${Me.CombatState.Equal[COMBAT]} && ${SpawnCount[npc radius 10]}> 1 && ${Me.PctHPs}<30 && ${Me.AltAbilityReady[Inconsipicuous Totem]} && ${Macro.RunTime} >1) /casting "Inconsipicuous Totem"
downshit5=/if (${Me.PctHPs}<60 && ${Me.Buff[Inconsipicuous Totem].ID} && ${Macro.RunTime} >1) /nomodkey /notify BuffWindow buff${Math.Calc[${Me.Buff[Inconsipicuous Totem].ID}-1].Int} leftmouseup

These are to protect the shaman if he starts getting beat on. First it will pop ancestral guard, then if it gets below 30% life it will cast Totem fade thingy. Once it's hp gets above 60% again it'll click the debuff and let you keep casting.

All my downshits will only run if a macro is running. if you want them to run all the time remove "&& ${Macro.RunTime} > 1" from them.
Last edited:
I like the robe one, but the Wiz click wont go on if you have the self rune up and will most likely spam me out.

I leave melee set to off and turn it on in game as needed, there are times I don't want those nukes going off. I play the wiz all the time, and I only use melee to run those two AA's since it's a pain to have to keep clicking them. (And I always forget the damn things anyway)

I like the Shaman one's, going to add those in. Thanks
need a little critique on a holyshits if possible. In the hopes of increasing my bards average life expectancy due to social agro from regen songs would this work?

Rich (BB code):
holyshit0=/if (${Target.Type.Equal[NPC]} && ${SpawnCount[npc radius 75 zradius 10]}>0 && ${Melee.AggroMode} && ${Melee.GotAggro}FALSE && ${Me.AltAbilityReady[Ageless Enmity]}) /alt activate 10367

of course because of the CD i would use something like Scoff just made it and want to know if ${Melee.GotAggro}FALSE

think i found out my problem !${Melee.GotAggro} not FALSE
need a little critique on a holyshits if possible. In the hopes of increasing my bards average life expectancy due to social agro from regen songs would this work?

Rich (BB code):
holyshit0=/if (${Target.Type.Equal[NPC]} && ${SpawnCount[npc radius 75 zradius 10]}>0 && ${Melee.AggroMode} && ${Melee.GotAggro}FALSE && ${Me.AltAbilityReady[Ageless Enmity]}) /alt activate 10367

of course because of the CD i would use something like Scoff just made it and want to know if ${Melee.GotAggro}FALSE will parse correctly

${Melee.GotAggro}FALSE will throw an error ${Melee.GotAggro} RETURNS True/False

!${Melee.GotAggro} = I don't have aggro
Plugin - MQ2Melee

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