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Lua - MyPaths (1 Viewer) v1.72

Could you add a second transparancy slider for the hud? Currently I can control "mouseover" transparancy but the non-mouseover is not available to set, so if I want ot just keep glancing at the hud without mouse over, and playing in a place with very light walls/floor, I won't be able to see the hud.
I love this script! So easy to use.

Unnecessary but perhaps fun feature request: user specified random offset capabilities for the stop distance and waypoint delays inputs

Feel free to ignore this :D
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When upgrading to this version i get error on common.lua 199, nil value attempt to index loaded_settings. I deleted entire folder and redownloaded it, any advice?
Any advice on using this to pull camps? I use it to roam kill and its great. I would like it to pull mobs, then pause for combat inside camp, and not go to next waypoint
nothing built in for that. you can import a path into rgmercs lua to use for farm mode though which does similar. moves to a point clears area and progresses
not specifically for combat but there is a /mypaths dointerrupts on/off toggle that will toggle all interrupts on / off.

I use this when running through areas and turn them back on at specific points to clean up the mess that aggros along the way
I'm trying to understand the use cases for this program.
Not what it does... but why would this be useful to have? Didn't quite get it from the description.
(And btw, this is a common issue on RG 😆. Creators like to explain how things works but not why they exist 😝 )
Lua - MyPaths

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