Black said:
Can you really not put yourself into the shoes of two people with differing opinions?
"It was a goal!"
"No it wasn't, it never crossed the line!"
"Yes it did!"
"No it didn't!"
From one person's perspective the truth is that there was a goal scored.
From the other person's perspective there was no goal scored.
Who is correct?
They both BELIEVE they're correct and will continue to do so right up until there is evidence to prove otherwise. Once the evidence is there, one is clearly in the wrong.
But, regardless of each of their opinion, the goal was either scored, or not. That is what instant replay is for in the NFL. :judge
But in all seriousness, regardless of what either person sees, or says, the goal was either scored or not scored. Person A may have been too far away to correctly see the goal, or person B may have been at an awkward angle. If someone happened to be recording the entire ordeal, then they could show the videotape, and thus show both parties whether or not it was a goal or not.
That, my friend, is truth. It really doesn't matter what someone says, truth is truth, and the goal was either scored or not. It can't be both, and it can't be neither. It has to be one or the other. And that decision is not deemed by a person's view, but by the rules of the game, that is, whether it did hit the line or not.
If the rules of the game say that it cannot hit the line, and it did, regardless if everyone in the entire stadium says that it was a goal even though it hit the line would not matter, because the rules (truth) of the game says so.
Black said:
But at the time the church believed the world to be flat, their opinion was based on the evidence available to them at the time, thus when they stated the world as flat, it WAS the truth but it is NO LONGER the truth.
So, the world was flat and then all of a sudden it just poofed into a ball?
Let's pretend that the world is square, it's just that we don't have enough evidence to prove that yet. The truth of the matter is that even though we may think that the world is round, the underlying truthful truth is that it is really square. Even though we may not believe or "have the evidence" to prove it yet. We may NEVER in this entire lifetime have enough evidence to prove something, but whether or not man can prove it by evidence, does not determine whether or not it is true, it's just that we havn't figured it out and may never do so.
There could be 10 million other planets with life forms living in 20 million other galaxies, (of which I do not believe), but we just don't have the technology to discover them yet. The truth would be that they are there, existing, at the very time. Because we havn't explored them yet doesn't mean that they are not there. Man may not believe it, because man has not discovered it, but that absolutely would not take away the truth that they are existent.
Truth exists, and is always there, even if man has not discovered it yet. All the while that man thought of the world as flat, guess what, it was round, even if we truly thought that it was flat. We may have
thought of it as truth at the time, but as much as man thought of it being true, it wasn't. That is the truth. Heck, even stating that the church was wrong to think of it as flat is a truthful statement! They truly believed that, but they were wrong, which we now know.
We may not to have been able to prove it at the time, but guess what, we finally were able to. Truth exists whether man believes so or not. We weren't living on a flat earth, but a round one. That is the truth. But if we were to discover today that the earth really is square, then guess what, it never would have been a truth that it was round, but only a misconception. The truth would have been that we were wrong. There is a truth, but again, just because we havn't discovered it doesn't make the truth non-existant or cease it to be the truth. There is no way for man to have all the answers on this.
Black, I understand your thinking and have came across thinkers like you before. I have never understood it quite as fully as I do now, but quite honestly, it still just doesn't make since and I am most certain that it is because of my
faith in God.
Basically what it comes to is that I believe in God, and you don't, and that is okay to you. My truth is okay to me, and your truth is okay for you, and it doesn't matter whether one of us is wrong, because both of us can be right. But guess what, God either does exist, or He doesn't. He cannot both exist and not exist. So one of us is truly wrong. My hope is that He does exist, and I whole heartedly believe that and will until I die. One day we will figure that out for sure, and when we do it will be too late to have religion discussion abroad the redguides forums.
I have come to the conclusion that both of our definitions of truth differ. Mine is that there is truth, yours is that truth is relative, and differs from perspective to perspective. This to me is saying that their is no "Set Truth" or "Absolute Truth." But again, If you say that the absolute truth is that there is no such thing as absolute truth, then that even in itself is a truthful statement! Which blows all of the logic out of the water. But what I find the most interesting is that you still find a place to argue about religion in the first place. If the standard of truth is by man's own perceptive, then I am completely right in everything that I am saying, and you have no place to as much as say a word against it. (Which I am not saying that you are, because I think that you are simply sharing your thoughts as am I.) But for future reference, if what you
truly believe in what you say you do, then my friend, every word you say could be a curse word in my "language" (perspective from generation), I could ban you because I felt like you were cursing me out, and a man could, God forbid, kill your family, and you could not do a single thing about it. You could not sue him, you could not take him to court, because it was right in his own eyes. But then you may find it right in your own eyes to take him to court, but even in that, the reason that you would be taking him to court would be wrong.
What you believe is what I call Postmodernism. Postmodernism states that my truth is my truth, and your truth is your truth, and both can co-exist at the same time and in the same sense. But there is absolutely no logic to that type of thinking at all because you would have no right to EVER question anything in this world. You would at the end of the road, really cease to exist as a person because nothing would be logical because A can be both A and non-A at the same time and in the same sense. A dog can be both a dog and a cat at the same time and in the same sense.
Friend, we are attempting to answer to biggest question of all time...
"What is Truth?"
Maybe one day, the Leader of the One World Government will stand up and state that we will now begin to call the dog species a cat, and the cat species dogs. As the world progresses, that is the truth. I can understand that, because a dog and a cat are simply man given names to animals. But a name would not take away from what the dog actually is. Though we may change the "truth" of his name, the "truth" of what the dog is, will not change. He is still a dog.
You cannot mix man given names, with an omnipotent eternal God. God is truth. Regardless of what man may ever believe or think, God is truth, and His Word is truth. Nothing can ever change that. The entire world could believe that God does not exist, but that would never change the fact that He does. The entire world could believe that the world if flat, but that would never change the fact that it is round.