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Macro - shiny / reward (EQ collection items / overseer collection dispensers) [Deleted] (1 Viewer)

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This is a masterpiece of macros. If I could ever figure out how to rate something I would give it 5 stars.
Hi, seems like a great idea, but I cannot get it to work.
I have collections.mac from MQ2, vip section. Then Ran that for each expansion with the collections tab selected. It created .ini files.
I then stand near the house, do /mac shiny get click, /mac shiny get etc, none work. I get the message Shiny starting, and then after X amount of seconds i get the message finished in X seconds, it dosnt pick anything up, dosnt click anything.
I would really appreciate some help, as I am probably the reason its not working lol. User end error.
I am having trouble using this mac.
I have the collections mac from mq2 vip forums, ran that and selected each expansion collection tab.
the i tried /mac shiny get, /mac shiny get click etc. each time it said it started the mac.....but nothing happened. it just said mac ran for x seconds and stopped.
I am probably doing something wrong, would appreciate any help. thanks
I am having trouble using this mac.
I have the collections mac from mq2 vip forums, ran that and selected each expansion collection tab.
the i tried /mac shiny get, /mac shiny get click etc. each time it said it started the mac.....but nothing happened. it just said mac ran for x seconds and stopped.
I am probably doing something wrong, would appreciate any help. thanks
You can only do 1 expansion.
So run the macro that reads what you are missing from rof, then run the shiny.mac
Repeat next expansion
CoV Addition (First Draft):
Item1=Broken Othmir Fishing Rod
Item2=Broken Othmir Lure
Item3=Broken Othmir Spinner
Item4=Broken Othmir Fishing Reel
Item5=Broken Othmir Jig
Item6=Broken Othmir Hook
Item7=Broken Othmir Sinker
Item8=Broken Othmir Bobber
Item9=Dingy Dinglehoper
Item10=Worn Whosit
Item11=Weathered Whatsit
Item12=Garish Gizmo
Item13=Generously Grimy Gadget
Item14=Threadbare Thingamabob
Item15=Soiled Snarlblatt
Item16=Mangled McGuffin
Item17=Provacative Jade Earring
Item18=Stunning Ruby Ring
Item19=Resplendent Turquoise Necklace
Item20=Breathtaking Aquamarine Veil
Item21=Alluring Agate Brooch
Item22=Beautiful Multi-Faceted Necklace
Item23=Exquisite Moonstone Amulet
Item24=Macabre Gothic Ring
Item25=Frozen Shark Fin
Item26=Frozen Mermaid Skull
Item27=Velium Chilled Nautilus
Item28=Othmir Fishing Batwing
Item29=Broken Piece of Aquos Tail
Item30=Discarded Piece of Chum
Item31=Barracuda Scent Gland
Item32=Lost Walrus Tusk
Item33=Icebound Dragon Egg
Item34=Scaled Dragon Egg
Item35=Scorched Dragon Egg
Item36=Cracked Dragon Egg
Item37=Cystalline Dragon Egg
Item38=Petrified Dragon Egg
Item39=Runed Dragon Egg
Item40=Deformed Dragon Egg
Item41=Velious Hare Foot
Item42=Velious Hound Fur
Item43=Velious Mammoth Tail
Item44=Tunnel Burrower Eye
Item45=Velious Walrus Blubber
Item46=Velious Brontotherium Hide
Item47=Velious Clouded Fish Scales
Item48=Velious Mammoth Trunk
Item49=Kromzek Insignia
Item50=Kromzek Hammer
Item51=Kromzek Boots
Item52=Kromzek Pants
Item53=Kromzek Pickaxe
Item54=Kromzek Helmet
Item55=Kromzek Bracer
Item56=Kromzek Studded Belt
Item57=Frozen Draconic Tome Vol. 1
Item58=Frozen Draconic Tome Vol. 2
Item59=Frozen Draconic Tome Vol. 3
Item60=Frozen Draconic Tome Vol. 4
Item61=Frozen Draconic Tome Vol. 5
Item62=Frozen Draconic Tome Vol. 6
Item63=Frozen Draconic Tome Vol. 7
Item64=Frozen Draconic Tome Vol. 8
Item65=Frozen Ethereal Relic
Item66=Chipped Ethereal Relic
Item67=Cracked Ethereal Relic
Item68=Melted Ethereal Relic
Item69=Weathered Ethereal Relic
Item70=Tarnished Ethereal Relic
Item71=Shattered Ethereal Relic
Item72=Petrified Ethereal Relic
Item73=Journal of a Lost Monk
Item74=Journal of a Lost Rogue
Item75=Journal of a Lost Cleric
Item76=Journal of a Lost Bard
Item77=Journal of a Lost Berserker
Item78=Journal of a Lost Beastlord
Item79=Journal of a Lost Ranger
Item80=Journal of a Lost Necromancer
Item81=Shimmering Drake Wing
Item82=Crimson Wurm Horn
Item83=Sapphire Drake Scales
Item84=Bottle of Wyvern Bile
Item85=Broken Dragon Tooth
Item86=Severed Wurm Tongue
Item87=Scaled Wyvern Toe
Item88=Cracked Dragon Femur
Item89=Flame-Licked Trousers
Item90=Flame-Licked Vest
Item91=Flame-Licked Cuffs
Item92=Flame-Licked Boots
Item93=Flame-Licked Undershirt
Item94=Flame-Licked Cap
Itme95=Flame-Licked Pouch
Item96=Flame-Licked Belt
Item97=Polished Piece of Velium
Item98=Paebala Signal Mirror
Item99=Someone's Lucky Coin
Item100=Sapphire Brooch
Item101=Obsidian Hairpin
Item102=Broken Kaleidoscope
Item103=Rusted-Covered Music Box
Item104=Shiny House Key
Item105=Broken Ancient Dragon Femur
Item106=Snapped Ancient Dragon Shinbone
Item107=Worn Ancient Dragon Tooth
Item108=Chipped Ancient Dragon Horn
Item109=Cracked Ancient Dragon Mandible
Item110=Scorched Ancient Dragon Sternum
Item111=Brittle Ancient Dragon Humerus
Item112=Fractured Ancient Dragon Patella
Item113=Webbed Up Locust
Item114=Webbed Up Dung Beetle
Item115=Webbed Up Cicada
Item116=Webbed Up Hornet
Item117=Webbed Up Wad of Gnats
Item118=Webbed Up Catepillar
Item119=Webbed Up Moth
Item120=Webbed Up Butterfly
Item121=Ancient Green Dragon Scale
Item122=Ancient Red Dragon Scale
Item123=Ancient Blue Dragon Scale
Item124=Ancient Black Dragon Scale
Item125=Ancient White Dragon Scale
Item126=Ancient Shadow Dragon Scale
Item127=Ancient Purple Dragon Scale
Item128=Ancient Crystalline Dragon Scale
Item129=Scales of an Obsidian Drake
Item130=Scales of an Onyx Drake
Item131=Scales of an Enigmatic Drake
Item132=Scales of a Charismatic Drake
Item133=Scales of a Stoic Drake
Item134=Scales of a Cagey Drake
Item135=Scales of a Suspicious Drake
Item136=Scales of a Desperate Drake
Item137=Crystalline Golem Fragment
Item138=Crystalline Golem Foot
Item139=Crystalline Golem Head
Item140=Crystalline Golem Horn
Item141=Crystalline Golem Shard
Item142=Crystalline Golem Eye
Item143=Crystalline Golem Tooth
Item144=Crystalline Golem Wing
Item145=Journal of a Lost Druid
Item146=Journal of a Lost Enchanter
Item147=Journal of a Lost Magician
Item148=Journal of a Lost Paladin
Item149=Journal of a Lost Wizard
Item150=Journal of a Lost Shaman
Item151=Journal of a Shadow Knight
Item152=Journal of a Lost Warrior
Item153=Ancient Draconic Scroll
Item154=Tarnished Draconic Coin
Item155=Torn Draconic Parchment
Item156=Brilliant Draconic Gem
Item157=Rusty Draconic Dagger
Item158=Cracked Draconic Goblet
Item159=Tattered Draconic Banner
Item160=Fractured Draconic Symbol
Item161=Frozen Volume of the Dragons of Norrath
Item162=Frozen Volume of the Wyrms of Norrath
Item163=Frozen Volume of the Drakkin of Norrath
Item164=Frozen Volume of the Wurms of Norrath
Item165=Frozen Volume of the Dragons of the Outer Planes
Item166=Frozen Volume of the Sleeper's Prophecy
Item167=Frozen Volume of Advanced Necromancy
Item168=Frozen Volume of The History of Norrath
Item169=Scale of Zeixshi-Kar the Ancient
Item170=Scale of Kildrukaun the Ancient
Item171=Scale of Vyskudra the Ancient
Item172=Scale of Tjudawos the Ancient
Item173=Scale of Ulessa the Insane
Item174=Scale of Talendor
Item175=Scale of Milas An'Rev
Item176=Scale of Vulak'Aerr
Item177=Humming piece of Velium
Item178=Vibrating piece of Velium
Item179=Pulsing piece of Velium
Item180=Warm piece of Velium
Item181=Glowing piece of Velium
Item182=Frozen piece of Velium
Item183=Whispering Piece of Velium
Item184=Shifting piece of Velium
Item185=Discarded Fabric Scissors
Item186=Broken Tuning Knob
Item187=Burnt out Crystal
Item188=Bloody Sewing Thread
Item189=Soiled Bandages
Item190=Damaged Dermatome
Item191=Stained Medical Manual
Item192=Rusty Grafting Knife
Spelling Issue - update to Item17=Provocative Jade Earring
Spelling Issue - update to Item9=Dingy Dinglehopper
Missing - Soiled Snarfblatt
Missing - Crystalline Gargoyle Eye
Missing - Crystalline Gargoyle Horn
Spelling Issue - update to Item17=Provocative Jade Earring
Spelling Issue - update to Item9=Dingy Dinglehopper
Missing - Soiled Snarfblatt
Missing - Crystalline Gargoyle Eye
Missing - Crystalline Gargoyle Horn
Seems they fixed some spelling/changed item name without noting in patch notes.
Still have not fixed the Kael Drakkel Collection item (2 spaces before collection)
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is there something weird i gotta do to get /mac reward TBL to work? It just searches through my bags but i got 400 collection dispensers in my bag.
Where does it dump the ACH_Charname.ini file? It's not the macros folder.
    Line 506:     /declare ININame string outer ACH_${Me.Name}.ini
    Line 533:     /declare ININame string outer ACH_${Me.Name}.ini
    Line 551:     /declare caregoryNode string Window[AchievementsWnd].Child[ACH_Categories].FirstChild
    Line 567:     /if (${${NODE}.Name.Equal[ACH_AchievementSub_CountLabel]}) {
    Line 585:         /if (${${NODE}.Name.Equal[ACH_Item_Screen]}) /varset AchName ${${NODE}.Text}
    Line 586:         /if (${${NODE}.Name.Equal[ACH_AchievementTimeStamp_Label]}) {
    Line 594:         /if (${${NODE}.Name.Equal[ACH_AchievementSub_CompletedButton]}) /varset SubDone ${${NODE}.Checked}
    Line 595:         /if (${${NODE}.Name.Equal[ACH_AchievementSub_Label]})             /varset SubName ${${NODE}.Text}

I can't find it anywhere. Running /mac shiny gather says it creates a file, but it's nowhere to be found. Collections.ini is updated however.
Where does it dump the ACH_Charname.ini file? It's not the macros folder.
    Line 506:     /declare ININame string outer ACH_${Me.Name}.ini
    Line 533:     /declare ININame string outer ACH_${Me.Name}.ini
    Line 551:     /declare caregoryNode string Window[AchievementsWnd].Child[ACH_Categories].FirstChild
    Line 567:     /if (${${NODE}.Name.Equal[ACH_AchievementSub_CountLabel]}) {
    Line 585:         /if (${${NODE}.Name.Equal[ACH_Item_Screen]}) /varset AchName ${${NODE}.Text}
    Line 586:         /if (${${NODE}.Name.Equal[ACH_AchievementTimeStamp_Label]}) {
    Line 594:         /if (${${NODE}.Name.Equal[ACH_AchievementSub_CompletedButton]}) /varset SubDone ${${NODE}.Checked}
    Line 595:         /if (${${NODE}.Name.Equal[ACH_AchievementSub_Label]})             /varset SubName ${${NODE}.Text}

I can't find it anywhere. Running /mac shiny gather says it creates a file, but it's nowhere to be found. Collections.ini is updated however.
ACH_Charname is not used. shiny/reward uses Collections.ini
Running /mac reward tov just opens the item dispenser, but doesn't know how to check the box.

Is there a common solution for this, besides checking the box each time?
do the following

/nomodkey /altkey /itemnotify in Pack${Math.Calc[${FindItem[Overseer Collection Item Dispenser].ItemSlot}-22]} ${Math.Calc[${FindItem[Overseer Collection Item Dispenser].ItemSlot2}+1]} leftmouseup

Does that pick up the stack ?
Which zone are you doing this in ? (try in sunrise hills please)
I had this same problem, went through housing and picked up entire stacks, and not single items (control click).
Yeah and while its running do not click anything else/open windows or such, that reward window can get bugged with the slightest change.
I kept opening all my bags and the thing kept closing them all except the one it needed open. Good call, I'll leave it alone for awhile.

It's working great once I understood what I should be doing!
I kept opening all my bags and the thing kept closing them all except the one it needed open. Good call, I'll leave it alone for awhile.

It's working great once I understood what I should be doing!
You could uncheck the bag Esc to Close, I do that sometimes, does not seem to break the windows.
Anyone know why it would stop clicking on the claim checkbox? At times, the macro works great, but other times, I see a repeating message "claim call of the forsaken collection item". Happens with any expansion. Confirmed /mac collections gather was ran.
If I manually click it, it will click the item, but then hangs on the reward window
I made sure the correct reward plugin is running too

edit: just saw the post above. will try
Anyone know why it would stop clicking on the claim checkbox? At times, the macro works great, but other times, I see a repeating message "claim call of the forsaken collection item". Happens with any expansion. Confirmed /mac collections gather was ran.
If I manually click it, it will click the item, but then hangs on the reward window
I made sure the correct reward plugin is running too

edit: just saw the post above. will try
reward window bugged out
don't be in a trafficed zone/around people casting aoe tls, dont click/open other windows
when it happends /endm and /reload then restart it

trying to find a fix for it so far nothing yet. problem is the inspect window can be opened 6x and seems that any other window that opens can cause problems. Done 3x characters in the last 2 days cotf-tov by doing /reload when that bug happens. irritating :(
not sure if this is still maintained or watched but i do have a request ...i saw in an earlier post where someone asked to be able to grab all items from a given xpac from the house or better yet stack all items...you suggested /mac shiny owner ...i think it was well i am cleaning up a guild collectors houses and we have 11 houses 2 for rof and 1 for each xpac after plus 1 for players to dump any collectors in that they dont need ....i need to be able to go to the dump house and use a command like ................................/Mac Shiny Get TBL All ... so it grabs all tbl items from the dump/sort house for me to move to the correct xpac house without having to fill bags and go to each house over and over again and also if there is a way to set rof up so you can /mac shiny get rof a-j or k-z so they can be put in the correct house w/o having dups in each house ty if this can be done it would be a great help and if it has been done info on the cmd for it would be great
not sure if this is still maintained or watched but i do have a request ...i saw in an earlier post where someone asked to be able to grab all items from a given xpac from the house Paragraphs dor better yet stack all items...you suggested /mac shiny owner ...i think it was well i am cleaning up a guild collectors houses and we have 11 houses 2 for rof and 1 for each xpac after plus 1 for players to dump any collectors in that they dont need ....i need to be able to go to the dump house and use a command like ................................/Mac Shiny Get TBL All ... so it grabs all tbl items from the dump/sort house for me to move to the correct xpac house without having to fill bags and go to each house over and over again and also if there is a way to set rof up so you can /mac shiny get rof a-j or k-z so they can be put in the correct house w/o having dups in each house ty if this can be done it would be a great help and if it has been done info on the cmd for it would be great
Paragraphs would be appreciated

Not planned to implement a-j / k-z for rof, suggest place a Scalebreakers crate on that property. 300(house)+200(crate) slots should be enough for RoF (count seems to be 481 items)
Grabbing per xpac I will do
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I like the new /mac shiny gather. Are there any plans to be able to have it gather all the expansions collectibles and be able to run from that? This would give the ability to just run the /mac shiny get click on each house without having to rerun the /mac shiny gather. This is also beneficial for checking dump houses that have not yet been sorted.

The previous collections.ini you utilized did do this functionality, but it seems the new logic broke using that ini formatting.
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I like the new /mac shiny gather. Are there any plans to be able to have it gather all the expansions collectibles and be able to run from that? This would give the ability to just run the /mac shiny get click on each house without having to rerun the /mac shiny gather. This is also beneficial for checking dump houses that have not yet been sorted.

The previous collections.ini you utilized did do this functionality, but it seems the new logic broke using that ini formatting.
mmm I wipe the ini section each time you now run the gather. ill take a look
The old collections mac appends , rather than delete and insert. So you’d open an Expac in your achievements, run the collections mac, then open the next expac , and run collection mac again, etc so you could create a list of all your missing collects across a number of expacs. Sounds like Jande’s mac does it differently.
Not sure how I missed this macro til now. I guess I was just dumping them in a house and was going to figure it out later. Well bam boom this macro sorted my houses in a matter of minutes and my team can go eat the shinys without doing the hand over 8 at a time I was doing before this (duck).

Once again the RedGuides community makes my life so much better! Thanks Jande
mac shiny get / mac shiny get click is not working even after i run mac shiny gather ....hmmm any ideas?....it says the mack starts and finishes in 0 sec
This seems to be broken (could be on my end), but now when I do a /mac shiny get click I get this....
Screenshot 2021-08-24 071906.jpg
I can manually right click the item that was gotten for a little bit, but then it hangs up and does nothing and I have to /end.
Macro - shiny / reward (EQ collection items / overseer collection dispensers) [Deleted]
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