This seems to be broken (could be on my end), but now when I do a /mac shiny get click I get this....
View attachment 32560
I can manually right click the item that was gotten for a little bit, but then it hangs up and does nothing and I have to /end.
Problem - - NULL Item with autoloot macros
Hi I am currently getting the following text in the MQ2 window when I attempt to auto-loot. SLOT IS NULL: Could not send a notification to 68 Rightmouseup 69 Rightmouseup 70 Rightmouseup I also posted to an 11-year-old thread that had the same kind of error... Is this being fixed?
Nothing I can do about it.
See if one of these works for you.
v1 Changed the macro to use EQ's own /useitem
v2 Try to use the itemid to send the click to
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