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Combat Assist MQ2Cleric 2918

- Can toggle off usage of epic 1.0 as "UseEpicRez".
- Updated for the overlap in lvl 52 Heroic Bond & lvl 52 Heroism.
- Lower Lvl Yaulp and Shielding Updates.
- Added Alliance (bout time, jeez)
- Cleric 1.5/2.0 now check against UseCures also, since they can cure.
-- This will make it so when you are doing an event you don't want to cure, and you /clr UseCures off
--- you won't use your epic 1.5/2.0 and accidentally kill everyone.
- Will now memorize to cure during downtime if you/group (in cwtnbuffs) needs one, and are not in BYOS, and don't otherwise have one memorized.
- Fixed some bad brackets in our
-- This should resolve a rare crash with quest pets
- Corrected issue with lvl 60 GroupAego/Aegolism not using either if you had both.
- Corrected some slash command outputs.
- Overloaded slash commands so you can use what is displayed in the mq2cleric window for the heal value types.
-- example: using"/clr quickhealma #" will now also work, in addition to "/clr MAQuickHeal #".
- Added hard coded use of the epic 1.0 to rez if it's on your person, if your AA isn't available, and
-- before checking the casted spell. Kunark Enabled clerics rejoice. There is no toggle. Put it in the bank if
-- you don't want to use it.
- Saint's Unity AA was added to be used instead of the spell if available.
- Added Heroic Bond
applies same hotfix as this am
- Updated Buff Stacking should correct issue with "Rallied Greater Vie" line and mercenaries
- UseDivineRez ini entry fix.
- Added Celestical Regen toggle (only for regular Celestical Regen, and not focused)
- Corrected Glyph scoping issue
- Added Divine Res toggle
- Added Xtarget Buffing.
- (already updated but not in notes) cleric respects burn settings now
- Fixed a bad nuke check from 6/22; we nuke again!
- removed a usesymbol check for the lower lvl single target hp buff
- Single Target Curse Cure is now checking curses and not disease :p
- Cast ready clean up
- Single Target Cure Corruption is now checking corruption and not disease :p
- Fixed a dumb issue that regular Word line wouldn't fire if usecures was on
- If you don't have the Cureall line, we will memorize your seventeenth line if you do have the blessing of resurrection AA
- You will no longer memorize CureAll in gem 7 if you have cures off - this only applies to memorizing, it wouldn't have cast it before regardless, but now we won't memorize it
- We will now memorize Word if either we have usecures off OR if we don't have a wordcure