- If we have hot/grouphot/grouphotcure memorized, either through byos or our level - we're going to try and keep them up while we have mobs on xtarget.
- Added GHBuffBot to MQ2Cleric
- GHBuffBot - Turns on the "Guild Hall Buff Bot"
- GHBuffSilent - if On will not ever output a reply with the buffme information
- GHBuffGuildOnly - if On will require the person requesting buffs is ALSO a member of your guild. We already require them to be in the same zone as you, and within 50 range of you, but this adds an additional layer of protection/security.
- BuffRequestPhrase=buffme - this can be changed to any single word - /clr buffrequestphrase gimmedagoods then you would /tell cleric gimmedagoods GroupAegolism
/tell cleric buffme
- cleric will reply with available buff types and information on how to request buffs
- You can request a spell by MQ2Cleric spell group
-- Options are: Symbol, GroupSymbol, Aegolism, GroupAegolism, Vie, GroupVie,
-- Group buffs": GroupAllAego, GroupAllSymbol
-- "Low Lvl buffs": HPBuffGroup, HPBuffST
--- Example: /tell cleric buffme GroupAllAego
---- MQ2Cleric will add Group Aegolism then buff them with that spells.
- You can request GroupAllAego
--- Example: /tell cleric buffme GroupAll
---- MQ2Cleric will add Group Aegolism, and Group Vie for the requester, and then buff them with those spells.
- You can also request a spell by name.
-- Example: /tell cleric buffme endure poison
--- MQ2Cleric will verify that they have a spell "endure poison", that it is a viable spell to cast on another, and then load it and cast upon the requester.