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Plugin - MQ2AutoLogin (3 Viewers)

So before this evening my auto login was working half way. It would open the windows and then login to all accounts. I would just have to connect to the server. Now after updating MQ2 auto login is no longer working. It will open 6 EQ games with the profile name but never logs in. and the box at the top left for the auto login is also no longer there. anyone have any advise?
So before this evening my auto login was working half way. It would open the windows and then login to all accounts. I would just have to connect to the server. Now after updating MQ2 auto login is no longer working. It will open 6 EQ games with the profile name but never logs in. and the box at the top left for the auto login is also no longer there. anyone have any advise?
Did you don't see the auto login windows it means one of a few things

A: macroquest is not loaded - not running, out of date, etc.
- reboot, make sure you are up to date, that your antivirus/ defender isn't holding any files hostage.

B: you are trying to connect to an unsupported truebox server
- dont

C: you are having an imgui crash / overlay crash
- make sure you're not running potentially conflicting overlays like nahimic. Also can check your compat layers to ensure you don't have any mq or EQ things listed.
I recently created a new profile set, when i load them from MQ2 they all work perfectly, if i invoke the same set from ISBoxer, none of them login, they just say AutoLogin is Inactive, and i have to manually select the profile, then it will load. How do i stop it from being inactive. I've scoured the site but cant find anything.
howdy oz1

make sure you're creating a config for each toon with the information completed
you would want to see profiles for each toon


patchme /login:all_server:name
Could use some tips on this if anyone knows?

I moved to MQ Next (love it) and set up autologin. At first it took me to server select but then no further, so I added this:

laz=Project Lazarus

And then set laz before all the blobs. That now gets me to character select but only for a split second and then it goes back to server select and logs into character select again and repeats that over and over. I noticed if I mash Enter as it is nearing the character select part it will login the character :) But this is not ideal. Hoping anyone can help.
Could use some tips on this if anyone knows?

I moved to MQ Next (love it) and set up autologin. At first it took me to server select but then no further, so I added this:

laz=Project Lazarus

And then set laz before all the blobs. That now gets me to character select but only for a split second and then it goes back to server select and logs into character select again and repeats that over and over. I noticed if I mash Enter as it is nearing the character select part it will login the character :) But this is not ideal. Hoping anyone can help.
I'm having the exact same problem. It was working before the update. Interestingly enough, I tried an older MQ2 build from the laz wiki - and the same thing happened.

The logs of the attempt to login via autologin on MQ are below:

mq debug log said:
D 2022-10-06 16:03:29.338572 [mq] Logging Initialized
I 2022-10-06 16:03:29.466701 [mq] Starting NamedPipeClient thread for \\.\pipe\mqpipe
I 2022-10-06 16:03:29.479034 [mq] Toggle console keybind: ctrl+`
I 2022-10-06 16:03:29.530619 [mq] Connected to named pipe server.
D 2022-10-06 16:03:29.530682 [mq] Created PipeConnection: connectionId=1 pid=21568
D 2022-10-06 16:03:29.561327 [mq] Initializing module: FrameLimiter
D 2022-10-06 16:03:29.562236 [mq] Initializing module: DeveloperTools
D 2022-10-06 16:03:29.563520 [mq] Initializing module: Windows
D 2022-10-06 16:03:29.563991 [mq] Initializing module: ImGuiAPI
D 2022-10-06 16:03:29.564197 [mq] Initializing module: Spells
D 2022-10-06 16:03:29.564209 [mq] Initializing module: DataAPI
D 2022-10-06 16:03:29.564217 [mq] Initializing module: GroundSpawns
D 2022-10-06 16:03:29.564225 [mq] Initializing module: Spawns
D 2022-10-06 16:03:29.572219 [mq] Initializing module: Items
I 2022-10-06 16:03:29.641532 [mq] IDirect3DDevice9::EndScene: TestCooperativeLevel was successful, reacquiring device.
D 2022-10-06 16:03:29.641575 [mq] MQ2Overlay: InvalidateDeviceObjects
D 2022-10-06 16:03:29.641585 [mq] MQ2Overlay: CreateDeviceObjects
I 2022-10-06 16:03:29.656804 [mq] Received crashpad pipe name: \\.\pipe\crashpad_25316_EMVTWOEIZBEYNRDD
I 2022-10-06 16:03:29.657281 [mq] Enabling shared crash reporter. Crash report guid: 64468a88-8afc-4111-bdbd-9d1b60634203
D 2022-10-06 16:03:29.659564 [mq] Launcher process ID: 25316
I 2022-10-06 16:03:46.849790 [mq] IDirect3DDevice9::Reset hook: device instance is the acquired device.
D 2022-10-06 16:03:46.849811 [mq] MQ2Overlay: InvalidateDeviceObjects
I 2022-10-06 16:03:50.679661 [mq] IDirect3DDevice9::EndScene: TestCooperativeLevel was successful, reacquiring device.
D 2022-10-06 16:03:50.679703 [mq] MQ2Overlay: CreateDeviceObjects
I 2022-10-06 16:04:00.083098 [mq] MQ2Overlay: Resetting overlay
D 2022-10-06 16:04:00.083113 [mq] MQ2Overlay: InvalidateDeviceObjects
I 2022-10-06 16:04:00.199693 [mq] IDirect3DDevice9::EndScene: TestCooperativeLevel was successful, reacquiring device.
D 2022-10-06 16:04:00.199713 [mq] MQ2Overlay: InvalidateDeviceObjects
D 2022-10-06 16:04:00.199720 [mq] MQ2Overlay: CreateDeviceObjects
I 2022-10-06 16:04:00.617416 [mq] IDirect3DDevice9::Reset hook: device instance is the acquired device.
D 2022-10-06 16:04:00.617440 [mq] MQ2Overlay: InvalidateDeviceObjects
I 2022-10-06 16:04:00.743806 [mq] MQ2Overlay: Resetting overlay
I 2022-10-06 16:04:01.072395 [mq] IDirect3DDevice9::EndScene: TestCooperativeLevel was successful, reacquiring device.
D 2022-10-06 16:04:01.072421 [mq] MQ2Overlay: InvalidateDeviceObjects
D 2022-10-06 16:04:01.072428 [mq] MQ2Overlay: CreateDeviceObjects
I 2022-10-06 16:04:24.045185 [mq] IDirect3DDevice9::Reset hook: device instance is the acquired device.
D 2022-10-06 16:04:24.045205 [mq] MQ2Overlay: InvalidateDeviceObjects
I 2022-10-06 16:04:28.085864 [mq] IDirect3DDevice9::EndScene: TestCooperativeLevel was successful, reacquiring device.
D 2022-10-06 16:04:28.085920 [mq] MQ2Overlay: CreateDeviceObjects
I 2022-10-06 16:04:37.436492 [mq] MQ2Overlay: Resetting overlay
D 2022-10-06 16:04:37.436507 [mq] MQ2Overlay: InvalidateDeviceObjects
I 2022-10-06 16:04:37.464189 [mq] IDirect3DDevice9::EndScene: TestCooperativeLevel was successful, reacquiring device.
D 2022-10-06 16:04:37.464207 [mq] MQ2Overlay: InvalidateDeviceObjects
D 2022-10-06 16:04:37.464213 [mq] MQ2Overlay: CreateDeviceObjects
I 2022-10-06 16:04:37.906369 [mq] IDirect3DDevice9::Reset hook: device instance is the acquired device.
D 2022-10-06 16:04:37.906393 [mq] MQ2Overlay: InvalidateDeviceObjects
I 2022-10-06 16:04:38.019432 [mq] MQ2Overlay: Resetting overlay
I 2022-10-06 16:04:38.346553 [mq] IDirect3DDevice9::EndScene: TestCooperativeLevel was successful, reacquiring device.
D 2022-10-06 16:04:38.346579 [mq] MQ2Overlay: InvalidateDeviceObjects
D 2022-10-06 16:04:38.346586 [mq] MQ2Overlay: CreateDeviceObjects
I 2022-10-06 16:04:44.903121 [mq] IDirect3DDevice9::Reset hook: device instance is the acquired device.
D 2022-10-06 16:04:44.903171 [mq] MQ2Overlay: InvalidateDeviceObjects
I 2022-10-06 16:04:48.803879 [mq] IDirect3DDevice9::EndScene: TestCooperativeLevel was successful, reacquiring device.
D 2022-10-06 16:04:48.803900 [mq] MQ2Overlay: CreateDeviceObjects
I 2022-10-06 16:04:58.112866 [mq] MQ2Overlay: Resetting overlay
D 2022-10-06 16:04:58.112880 [mq] MQ2Overlay: InvalidateDeviceObjects
I 2022-10-06 16:04:58.182095 [mq] IDirect3DDevice9::EndScene: TestCooperativeLevel was successful, reacquiring device.
D 2022-10-06 16:04:58.182113 [mq] MQ2Overlay: InvalidateDeviceObjects
D 2022-10-06 16:04:58.182120 [mq] MQ2Overlay: CreateDeviceObjects
I 2022-10-06 16:05:33.041604 [mq] IDirect3DDevice9::Reset hook: device instance is the acquired device.
D 2022-10-06 16:05:33.041630 [mq] MQ2Overlay: InvalidateDeviceObjects
I 2022-10-06 16:05:33.194764 [mq] MQ2Overlay: Resetting overlay
I 2022-10-06 16:05:33.634042 [mq] IDirect3DDevice9::EndScene: TestCooperativeLevel was successful, reacquiring device.
D 2022-10-06 16:05:33.634067 [mq] MQ2Overlay: InvalidateDeviceObjects
D 2022-10-06 16:05:33.634074 [mq] MQ2Overlay: CreateDeviceObjects
Last edited by a moderator:
what login servers are you using?

some use

Project Lazarus=[] Project Lazarus
laz=Project Lazarus


laz=[] Project Lazarus

As for login servers, ive set the EQHosts to



The MQ2AutoLogin.ini reads as:
laz=Project Lazarus

that isn't what i shared tho, can you try what i shared and see if that works (i haven't have a chance to play on laz, but i see this spoken about often - try matching exactly what i shared
that isn't what i shared tho, can you try what i shared and see if that works (i haven't have a chance to play on laz, but i see this spoken about often - try matching exactly what i shared
Didn't work but this took me all the way into the game:
Project Lazarus=Project Lazarus

Thank you :)
As it did for me as well! Thanks @Sic & @microscope.

I also think I had an anomaly in my MQ2Autologin.ini and starting fresh helped as well!
Logs me in super fast. The shortcut key thing has a few problems for me at least. Works great at first but after a while it gets stuck on one screen unless I minimize/alt tab a few times to wrangle away from it. And I think the other windows don't want to pop up any more. I suspect maybe alt tabbing to the browser causes it to lose track of what should be on top or something?

Also it seems to end up with the clients 'behind' the Windows taskbar at the bottom. There's an in game option to force the client to be on top of the taskbar but that's not v good, you can't alt tab while zoning, etc. Hope this helps.
For anyone having issues with logging in (getting stuck in a loop, from Server select to Character screen) this is what worked for me.

Ensure you setup the INI with:


Server Short Form Name=Server Long Form Name

Server Short Form can be found by looking at your character ini's for the server in question (like for KMRA my character ini's are KMRA_character name)
Server Long Form Name you can get by browsing to http://login.projecteq.net/

like this


WinTitle=EverQuest -


KMRA=Raid Addicts (Fully Custom) [Solo/Group/Raid]

Decided to update to the latest EMU build.. but now autologin not working.. start and just keep cycling once it starts to login to server.. I don't see characters.. it just crashes and starts over.
I did logging and got the following if anyone can help diagnose.. I made sure short name was in the new ini file for autologin.

mq debug log said:
D 2022-10-16 17:45:25.378080 [mq] Initializing module: FrameLimiter
D 2022-10-16 17:45:25.378805 [mq] Initializing module: DeveloperTools
D 2022-10-16 17:45:25.379897 [mq] Initializing module: Windows
D 2022-10-16 17:45:25.380479 [mq] Initializing module: ImGuiAPI
D 2022-10-16 17:45:25.380655 [mq] Initializing module: Spells
D 2022-10-16 17:45:25.380668 [mq] Initializing module: DataAPI
D 2022-10-16 17:45:25.380677 [mq] Initializing module: GroundSpawns
D 2022-10-16 17:45:25.380686 [mq] Initializing module: Spawns
D 2022-10-16 17:45:25.545812 [mq] Initializing module: Items
I 2022-10-16 17:45:25.650114 [mq] IDirect3DDevice9::EndScene: TestCooperativeLevel was successful, reacquiring device.
D 2022-10-16 17:45:25.650413 [mq] MQ2Overlay: InvalidateDeviceObjects
D 2022-10-16 17:45:25.650461 [mq] MQ2Overlay: CreateDeviceObjects
I 2022-10-16 17:45:25.675334 [mq] Received crashpad pipe name: \\.\pipe\crashpad_9812_BHQNGLDODQMVTXIQ
I 2022-10-16 17:45:25.676131 [mq] Enabling shared crash reporter. Crash report guid: 74a282c9-5a85-4586-8de1-a8c4b0937d37
D 2022-10-16 17:45:25.676524 [mq] Launcher process ID: 9812
I 2022-10-16 17:46:02.295244 [mq] IDirect3DDevice9::Reset hook: device instance is the acquired device.
D 2022-10-16 17:46:02.295288 [mq] MQ2Overlay: InvalidateDeviceObjects
I 2022-10-16 17:46:07.175316 [mq] IDirect3DDevice9::EndScene: TestCooperativeLevel was successful, reacquiring device.
D 2022-10-16 17:46:07.175363 [mq] MQ2Overlay: CreateDeviceObjects
I 2022-10-16 17:46:10.421241 [mq] MQ2Overlay: Resetting overlay
D 2022-10-16 17:46:10.421267 [mq] MQ2Overlay: InvalidateDeviceObjects
I 2022-10-16 17:46:10.479193 [mq] IDirect3DDevice9::EndScene: TestCooperativeLevel was successful, reacquiring device.
D 2022-10-16 17:46:10.479267 [mq] MQ2Overlay: InvalidateDeviceObjects
D 2022-10-16 17:46:10.479276 [mq] MQ2Overlay: CreateDeviceObjects
I 2022-10-16 17:46:10.969507 [mq] IDirect3DDevice9::Reset hook: device instance is the acquired device.
D 2022-10-16 17:46:10.969547 [mq] MQ2Overlay: InvalidateDeviceObjects
I 2022-10-16 17:46:11.082816 [mq] MQ2Overlay: Resetting overlay
I 2022-10-16 17:46:11.420880 [mq] IDirect3DDevice9::EndScene: TestCooperativeLevel was successful, reacquiring device.
D 2022-10-16 17:46:11.420941 [mq] MQ2Overlay: InvalidateDeviceObjects
D 2022-10-16 17:46:11.420961 [mq] MQ2Overlay: CreateDeviceObjects
I 2022-10-16 17:46:13.629575 [mq] IDirect3DDevice9::Reset hook: device instance is the acquired device.
D 2022-10-16 17:46:13.629708 [mq] MQ2Overlay: InvalidateDeviceObjects
I 2022-10-16 17:46:18.643408 [mq] IDirect3DDevice9::EndScene: TestCooperativeLevel was successful, reacquiring device.
D 2022-10-16 17:46:18.643478 [mq] MQ2Overlay: CreateDeviceObjects
I 2022-10-16 17:46:21.766141 [mq] MQ2Overlay: Resetting overlay
D 2022-10-16 17:46:21.766162 [mq] MQ2Overlay: InvalidateDeviceObjects
I 2022-10-16 17:46:21.783828 [mq] IDirect3DDevice9::EndScene: TestCooperativeLevel was successful, reacquiring device.
D 2022-10-16 17:46:21.783882 [mq] MQ2Overlay: InvalidateDeviceObjects
D 2022-10-16 17:46:21.783891 [mq] MQ2Overlay: CreateDeviceObjects
I 2022-10-16 17:46:22.292752 [mq] IDirect3DDevice9::Reset hook: device instance is the acquired device.
D 2022-10-16 17:46:22.292793 [mq] MQ2Overlay: InvalidateDeviceObjects
I 2022-10-16 17:46:22.414137 [mq] MQ2Overlay: Resetting overlay
I 2022-10-16 17:46:22.745719 [mq] IDirect3DDevice9::EndScene: TestCooperativeLevel was successful, reacquiring device.
D 2022-10-16 17:46:22.745780 [mq] MQ2Overlay: InvalidateDeviceObjects
D 2022-10-16 17:46:22.745790 [mq] MQ2Overlay: CreateDeviceObjects
I 2022-10-16 17:46:22.944354 [mq] IDirect3DDevice9::Reset hook: device instance is the acquired device.
D 2022-10-16 17:46:22.944452 [mq] MQ2Overlay: InvalidateDeviceObjects
I 2022-10-16 17:46:27.923816 [mq] IDirect3DDevice9::EndScene: TestCooperativeLevel was successful, reacquiring device.
D 2022-10-16 17:46:27.923923 [mq] MQ2Overlay: CreateDeviceObjects
I 2022-10-16 17:46:31.083553 [mq] MQ2Overlay: Resetting overlay
D 2022-10-16 17:46:31.083575 [mq] MQ2Overlay: InvalidateDeviceObjects
I 2022-10-16 17:46:31.100888 [mq] IDirect3DDevice9::EndScene: TestCooperativeLevel was successful, reacquiring device.
D 2022-10-16 17:46:31.100937 [mq] MQ2Overlay: InvalidateDeviceObjects
D 2022-10-16 17:46:31.100945 [mq] MQ2Overlay: CreateDeviceObjects
I 2022-10-16 17:46:31.598313 [mq] IDirect3DDevice9::Reset hook: device instance is the acquired device.
D 2022-10-16 17:46:31.598357 [mq] MQ2Overlay: InvalidateDeviceObjects
I 2022-10-16 17:46:31.724897 [mq] MQ2Overlay: Resetting overlay
I 2022-10-16 17:46:32.058252 [mq] IDirect3DDevice9::EndScene: TestCooperativeLevel was successful, reacquiring device.
D 2022-10-16 17:46:32.058311 [mq] MQ2Overlay: InvalidateDeviceObjects
D 2022-10-16 17:46:32.058319 [mq] MQ2Overlay: CreateDeviceObjects
I 2022-10-16 17:46:32.236937 [mq] IDirect3DDevice9::Reset hook: device instance is the acquired device.
D 2022-10-16 17:46:32.236980 [mq] MQ2Overlay: InvalidateDeviceObjects
I 2022-10-16 17:46:32.274805 [mq] Stopping NamedPipeClient thread for \\.\pipe\mqpipe
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Decided to update to the latest EMU build.. but now autologin not working.. start and just keep cycling once it starts to login to server.. I don't see characters.. it just crashes and starts over.
I did logging and got the following if anyone can help diagnose.. I made sure short name was in the new ini file for autologin.
D 2022-10-16 17:45:25.378080 [mq] Initializing module: FrameLimiter
D 2022-10-16 17:45:25.378805 [mq] Initializing module: DeveloperTools
D 2022-10-16 17:45:25.379897 [mq] Initializing module: Windows
D 2022-10-16 17:45:25.380479 [mq] Initializing module: ImGuiAPI
D 2022-10-16 17:45:25.380655 [mq] Initializing module: Spells
D 2022-10-16 17:45:25.380668 [mq] Initializing module: DataAPI
D 2022-10-16 17:45:25.380677 [mq] Initializing module: GroundSpawns
D 2022-10-16 17:45:25.380686 [mq] Initializing module: Spawns
D 2022-10-16 17:45:25.545812 [mq] Initializing module: Items
I 2022-10-16 17:45:25.650114 [mq] IDirect3DDevice9::EndScene: TestCooperativeLevel was successful, reacquiring device.
D 2022-10-16 17:45:25.650413 [mq] MQ2Overlay: InvalidateDeviceObjects
D 2022-10-16 17:45:25.650461 [mq] MQ2Overlay: CreateDeviceObjects
I 2022-10-16 17:45:25.675334 [mq] Received crashpad pipe name: \\.\pipe\crashpad_9812_BHQNGLDODQMVTXIQ
I 2022-10-16 17:45:25.676131 [mq] Enabling shared crash reporter. Crash report guid: 74a282c9-5a85-4586-8de1-a8c4b0937d37
D 2022-10-16 17:45:25.676524 [mq] Launcher process ID: 9812
I 2022-10-16 17:46:02.295244 [mq] IDirect3DDevice9::Reset hook: device instance is the acquired device.
D 2022-10-16 17:46:02.295288 [mq] MQ2Overlay: InvalidateDeviceObjects
I 2022-10-16 17:46:07.175316 [mq] IDirect3DDevice9::EndScene: TestCooperativeLevel was successful, reacquiring device.
D 2022-10-16 17:46:07.175363 [mq] MQ2Overlay: CreateDeviceObjects
I 2022-10-16 17:46:10.421241 [mq] MQ2Overlay: Resetting overlay
D 2022-10-16 17:46:10.421267 [mq] MQ2Overlay: InvalidateDeviceObjects
I 2022-10-16 17:46:10.479193 [mq] IDirect3DDevice9::EndScene: TestCooperativeLevel was successful, reacquiring device.
D 2022-10-16 17:46:10.479267 [mq] MQ2Overlay: InvalidateDeviceObjects
D 2022-10-16 17:46:10.479276 [mq] MQ2Overlay: CreateDeviceObjects
I 2022-10-16 17:46:10.969507 [mq] IDirect3DDevice9::Reset hook: device instance is the acquired device.
D 2022-10-16 17:46:10.969547 [mq] MQ2Overlay: InvalidateDeviceObjects
I 2022-10-16 17:46:11.082816 [mq] MQ2Overlay: Resetting overlay
I 2022-10-16 17:46:11.420880 [mq] IDirect3DDevice9::EndScene: TestCooperativeLevel was successful, reacquiring device.
D 2022-10-16 17:46:11.420941 [mq] MQ2Overlay: InvalidateDeviceObjects
D 2022-10-16 17:46:11.420961 [mq] MQ2Overlay: CreateDeviceObjects
I 2022-10-16 17:46:13.629575 [mq] IDirect3DDevice9::Reset hook: device instance is the acquired device.
D 2022-10-16 17:46:13.629708 [mq] MQ2Overlay: InvalidateDeviceObjects
I 2022-10-16 17:46:18.643408 [mq] IDirect3DDevice9::EndScene: TestCooperativeLevel was successful, reacquiring device.
D 2022-10-16 17:46:18.643478 [mq] MQ2Overlay: CreateDeviceObjects
I 2022-10-16 17:46:21.766141 [mq] MQ2Overlay: Resetting overlay
D 2022-10-16 17:46:21.766162 [mq] MQ2Overlay: InvalidateDeviceObjects
I 2022-10-16 17:46:21.783828 [mq] IDirect3DDevice9::EndScene: TestCooperativeLevel was successful, reacquiring device.
D 2022-10-16 17:46:21.783882 [mq] MQ2Overlay: InvalidateDeviceObjects
D 2022-10-16 17:46:21.783891 [mq] MQ2Overlay: CreateDeviceObjects
I 2022-10-16 17:46:22.292752 [mq] IDirect3DDevice9::Reset hook: device instance is the acquired device.
D 2022-10-16 17:46:22.292793 [mq] MQ2Overlay: InvalidateDeviceObjects
I 2022-10-16 17:46:22.414137 [mq] MQ2Overlay: Resetting overlay
I 2022-10-16 17:46:22.745719 [mq] IDirect3DDevice9::EndScene: TestCooperativeLevel was successful, reacquiring device.
D 2022-10-16 17:46:22.745780 [mq] MQ2Overlay: InvalidateDeviceObjects
D 2022-10-16 17:46:22.745790 [mq] MQ2Overlay: CreateDeviceObjects
I 2022-10-16 17:46:22.944354 [mq] IDirect3DDevice9::Reset hook: device instance is the acquired device.
D 2022-10-16 17:46:22.944452 [mq] MQ2Overlay: InvalidateDeviceObjects
I 2022-10-16 17:46:27.923816 [mq] IDirect3DDevice9::EndScene: TestCooperativeLevel was successful, reacquiring device.
D 2022-10-16 17:46:27.923923 [mq] MQ2Overlay: CreateDeviceObjects
I 2022-10-16 17:46:31.083553 [mq] MQ2Overlay: Resetting overlay
D 2022-10-16 17:46:31.083575 [mq] MQ2Overlay: InvalidateDeviceObjects
I 2022-10-16 17:46:31.100888 [mq] IDirect3DDevice9::EndScene: TestCooperativeLevel was successful, reacquiring device.
D 2022-10-16 17:46:31.100937 [mq] MQ2Overlay: InvalidateDeviceObjects
D 2022-10-16 17:46:31.100945 [mq] MQ2Overlay: CreateDeviceObjects
I 2022-10-16 17:46:31.598313 [mq] IDirect3DDevice9::Reset hook: device instance is the acquired device.
D 2022-10-16 17:46:31.598357 [mq] MQ2Overlay: InvalidateDeviceObjects
I 2022-10-16 17:46:31.724897 [mq] MQ2Overlay: Resetting overlay
I 2022-10-16 17:46:32.058252 [mq] IDirect3DDevice9::EndScene: TestCooperativeLevel was successful, reacquiring device.
D 2022-10-16 17:46:32.058311 [mq] MQ2Overlay: InvalidateDeviceObjects
D 2022-10-16 17:46:32.058319 [mq] MQ2Overlay: CreateDeviceObjects
I 2022-10-16 17:46:32.236937 [mq] IDirect3DDevice9::Reset hook: device instance is the acquired device.
D 2022-10-16 17:46:32.236980 [mq] MQ2Overlay: InvalidateDeviceObjects
I 2022-10-16 17:46:32.274805 [mq] Stopping NamedPipeClient thread for \\.\pipe\mqpipe
See the post above yours, or https://www.redguides.com/community...d-latest-version-of-emu-mq2.83749/post-534756, or the docs at https://docs.macroquest.org/plugins/core-plugins/mq2autologin/#custom-server-names or there should be several other posts floating around with solutions as well.
Decided to update to the latest EMU build.. but now autologin not working.. start and just keep cycling once it starts to login to server.. I don't see characters.. it just crashes and starts over.
I did logging and got the following if anyone can help diagnose.. I made sure short name was in the new ini file for autologin.
D 2022-10-16 17:45:25.378080 [mq] Initializing module: FrameLimiter
D 2022-10-16 17:45:25.378805 [mq] Initializing module: DeveloperTools
D 2022-10-16 17:45:25.379897 [mq] Initializing module: Windows
D 2022-10-16 17:45:25.380479 [mq] Initializing module: ImGuiAPI
D 2022-10-16 17:45:25.380655 [mq] Initializing module: Spells
D 2022-10-16 17:45:25.380668 [mq] Initializing module: DataAPI
D 2022-10-16 17:45:25.380677 [mq] Initializing module: GroundSpawns
D 2022-10-16 17:45:25.380686 [mq] Initializing module: Spawns
D 2022-10-16 17:45:25.545812 [mq] Initializing module: Items
I 2022-10-16 17:45:25.650114 [mq] IDirect3DDevice9::EndScene: TestCooperativeLevel was successful, reacquiring device.
D 2022-10-16 17:45:25.650413 [mq] MQ2Overlay: InvalidateDeviceObjects
D 2022-10-16 17:45:25.650461 [mq] MQ2Overlay: CreateDeviceObjects
I 2022-10-16 17:45:25.675334 [mq] Received crashpad pipe name: \\.\pipe\crashpad_9812_BHQNGLDODQMVTXIQ
I 2022-10-16 17:45:25.676131 [mq] Enabling shared crash reporter. Crash report guid: 74a282c9-5a85-4586-8de1-a8c4b0937d37
D 2022-10-16 17:45:25.676524 [mq] Launcher process ID: 9812
I 2022-10-16 17:46:02.295244 [mq] IDirect3DDevice9::Reset hook: device instance is the acquired device.
D 2022-10-16 17:46:02.295288 [mq] MQ2Overlay: InvalidateDeviceObjects
I 2022-10-16 17:46:07.175316 [mq] IDirect3DDevice9::EndScene: TestCooperativeLevel was successful, reacquiring device.
D 2022-10-16 17:46:07.175363 [mq] MQ2Overlay: CreateDeviceObjects
I 2022-10-16 17:46:10.421241 [mq] MQ2Overlay: Resetting overlay
D 2022-10-16 17:46:10.421267 [mq] MQ2Overlay: InvalidateDeviceObjects
I 2022-10-16 17:46:10.479193 [mq] IDirect3DDevice9::EndScene: TestCooperativeLevel was successful, reacquiring device.
D 2022-10-16 17:46:10.479267 [mq] MQ2Overlay: InvalidateDeviceObjects
D 2022-10-16 17:46:10.479276 [mq] MQ2Overlay: CreateDeviceObjects
I 2022-10-16 17:46:10.969507 [mq] IDirect3DDevice9::Reset hook: device instance is the acquired device.
D 2022-10-16 17:46:10.969547 [mq] MQ2Overlay: InvalidateDeviceObjects
I 2022-10-16 17:46:11.082816 [mq] MQ2Overlay: Resetting overlay
I 2022-10-16 17:46:11.420880 [mq] IDirect3DDevice9::EndScene: TestCooperativeLevel was successful, reacquiring device.
D 2022-10-16 17:46:11.420941 [mq] MQ2Overlay: InvalidateDeviceObjects
D 2022-10-16 17:46:11.420961 [mq] MQ2Overlay: CreateDeviceObjects
I 2022-10-16 17:46:13.629575 [mq] IDirect3DDevice9::Reset hook: device instance is the acquired device.
D 2022-10-16 17:46:13.629708 [mq] MQ2Overlay: InvalidateDeviceObjects
I 2022-10-16 17:46:18.643408 [mq] IDirect3DDevice9::EndScene: TestCooperativeLevel was successful, reacquiring device.
D 2022-10-16 17:46:18.643478 [mq] MQ2Overlay: CreateDeviceObjects
I 2022-10-16 17:46:21.766141 [mq] MQ2Overlay: Resetting overlay
D 2022-10-16 17:46:21.766162 [mq] MQ2Overlay: InvalidateDeviceObjects
I 2022-10-16 17:46:21.783828 [mq] IDirect3DDevice9::EndScene: TestCooperativeLevel was successful, reacquiring device.
D 2022-10-16 17:46:21.783882 [mq] MQ2Overlay: InvalidateDeviceObjects
D 2022-10-16 17:46:21.783891 [mq] MQ2Overlay: CreateDeviceObjects
I 2022-10-16 17:46:22.292752 [mq] IDirect3DDevice9::Reset hook: device instance is the acquired device.
D 2022-10-16 17:46:22.292793 [mq] MQ2Overlay: InvalidateDeviceObjects
I 2022-10-16 17:46:22.414137 [mq] MQ2Overlay: Resetting overlay
I 2022-10-16 17:46:22.745719 [mq] IDirect3DDevice9::EndScene: TestCooperativeLevel was successful, reacquiring device.
D 2022-10-16 17:46:22.745780 [mq] MQ2Overlay: InvalidateDeviceObjects
D 2022-10-16 17:46:22.745790 [mq] MQ2Overlay: CreateDeviceObjects
I 2022-10-16 17:46:22.944354 [mq] IDirect3DDevice9::Reset hook: device instance is the acquired device.
D 2022-10-16 17:46:22.944452 [mq] MQ2Overlay: InvalidateDeviceObjects
I 2022-10-16 17:46:27.923816 [mq] IDirect3DDevice9::EndScene: TestCooperativeLevel was successful, reacquiring device.
D 2022-10-16 17:46:27.923923 [mq] MQ2Overlay: CreateDeviceObjects
I 2022-10-16 17:46:31.083553 [mq] MQ2Overlay: Resetting overlay
D 2022-10-16 17:46:31.083575 [mq] MQ2Overlay: InvalidateDeviceObjects
I 2022-10-16 17:46:31.100888 [mq] IDirect3DDevice9::EndScene: TestCooperativeLevel was successful, reacquiring device.
D 2022-10-16 17:46:31.100937 [mq] MQ2Overlay: InvalidateDeviceObjects
D 2022-10-16 17:46:31.100945 [mq] MQ2Overlay: CreateDeviceObjects
I 2022-10-16 17:46:31.598313 [mq] IDirect3DDevice9::Reset hook: device instance is the acquired device.
D 2022-10-16 17:46:31.598357 [mq] MQ2Overlay: InvalidateDeviceObjects
I 2022-10-16 17:46:31.724897 [mq] MQ2Overlay: Resetting overlay
I 2022-10-16 17:46:32.058252 [mq] IDirect3DDevice9::EndScene: TestCooperativeLevel was successful, reacquiring device.
D 2022-10-16 17:46:32.058311 [mq] MQ2Overlay: InvalidateDeviceObjects
D 2022-10-16 17:46:32.058319 [mq] MQ2Overlay: CreateDeviceObjects
I 2022-10-16 17:46:32.236937 [mq] IDirect3DDevice9::Reset hook: device instance is the acquired device.
D 2022-10-16 17:46:32.236980 [mq] MQ2Overlay: InvalidateDeviceObjects
I 2022-10-16 17:46:32.274805 [mq] Stopping NamedPipeClient thread for \\.\pipe\mqpipe
this contains absolutely nothing of value :/
This doesn't appear to be server select issue.. I tried changing the server name in the ini.. and it just sits there at sever select.. when I put in correct server name.. it logs in.. but right when it gets to character select, it seems to crash.. and loop back to logging in again..
This doesn't appear to be server select issue.. I tried changing the server name in the ini.. and it just sits there at sever select.. when I put in correct server name.. it logs in.. but right when it gets to character select, it seems to crash.. and loop back to logging in again..
Did you check out what AQ1 shared?

Can you post what you have for your autologin - server short and long name.
Did you check out what AQ1 shared?

Can you post what you have for your autologin - server short and long name.
yes, of course I looked at what he posted.. and it didn't seem of value.
I looked up server name in game.. it shows
I tried that and it sits at server select.
I put it back to
Rubicon Experimental Server and it logs in.. but they just cycles.
Here is the autologin ini

Ru=Rubicon Experimental Server
yes, of course I looked at what he posted.. and it didn't seem of value.
I looked up server name in game.. it shows
I tried that and it sits at server select.
I put it back to
Rubicon Experimental Server and it logs in.. but they just cycles.
Here is the autologin ini

Ru=Rubicon Experimental Server
well regarding the "of course" - you didn't say that you did, nor that you did and it didn't work, or that you did anything :( - it is important to know that either a: ya tried each of the things exactly as is and it didn't work, or b: exactly what was done so we can help you solve your problem. we all want you to log in, and assuming you did something that you didn't say has the potential risk of taking longer to helping you solve your issue.

Can you share a screen snip of what the server select screen looks like

what we're getting at is the longname and short name have to match what is displayed at the actual screen

## Common Problems
Server ShortName = Server Login Screen (Exact name including spaces and characters)`
1: Not moving past the server login screen:
a: AutoLogin is: disabled
b: Server login screen not exact to what is on your server login screen (Different EQEmu hosts use different nomenclature)
2: Log into character select but then instantly log back to the server login screen
a: Server ShortName is wrong, This must match (characters in server ${EverQuest.Server})

> Autologin on MQ Docs <

I can't find the rubicon server anywhere, so i can't look it up for you - but that link above has several examples of how various servers would look - a screen snip of the actual server window will help
yes, of course I looked at what he posted.. and it didn't seem of value.
I looked up server name in game.. it shows
I tried that and it sits at server select.
I put it back to
Rubicon Experimental Server and it logs in.. but they just cycles.
Here is the autologin ini

Ru=Rubicon Experimental Server

Your [Servers] section is most likely wrong, which is what the previously linked posts are trying to explain.


When you are viewing the server select screen, you should see the server name you are looking for. If that says "Rubicon Experimental Server", then this is the part that goes on the right.
When you select the server and hit play everquest manually, and get to character select screen, and type /echo ${EverQuest.Server}, this outputs the server short name. This is the part that goes on the left

Your profiles which are defined in your ini should then set server to the server short name matching what is on the left hand side in the [Servers] section.

Most likely, "Ru" is not the server short name of your rubicon server. You should login to that server manually and find out what the server short name for that server actually is.
Your [Servers] section is most likely wrong, which is what the previously linked posts are trying to explain.


When you are viewing the server select screen, you should see the server name you are looking for. If that says "Rubicon Experimental Server", then this is the part that goes on the right.
When you select the server and hit play everquest manually, and get to character select screen, and type /echo ${EverQuest.Server}, this outputs the server short name. This is the part that goes on the left

Your profiles which are defined in your ini should then set server to the server short name matching what is on the left hand side in the [Servers] section.

Most likely, "Ru" is not the server short name of your rubicon server. You should login to that server manually and find out what the server short name for that server actually is.
ah... ok... I think in the older version.. we were using RU as a variable for the long name.. as it wasn't working with the FULL name.. I'll try it with
Rubicon=Rubicon Experimental Server
it is still cycling after it gets to character select (you don't see the character select screen)... Here is the screenshot for server select.

Last edited by a moderator:
apologies.. it appears that the new MQ emu stores ini files in a different location.. that is irritating.. it is working now..
If you just use the shortcut from the systray menu it would take you to the correct file. All INI files belong in the config folder. All .mac files in the macros folder. Lua files in Lua, plugin DLLs in plugins, and so on. No more shove it all in MQ except for macros.
View attachment 42806
If you just use the shortcut from the systray menu it would take you to the correct file. All INI files belong in the config folder. All .mac files in the macros folder. Lua files in Lua, plugin DLLs in plugins, and so on. No more shove it all in MQ except for macros.
Ya.. makes sense.. I'll need to start copying stuff over so stuff works the same it seems... Thanks again.
I've recently installed Macroquest and I'm trying to configure autologin. I've got everything set up and it will log into the server, however it seems to quit the second it gets to the character select screen. I don't even get a chance to see models log in and it's a black screen with only the little MQ message box.

Any ideas what's going on? Here are my current settings:

projectlazarus=[] Project Lazarus
DefaultEQPath=C:\Project Lazarus
EQPath=C:\Project Lazarus

Screenshot 2022-12-05 133509.jpg
I've recently installed Macroquest and I'm trying to configure autologin. I've got everything set up and it will log into the server, however it seems to quit the second it gets to the character select screen. I don't even get a chance to see models log in and it's a black screen with only the little MQ message box.

Any ideas what's going on? Here are my current settings:

projectlazarus=[] Project Lazarus
DefaultEQPath=C:\Project Lazarus
EQPath=C:\Project Lazarus

View attachment 43855
please see the previous answers to this question

me said:
## Common Problems
Server ShortName = Server Login Screen (Exact name including spaces and characters)`
1: Not moving past the server login screen:
a: AutoLogin is: disabled
b: Server login screen not exact to what is on your server login screen (Different EQEmu hosts use different nomenclature)
2: Log into character select but then instantly log back to the server login screen
a: Server ShortName is wrong, This must match (characters in server ${EverQuest.Server})

> Autologin on MQ Docs <

more than likely you need to adjust your server above

[Servers] Project Lazarus=Project Lazarus
If you copied the autologin file over from the old computer to the new computer, try creating a new entry and see if it logs in correctly. May be a difference in the way the code encrypts/decrypts the information.

If you can log in normally (without using autologin) chances are you would want to recreate your groups on a "new to the new computer" ini file.
I could be wrong here, but I was under the impression when transferring to a new computer, you needed to export from the old one, copy over, and import to the new one. Or recreate all new.
i've recently had issues exporting/importing, even doing ladon's crypto fix thing
I did too, but I thought it was because my files might have been corrupted as I had an issue with my old drive, but decided to buy a whole new comp. It needed upgrades anyway. I was running an i9 9900k before that was 4 years old.
I recently started some new toons and didn't write down the account names before I reinstalled windows. Is there any way to recover the account names from the INI? I know the passwords.
I recently started some new toons and didn't write down the account names before I reinstalled windows. Is there any way to recover the account names from the INI? I know the passwords.
Check the email address you registered the accounts to. You would have received an email and the first text in the body would have said: Welcome accountname,
Plugin - MQ2AutoLogin

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