So I am starting to get more comfortable with everything, I am having one issue with auto log in. It keeps going to the EULA and does not seem to be opening with the launcher to skip it. Is there anyway to fix this or am I just stuck manually logging in each account?
you need to add your toons to autologin
The current
MQ2Autologin RedGuide's video is based on the old autologin system, a new RG video is in the works, so things look different than that.
The new
MQ2AutoLogin is really easy to setup once you have a feeling for what you're doing. If you check out these steps you'll be autologging in, in no time!
if you right click on your mq icon you can go to "Open Config" for autologin
then you want to go to profiles (you can start with accounts and work down, but this is the route i went to show you)
then you want to create a new group (or select a group you already made that you want to add accounts/characters to)
I'm creating "Hardknox" profile group
now I have the group, I want to add a profile to it
the profile input box i would be able to just click and then select from a dropdown, but since i don't have the character I want to add, i'm gonna hit the "+"
the account input box i would be able to just click and then select from a dropdown, but since i don't have the account I want to add, i'm gonna hit the "+"
you may also need to hit the "+" here to create an EQ install
If you need to create an EQ Install
you can click the "EQ Path" above and then "choose" and then navigate to where you have everquest installed.
mine is easy to find, it is on my F:/ drive in a folder called "everquest"
now i have that added as "live" i can click in the input bar and select the "live" from the dropdown
now i have created the account, i can add that account to a character (dropdown)
now i have a character, i can add that back to the profile we started at
Here's a video
@grimmier made (until i get around to making one, and until RG has RG official one from