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Request - MQ2Nav Beta by Brainiac and Donation Kick Starter. (2 Viewers)

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pathing is still an issue, from what i have tested its not seperating the z plane while moving, so it tries to move straight through things that are on different heights, because it thinks its the same plane. for now it works really good in the open areas, not bad with obsticals but as soon as you hit an area with alternating z planes you will get stuck alot. ill write up some stuff about the generator soon to help out as i can (i was working on a rewrite of the mesh generator but rl got in the way) some of those questions i can answer so brainiac can work on more of the coding to improve this wonderful program.
Minor graphical bug. When creating meshes, it goes from 0.00% to 1.00% (completed). I suppose this is meant to go from 0-100%. :D
The meshgenerator.exe is roughly a billion times more efficient than the old eqnavigation.exe. The meshes build ridiculously fast compared to the old program. Unfortunately (and this might be a user error, I'm not really familiar with the process), the pathing in game does not seem to be working very well for me. I've tested it in GGH, Lobby, and PoK, and have yet to get the /nav target command to work reliably. My character will often just keep running the same ~5 feet back and forth. take a 180, run north, 180, run south, 180, run north, very quickly back and forth, back and forth. While testing in the GGH, whenever I would /nav target to an NPC in the big round room, my character would just run south into a wall, no matter where I was in zone. I could be right in front of the NPC, and my toon would make a beeline towards the wall.

I'm hoping it's just user error, and I'm just fucking this up badly on my end somehow. I've tried playing around with some settings while making the meshes, and I can't seem to get them made where the pathing actually works.

P.S. The mesh overlay in game is a thing of fucking beauty.
Something that I see in a lot of other MMO botting software is on-the-fly mesh generation in game, so you can quickly and easily generate meshes only for the areas you need the mesh in. This is getting close to that, I wonder if that was on Brainiac's radar? (I haven't used this yet, but I plan to. I'm a casual MQ2er =P).
Something that I see in a lot of other MMO botting software is on-the-fly mesh generation in game, so you can quickly and easily generate meshes only for the areas you need the mesh in. This is getting close to that, I wonder if that was on Brainiac's radar? (I haven't used this yet, but I plan to. I'm a casual MQ2er =P).

I plan on adding this.

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The meshgenerator.exe is roughly a billion times more efficient than the old eqnavigation.exe. The meshes build ridiculously fast compared to the old program. Unfortunately (and this might be a user error, I'm not really familiar with the process), the pathing in game does not seem to be working very well for me. I've tested it in GGH, Lobby, and PoK, and have yet to get the /nav target command to work reliably. My character will often just keep running the same ~5 feet back and forth. take a 180, run north, 180, run south, 180, run north, very quickly back and forth, back and forth. While testing in the GGH, whenever I would /nav target to an NPC in the big round room, my character would just run south into a wall, no matter where I was in zone. I could be right in front of the NPC, and my toon would make a beeline towards the wall.

I'm hoping it's just user error, and I'm just fucking this up badly on my end somehow. I've tried playing around with some settings while making the meshes, and I can't seem to get them made where the pathing actually works.

P.S. The mesh overlay in game is a thing of fucking beauty.

I'm familiar with the problem, haven't found a good fix yet, but I'll admit the path planning has not been significantly improved over the original MQ2Navigation. If anybody is familiar with path planning concepts I'm definitely welcoming any tips/advice

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Minor graphical bug. When creating meshes, it goes from 0.00% to 1.00% (completed). I suppose this is meant to go from 0-100%. :D

Thanks, I'll get it fixed

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pathing is still an issue, from what i have tested its not seperating the z plane while moving, so it tries to move straight through things that are on different heights, because it thinks its the same plane. for now it works really good in the open areas, not bad with obsticals but as soon as you hit an area with alternating z planes you will get stuck alot. ill write up some stuff about the generator soon to help out as i can (i was working on a rewrite of the mesh generator but rl got in the way) some of those questions i can answer so brainiac can work on more of the coding to improve this wonderful program.

i understand this can be an issue, do you have a suggestion of a relatively safe place i can run around to test this behavior? I'll admit I'm not well versed with some of the newish (past couple years) content.
I'm not familiar enough with this to know and I'm not seeing anything when I look through but if you make a mesh on your computer for a given zone, can you take that mesh and use it on another computer or do you have to recreate it on the other computer? Sorry if it's noob of me asking or that I just missed!
Loc of the arch in Sul Vius: Demiplane of Life that is not being drawn in the mesh generator.

Your Location is 42.56, -155.69, -24.00, and are heading north by northeast.

On the map SS its the green arrow, merc and pet name.

Nope, that is probably it on that one.

it also helps greatly if you use the correct plugin, lol. I was still loading the old MQ2Navigation (massive brain fart).

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It is saving the mesh for Field of Scale with the wrong name.

it is saving it as oldfieldofboneb.bin, it should be oldfieldofbone.bin, if I rename it as the second one it works.
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Nope, that is probably it on that one.

it also helps greatly if you use the correct plugin, lol. I was still loading the old MQ2Navigation (massive brain fart).

- - - Updated - - -

It is saving the mesh for Field of Scale with the wrong name.

it is saving it as oldfieldofboneb.bin, it should be oldfieldofbone.bin, if I rename it as the second one it works.

make sure you're generating the mesh for the right zone. It saves the mesh under the name of the zone you loaded, so if you're having to rename it, it means you've got the wrong zone open in the mesh generator.

When you open the zone, be sure to take a look at both the short zone name and the long zone name.
make sure you're generating the mesh for the right zone. It saves the mesh under the name of the zone you loaded, so if you're having to rename it, it means you've got the wrong zone open in the mesh generator.

When you open the zone, be sure to take a look at both the short zone name and the long zone name.

nevermind I restarted game and they loaded.
Working on some of the fixes. I found the issue for the blocked archways in demiplane of life. Theres some sort of model that covers the archway. Its invisible, and its called OBJ_BlockerA (lol). I need to do some work to figure out how to detect this model short of just hard coding in the name.

I've that and a few other fixes in the works, but I've got a pretty big project at work that is tying me up, so I'm looking at potentially having an update ready towards the end of the week.
Have you been able to dig into the innerspace issue yet? That is the only thing holding me back from more testing. I cannot load the plugin while using a set of characters from IS which incidentally the only way I'm set up to box.
Have you been able to dig into the innerspace issue yet? That is the only thing holding me back from more testing. I cannot load the plugin while using a set of characters from IS which incidentally the only way I'm set up to box.

I've put some time looking into it. I haven't given up yet. I can't really explain some of the crashes yet. It might be something innerspace is doing, so I sent a message out to Lax for info. Hopefully I can get more details or an update soon.

edit --

looks like random library code that is part of the standard library is breaking. Its likely a bad interaction between the standard library I use, and the one that innerspace uses. Not sure if I can fix this, will have to spend more time that I don't have at the moment to look at it (spent a couple hours tonight).
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For some reason i have a mesh generated and all the commands Maskoi said to open ui i am getting nothing, i loaded mq2nav and in my mq windowd it says it has successfully loaded a mesh. I am trying to get my tool window back up in game and everything i try it does not work /nav ui /nav load /nav reload
am i missing something simple?
Would it be possible to have a settings flag to make MQ2Nav navigate the shortest route to a possible pull? Trying to illustrate it with my majestic Paint skills.
Currently Nav takes the red route to the bend and the mac fires an arrow; if it would take the green route to the bend and then fire the arrow instead, the run would be shorter. I could see a use for both options in different conditions.

MQ2Nav suggestion.png
In the old EQNavigation there was an ability to cord off areas that MQ2Navigation would read, so If you wanted to mark off an area as an area to avoid/not run through you could, it just never worked. I spent hours trying to figure out how to do this in the Baz, so I wouldn't keep getting hung on the damn lamps in the halls, but I never could get it to work. I am hopping the new MeshGenerator and MQ2Nav, will allow you to plot areas that will allow you to effectively create custom paths.
My suggestion would however add total effectiveness in a default mode without making paths etc. I have no idea how hard it would be to code though.
well mq2nav is doing what its supposed to dret, it makes the shortest path to target, so it taking the red path is correct. As the kiss selects the mob and issues a nav Tar and stops once los is reached then fires what ability then runs back. And the mesh generator only breaks down the zone into nodes, and saves them. the plugin loads those nodes and will move node to node till it reaches what your going for. the mesh overlay only really shows and square but the mesh generator turns each square into 6 points, thats why it can hug the walls so close. im currently working on a better node creation equation to help with z plane issues that are currently plaquing us and causing us to get stuck. now for your suggestion dret, would be nice, but spawns are saved server side so the mesh generator cannot see them so for your idea to work we would need to know spawn data, spawn pathing, and were the mob is currently in the path cycle. but what you are talking about is an adaptive navigation which like i said if we had all the above info, then it could be done in realtime.
I would love to use this... but I normally play with isboxer.

If I set this up without isboxer, am I able to load the configs later while running isboxer, and not crash my client?
Loving the work you are doing on this Brainiac!
Wish I had the means to donate monetarily, alas I have been out of work for months now...

I just got word today that I won runner up or so for the December Krono contest that Razkle started and Redbot up'd the ante on! ;)
So without further Adieu, I am Donating my Krono from that contest to you Sir! Thank you for all you do for the community as well.

Letting Redbot know my decision via PM as well.


P.S. I also have ISBoxer I use all the time... so yea, this is affecting me too when I try to use it. All the more reason for me to help him out somehow!!
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I would love to use this... but I normally play with isboxer.

If I set this up without isboxer, am I able to load the configs later while running isboxer, and not crash my client?

Yes, you can build your configs and use them later, given that brainiac can correct the issue. I would assume he is in communications with Lax about it.
I have tried and tried and tried, but I can NOT get MQ2Nav to load without crashing EQ. I have tried everything I can think of, including reinstalling MQ, DX9, and associated C++ runtimes. but no matter what, I can not get it to load. I can load the meshgenerator and save zone meshes no problem. I want to start testing/using this, but no go right now.
I started messing with this over the past week finally. I went to a zone i'm very familiar with Lopping Plains. Should this recognize the tree's and huts and such in the zone to avoid or no? I had a puller running and on their return, they had shifted from their original path as the target was moving. They got stuck in a large tree that has divot on one side. I couldn't manually override it to pull them out as it kept running into the notch until I shut down the macro completely and ran out. I also appear to had got stuck in a hut although I was afk when it happened, so no info to share on the circumstance.
I used an Bot FF14 a while ago. You had to run around, filling an mesh with runable areas. You would run around trees and stones or other impassable stuff to left them out of the mesh. After this you saved the mesh and started the bot. The bot would only navigate on that mesh you recorded earlier.

Was more work, but it worked pretty well.
Its not perfect, but more examples of places where it gets stuck or does poor pathing definitely helps. Screenshots of the ingame mesh + locations is a definite plus here. I've been busy with work but I do my best to fix obvious issues.

Some of the more complex problems take a while, though.
It seems to get stuck running along the edge of a tile that has been removed from the mesh. It will be running along the path then start quickly reversing direction.
Its not perfect, but more examples of places where it gets stuck or does poor pathing definitely helps. Screenshots of the ingame mesh + locations is a definite plus here. I've been busy with work but I do my best to fix obvious issues.

Some of the more complex problems take a while, though.

It does tend to get stuck in Tempest Temple a lot, but this is a zone with a very strange geometry even for manual players.
Any word on if this will cooperate with ISBoxer? I really would like to test/use this but I experience the reported crash if I'm using ISBoxer.
Request - MQ2Nav Beta by Brainiac and Donation Kick Starter.
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