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Sic's Hotkeys

Guide - Sic's Hotkeys (1 Viewer)

CWTN Alias
You can make this alias to use eqbc to easily send your group to do the same command "/cwtn mode 0" would use eqbc to have everyone go mode 0, "/cwtna mode 0" would have everyone including yourself go mode 0 (CWTNA, A for all)

/alias /cwtn /noparse /bcg //docommand /${Me.Class.ShortName}
/alias /cwtna /noparse /bcga //docommand /${Me.Class.ShortName}

(i have r here for "raid" and ra for "raid all" despite being "anyone on eqbc not including me" and "anyone on eqbc"
/alias /cwtnr /noparse /bca //docommand /${Me.Class.ShortName}
/alias /cwtnra /noparse /bcaa //docommand /${Me.Class.ShortName}

Dannet variant:
/alias /cwtn /noparse /dgge /docommand /${Me.Class.ShortName}
/alias /cwtna /noparse /dgga /docommand /${Me.Class.ShortName}

if creating them for the first time:
(otherwise toons wouldn't have access to the alias until they relogged)
/noparse /bcaa //alias /cwtn /noparse /bcg //docommand /${Me.Class.ShortName}
/noparse /bcaa //alias /cwtna /noparse /bcga //docommand /${Me.Class.ShortName}

(i have r here for "raid" and ra for "raid all" despite being "anyone on eqbc not including me" and "anyone on eqbc"
/noparse /bcaa //alias /cwtnr /noparse /bca //docommand /${Me.Class.ShortName}
/noparse /bcaa //alias /cwtnra /noparse /bcaa //docommand /${Me.Class.ShortName}

Dannet variant:
/dgga /alias /cwtn /dgge /docommand /$\{Me.Class.ShortName}
/dgga /alias /cwtna /dgga /docommand /$\{Me.Class.ShortName}

These aliases allow me to just "/cwtna burnallnamed off" and have the entire group including me to turn burnallnamed off or "/cwtn mode 2" for everyone not me to go in mode 2

If you want kissassist to be able to toggle on/off burns you can utilize the ${BurnAllNamed} Variable kiss has

/varset BurnAllNamed 0 to turn off burns in kissassist
/varset BurnAllNamed 1 to turn on burns in kissassist

if you are using burns in your dps routine (like my bard ini) you will want to append && ${BurnAllNamed} in each condition that is a burn condition

example: dps1=${Target.Named} && ${BurnAllNamed}
Hey Sic.

Some reason after todays update my toons wont listen to me. I press come to me they wont. I press Chase button like you have, and the toons mod wont change to chase. Can u tell me what can be wrong?

Hey Sic.

Some reason after todays update my toons wont listen to me. I press come to me they wont. I press Chase button like you have, and the toons mod wont change to chase. Can u tell me what can be wrong?

wants. None of the updates would have changed any of that.

Sounds like you're not connected to ewbc ir dannet etc.
For your command Make me visible. How do I get the bard to start twisting again?
well assuming that your bard's twist is being handled with a macro that is now paused - you would unpause it with a /mqp off so if everyone is running a macro that is paused, you would hit your unpause button /bcga //mqp off
I've made a chase button taken from Sic his tutorial. The only character that are following me are the Enc and the Cleric (both using MQ2enchanter and MQ2cleric) - so guess related to that? How can I add my other character to chase me?
I've made a chase button taken from Sic his tutorial. The only character that are following me are the Enc and the Cleric (both using MQ2enchanter and MQ2cleric) - so guess related to that? How can I add my other character to chase me?
chase commands are entirely dependent on the automation macro or plugin that you're using for that character. So you're going to have to research what each thing's chase command setup looks like.
I've made a chase button taken from Sic his tutorial. The only character that are following me are the Enc and the Cleric (both using MQ2enchanter and MQ2cleric) - so guess related to that? How can I add my other character to chase me?
as answered on discord, the buttons i have in there for chase use the /chaseon and /chaseoff for kissassist characters - those characters have to be using kissassist at the time you try and have them use that command.
I've made a chase button taken from Sic his tutorial. The only character that are following me are the Enc and the Cleric (both using MQ2enchanter and MQ2cleric) - so guess related to that? How can I add my other character to chase me?
Adjust your hotkeys according to the macro you are running

RGMercs - RedGuides Wiki | RedGuides: EverQuest Multi-boxing Community
RGMERCS - /rg chaseon & /rg chaseoff

KissAssist - RedGuides Wiki | RedGuides: EverQuest Multi-boxing Community
KISSASSIST - /chaseon & /chaseoff
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I thought there was a plugin that tried to normalize all the different frameworks (cwtn, kissassist, eqmule, rgmercs) so you could have standardized commands... I just don't remember the name. I have it on a list of things to set up because like others I end up using a mix of different things to run my crew - would just simplify things.
I thought there was a plugin that tried to normalize all the different frameworks (cwtn, kissassist, eqmule, rgmercs) so you could have standardized commands... I just don't remember the name. I have it on a list of things to set up because like others I end up using a mix of different things to run my crew - would just simplify things.

I believe that was MQ2Boxr

Hmmm - didn't come up as a link so: https://www.redguides.com/community/resources/mq2boxr.2036/
back into eq after a rest wound up loseing my hotkeys tried copying sic's into game and my group does not switch modes just need help figureing out the set up basicly just want group to manual assist an chase my tank
back into eq after a rest wound up loseing my hotkeys tried copying sic's into game and my group does not switch modes just need help figureing out the set up basicly just want group to manual assist an chase my tank
Is there a file where I can get all these hot keys in a file or something instead copying a pasting one line at a time
no, that would vary widely person to person since they are eq hotkeys and may/maynot overwrite existing ones.

I also suspect that not everyone uses all of the buttons
Was reading over Sic's Hotkey post and was mentioned about using aliases to make hot keys shorter and easier to manage. I'm not understanding how this is done.

I'm using EQBC with CWTN plugins, KA, and RGMercs to control my Sk, Clr, Ber, Brd, Mag, Bst team.

In Sic's post, it says:

Create the CWTN Aliases
You can make this alias to use eqbc to easily send your group to do the same command "/cwtn mode 0" would use eqbc to have everyone go mode 0, "/cwtna mode 0" would have everyone including yourself go mode 0 (CWTNA, A for all). This is "cleaner" and easier to read than using the "/noparse /bcg //docommand /${Me.Class.ShortName} blah" for every hotkey.

/alias /cwtn /noparse /bcg //docommand /${Me.Class.ShortName}
/alias /cwtna /noparse /bcga //docommand /${Me.Class.ShortName}

Where is has "Me.Class.ShortName", do I put that exactly verbatim or do I replace those with the name of the toon, the class, and whatever shortname? What shortnames are there? Is Shadow Knight = SK for the shortname? Is that what it's talking about?

Could use some examples to help me through this please.

I drive with my SK. If I wanted to send an alias command to my entire team using EQBC to not burn on named, how would I write the hotkey?
SK, Clr, Ber, Bst = CWTN plugins
Mage = RGMercs
Brd = KA

Thank you for the help!
Was reading over Sic's Hotkey post and was mentioned about using aliases to make hot keys shorter and easier to manage. I'm not understanding how this is done.

I'm using EQBC with CWTN plugins, KA, and RGMercs to control my Sk, Clr, Ber, Brd, Mag, Bst team.

In Sic's post, it says:

Where is has "Me.Class.ShortName", do I put that exactly verbatim or do I replace those with the name of the toon, the class, and whatever shortname? What shortnames are there? Is Shadow Knight = SK for the shortname? Is that what it's talking about?

Could use some examples to help me through this please.

I drive with my SK. If I wanted to send an alias command to my entire team using EQBC to not burn on named, how would I write the hotkey?
SK, Clr, Ber, Bst = CWTN plugins
Mage = RGMercs
Brd = KA

Thank you for the help!
you can literally copy and paste into game and it creates it as it is listed
creating that "/cwtn" (everyone in group not including self) and "/cwtna" everyone in group including self) alias allows you to adjust any cwtn option for all of your toons at once /cwtna mode 0 or /cwtna burnallanmed off like in your question
@Sic trying to do Restless Assault and having issues controlling the team for Narandi when he splits into 4.

What hotkeys are best to have the team back-off and then re-engage with the SK's next target?

Is there a way to have them automatically backoff when the mob reaches 65% so I don't dps too far and cause the DTs on my team?
@Sic trying to do Restless Assault and having issues controlling the team for Narandi when he splits into 4.

What hotkeys are best to have the team back-off and then re-engage with the SK's next target?

Is there a way to have them automatically backoff when the mob reaches 65% so I don't dps too far and cause the DTs on my team?
I would suggest leaving all of your toons in manual mode and or pausing them (for toons like mq2enchanter or the healing - and then calling them to your target when you determine your target is what you want beat upon.

that's what the "Ass Me" hotkey is for

Ass Me - Definitely not the best thought out button in the world, but i use this for some missions when using mode 0 to manually call toons to a target
/noparse /bcg //if (!${Me.Ducking}) /assist ${Group.MainTank}
/noparse /bcg //if (!${Me.Ducking}) /attack on
/noparse /bcg //if (!${Me.Ducking}) /nav target
Thanks for this, I think its going to help me tremendously.. I will say that I did spend a while looking for what my cmap on should be.. only to realize it was a typo lol.. camp on... :doh:
Hiya Sic: I swear I searched for this answer for quite some time, so please don't laugh too hard!

I wanted to use your hotkey for KISS starting my toons that are not running CWTN. For the LIFE of me, I cannot find a master list anywhere that tells me what the shortnames are for every class. I found and guessed on some for this list: please let me know if any are wrong.

/noparse /bcg //if (!${Select[${Me.Class.ShortName},BER,ROG,MAG,ENC,CLR,SHM,BST]}) /mac kissassist assist ${Group.MainTank} 99

Bard = BRD

Beastlord = BST

Berserker = BER

Cleric = CLR

Druid = DRU

Enchanter = ENC

Magician = MAG

Monk = MNK ?

Necromancer = NEC

Paladin = PAL

Ranger = RNG

Rogue = ROG

Shadowknight = SHD

Shaman= SHM

Warrior = WAR

Wizzard = WIZ

  • BOLD are CWTN
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I see the travel hotkey for bard for high level but is there a low-level hot key equivalent? im in my 30s and not high alt advancement
Help Seeker here... If I want to just have the DPS classes use glyph how would I specify just those classes?

I have this that apparently does not work and all are using the plugins..

/noparse /bca //docommand /if (${Me.Class.ShortName.Find[BER,ROG,BST]}) UseGlyph true

Help Seeker here... If I want to just have the DPS classes use glyph how would I specify just those classes?

I have this that apparently does not work and all are using the plugins..

/noparse /bca //docommand /if (${Me.Class.ShortName.Find[BER,ROG,BST]}) UseGlyph true

yeah that's not quite right

this says "let's noparse because we want to evaluate on other people, then tell my group not including me, if your class short name is Ber, or Rog, or Bst, then do a /docommand with a /ber /rog or /bst with useglyph on"
/noparse /bcg //if (${Select[${Me.Class.ShortName},BER,ROG,BST]}) /docommand /${Me.Class.ShortName} UseGlyph on

I see where you linked in here to turning on/off burns with your KA inis. It seems like this would work if you had stuff in the burn section, but what about everything in the DPS section that is tied to conditions?
no, i don't use burn section. only dps section.

did you look at the conditions in the ini in the links i shared?

it explains it in what you quoted

If you want kissassist to be able to toggle on/off burns you can utilize the ${BurnAllNamed} Variable kiss has

/varset BurnAllNamed 0 to turn off burns in kissassist
/varset BurnAllNamed 1 to turn on burns in kissassist

if you are using burns in your dps routine (like my bard ini) you will want to append && ${BurnAllNamed} in each condition that is a burn condition

example: dps1=${Target.Named} && ${BurnAllNamed}

Example from my > Bard Ini <
Cond1=${Target.Named} && !${Me.Song[${Spell[Dissident Psalm of Potential].RankName}].ID} && ${BurnAllNamed}
Cond8=${Target.Named} && ${BurnAllNamed}
no, i don't use burn section. only dps section.

did you look at the conditions in the ini in the links i shared?

it explains it in what you quoted

If you want kissassist to be able to toggle on/off burns you can utilize the ${BurnAllNamed} Variable kiss has

/varset BurnAllNamed 0 to turn off burns in kissassist
/varset BurnAllNamed 1 to turn on burns in kissassist

if you are using burns in your dps routine (like my bard ini) you will want to append && ${BurnAllNamed} in each condition that is a burn condition

example: dps1=${Target.Named} && ${BurnAllNamed}

Example from my > Bard Ini <
Cond1=${Target.Named} && !${Me.Song[${Spell[Dissident Psalm of Potential].RankName}].ID} && ${BurnAllNamed}
Cond8=${Target.Named} && ${BurnAllNamed}

Ok, so I add that to each DPS entry with a burn and I will be able to turn burns on/off with that social?
What plugin(s) are required for the hotkeys that are already on the group window? My new PC gives me a could not parse error when i hit the follow button. Any ideas what i could be missing?

DoCommand - Couldn't parse '/afollow off'
[Nav] No navigation path currently active

I have working meshes, the chars chase fine, and /travelto /nav target work just fine. just trying to sort it out for sections of certain zones where nav doesnt work (tunnel in Powater and so on)
I am on MQ2next, and it says those plugins were both already loaded, and still giving the same error. ive got to be missing something simple that i havent thought of.
Quick question about Alias. I followed and made the CWTN and CWTNA alias and they work great. My question is can I set up other alias to do other things or is their a limite on how many you can make?

Guide - Sic's Hotkeys

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