
From the wonderful RedGuides Wiki

Provides the details about a single achievement and allows access to an achievement's objective. There's a more detailed manual of this datatype with examples at

This Data Type is referenced in MacroQuest, and accessed by Top-Level Object(s): Achievement
achievement is used as a return type by these members:  [ Toggle ]

Page Member Description
achievementcat AchievementByIndex[#] Find an achievement by its index in this category.
Achievement[#|Name] Find an achievement in this category by its ID or name.
achievementmgr AchievementByIndex[#] Find an achievement by its index.
Achievement[#|Name] Find an achievement by its ID or by its name.


Type Member Description
achievementobj ObjectiveByIndex[#] Find an objective by its visual ordering as displayed in the achievements window.
Objective[#|Description] Find an objective by its objective ID or Description.
action Inspect Opens the achievement display window for this achievement
bool Completed True if the achievement has been completed
Hidden True if the achievement is hidden
Locked True if the achievement is locked
Open True if the achievement is open
int IconID ID of the Achievement's Icon. This icon id represents a cell in the A_DragItem texture. To access the cell, subtract 500 from the icon id.
ID The achievement's unique ID.
Index The index of the achievement.
ObjectiveCount The number of objectives in this achievement.
Points The point value for the achievement
string Description The achievement's description
Link[opt: Name] Generate an achievement link. An optional name can be provided to display in the achievement, otherwise the current character's name will be used.
Name The achievement's name
State The achievement state.
time CompletedTime Calendar time when the achievement was completed.

See also