Unlike bool in most programming and scripting languages, bool in MacroQuest is unique: Any non-zero value evaluates to true. However, 0 still equals false, and 1 still equals true.
This Data Type is referenced in MacroQuest, and accessed by Top-Level Object(s): Bool, Defined, LineOfSight, SubDefined
bool is used as a return type by these members: [ Toggle ]
Page | Member | Description |
achievement | Completed | True if the achievement has been completed |
Hidden | True if the achievement is hidden | |
Locked | True if the achievement is locked | |
Open | True if the achievement is open | |
achievementmgr | Ready | Indicates that the manager has loaded all achievement data and is ready to be used. |
achievementobj | Completed | True if the objective has been completed. |
advloot | LootInProgress | True/False if looting from ADVLoot is in progress |
advlootitem | AlwaysGreed | If the "AG" option is on |
AlwaysNeed | If the "AN" option is on | |
AutoRoll | If the "Always Roll" (IE Dice symbol) option is on | |
FreeGrab | true if the item is free grab (no restrictions) | |
Greed | If the "GD" option is on | |
Need | If the "ND" option is on | |
Never | If the "NV" option is on | |
No | If the "NO" option is on | |
NoDrop | True if the item is No Drop | |
AdvPath | Active | Plugin Loaded and ready |
Fleeing | ||
Following | Following spawn | |
Paused | ||
Playing | ||
Pulling | ||
Recording | ||
WaitingWarp | ||
alertlist | bAlert | |
bAura | ||
bBanker | ||
bBanner | ||
bCampfire | ||
bDps | ||
bExactName | ||
bFellowship | ||
bGM | ||
bGroup | ||
bHealer | ||
bKnight | ||
bKnownLocation | ||
bLFG | ||
bLight | ||
bLoS | ||
bMerchant | ||
bNamed | ||
bNearAlert | ||
bNoAlert | ||
bNoGroup | ||
bNoGuild | ||
bNoPet | ||
bNotNearAlert | ||
bRaid | ||
bSlower | ||
bSpawnID | ||
bTank | ||
bTargetable | ||
bTargNext | ||
bTargPrev | ||
bTrader | ||
bTributeMaster | ||
altability | CanTrain | Returns true/false on if the Alternative Ability can be trained |
Passive | Returns true/false on if the Alternative Ability is passive | |
augtype | Empty | |
Infusable | ||
Visible | ||
AutoLogin | Active | True when actively performing automated login |
AutoLoot | Will return true when you are using MQ2AutoLoot to handle your advanced looting . | |
BarterActive | Will return true when your bartering your items. | |
BuyActive | Will return true when your buying itemat a merchant. | |
DepositActive | Will return true when your depositing your items to a personal/guild banker. | |
SellActive | Will return true when your selling your items to a merchant. | |
bandolier | Active | True if specified bandolier is active |
bazaar | Done | TRUE if search completed |
bool | To String | "TRUE" for non-zero, or "FALSE" for zero |
Boxr | Paused | Indicates whether the automation is currently paused |
Cast | Active | Return TRUE if plugin is loaded and you are in-game. |
Ready[X] |
Returns TRUE if ready to cast a spell, item or AA
Return TRUE if ready to memorize a spell. ${Cast.Ready[#]} Return TRUE if gem # is ready to cast. ${Cast.Ready[<name or ID>]} Return TRUE if spell, item, gem, ID, AA, etc is ready to cast. As spells and items can have the same IDs and spells and AAs can have the same names, it's a good idea to specify the type of cast to take place (ie. gem#/item/alt). See examples on DataType:Cast |
Taken | Return TRUE if last spell cast didn't take hold on target. | |
character | AbilityReady[#|name] | Ability with this name or on this button # ready? |
AltAbilityReady[#|name] | Alt ability # or name ready? | |
AltTimerReady | seems broken. Alternate timer ready? (Bash/Slam/Frenzy/Backstab). Note: ${AbilityReady} works fine with most of these. | |
AmIGroupLeader | Am I the group leader? | |
AssistComplete | returns true/false if the assist is complete | |
AutoFire | Is Autofire on? | |
BardSongPlaying | Returns true if bard is playing a song | |
CanMount | Detects if you meet the proper conditions (water, zone, race, etc.) for mounting your steed. | |
Combat | True if in combat | |
CombatAbilityReady[#|name] | True if ability ready | |
Grouped | Grouped? | |
InInstance | Returns TRUE if you are in an instance. | |
Invited | Invited to group? | |
ItemReady[#|name] | True/False on if the item is ready to cast. | |
Moving | Moving? (including strafe) | |
RangedReady | Ranged attack ready? | |
Running | Do I have auto-run turned on? | |
Shrouded | Am I Shrouded? | |
SpellInCooldown | returns TRUE if you have a spell in cooldown and FALSE when not. | |
SpellReady[#|name] | Gem with this spell name or in this gem # ready to cast? | |
Stunned | Am I stunned? | |
TributeActive | Tribute Active | |
UseAdvancedLooting | TRUE if using advanced looting | |
Zoning | ||
circle | Backwards | Displays true if movement direction backwards. |
Clockwise | Displays false if reverse circling. | |
Drunken | Displays true if drunken. | |
class | CanCast | Can cast spells, including Bard |
ClericType | Cleric/Paladin | |
DruidType | Druid/Ranger | |
HealerType | Cleric/Druid/Shaman | |
MercType | True if Mercenary | |
NecromancerType | Necromancer/Shadow Knight | |
PetClass | Any one of: Shaman, Necromancer, Mage, Beastlord | |
PureCaster | True if character is a Cleric, Druid, Shaman, Necromancer, Wizard, Mage or Enchanter. | |
ShamanType | Shaman/Beastlord | |
corpse | Open | True if open |
currentzone | Indoor | Alias: Dungeon. Are we indoors? |
NoBind | Can we bind here? | |
Outdoor | Are we outdoors? | |
CWTN | AutoCorpseGrab | Plugins: MQ2Rogue
AutoRemoveIllusion | Returns the true/false value of this setting. | |
AutoStandOnDuck | ||
AutoStandOnFeign | ||
AutoSummonRemains | Plugins: MQ2Eskay
BattleMode | Plugins: MQ2Cleric
BurnAllNamed | Returns the true/false value of this setting. | |
BurnAlways | ||
BurnNow | ||
Byos | Plugins: MQ2Bst, MQ2Cleric, MQ2Enchanter, MQ2Eskay, MQ2Mage, MQ2Shaman
CastFire | Plugins: MQ2Mage
CastMagic | ||
CombatSummonPet | Plugins: MQ2Bst, MQ2Mage
DisablePullAbility | Plugins: MQ2Bst, MQ2Enchanter, MQ2Eskay, MQ2Mage, MQ2Monk, MQ2Rogue, MQ2Shaman
ForceAlliance | Returns the true/false value of this setting. | |
GHBuffBot | Plugins: MQ2Bst, MQ2Cleric, MQ2Enchanter, MQ2Shaman
GHBuffGuildOnly | ||
GHBuffSilent | ||
GroupShrink | Plugins: MQ2Bst, MQ2Shaman
HandleCampFire | Returns the true/false value of your DoCampFire setting. | |
HaveBuffsToCast | Returns the true/false if need to cast buffs on self or group. | |
InterruptForMez | Plugins: MQ2Enchanter
MemCureall | Plugins: MQ2Shaman
MemSplash |
MobsToPull | While in a pulling mode, it will return if you have mobs you want to pull or not. | |
Paused | Returns the true/false value of this setting. | |
PetShrink | Plugins: MQ2Bst, MQ2Eskay, MQ2Mage
PetTauntToggle | Plugins: MQ2Bst, MQ2Mage
PullWithMelee | Plugins: MQ2Bst
RaidMode | Returns the true/false value of this setting. | |
SlowAll | Plugins: MQ2Bst
SlowNamed | ||
SummonFoodDrink | Plugins: MQ2Bst, MQ2Cleric, MQ2Mage, MQ2Shaman | |
SummonRemains | Plugins: MQ2Eskay
SwitchWithMA | Returns the true/false value of this setting. | |
TashThenMez | Plugins: MQ2Enchanter
UpdateWinTitle | Returns the true/false value of this setting. | |
UseAASnare | Plugins: MQ2Eskay
UseAlliance | Returns the true/false value of this setting. | |
UseAncestralAid | Plugins: MQ2Shaman
UseAnticipated | Plugins: MQ2Cleric
UseAOE | Returns the true/false value of this setting. | |
UseBandoSwap | Plugins: MQ2Bst, MQ2Monk
UseBattleLeap | Plugins: MQ2Berzerker, MQ2War
UseBeza | Plugins: MQ2Eskay
UseBloodFury | Plugins: MQ2Berzerker,
UseBraxi | Plugins: MQ2Berzerker
UseCanniSpell | Plugins: MQ2Shaman
UseCelestialRegen | Plugins: MQ2Cleric
UseCharm | Plugins: MQ2Enchanter
UseCheetah | Plugins: MQ2Shaman
UseCombatGather | Plugins: MQ2Mage
UseConsequence | Plugins: MQ2Cleric
UseCures | Returns the true/false value of this setting. | |
UseDichoWar | Plugins: MQ2War
UseDisarm | Plugins: MQ2Berzerker, MQ2Monk, MQ2Rogue, MQ2Eskay, MQ2War
UseDisruption | Plugins: MQ2Eskay
UseDivineIntervention | Plugins: MQ2Cleric
UseDivineRez | ||
UseDoppelganger | Plugins: MQ2Enchanter
UseDot | Plugins: MQ2Enchanter, MQ2Rogue, MQ2Shaman
UseDotSnare | Plugins: MQ2Eskay
UseDS | Plugins: MQ2Mage
UseEarthDisc | Plugins: MQ2Monk
UseEpicRez | Plugins: MQ2Cleric
UseEradicate | Plugins: MQ2Enchanter, MQ2Mage
UseExpanse | Plugins: MQ2War
UseFeign | Plugins: MQ2Bst, MQ2Eskay, MQ2Monk
UseFocus | Plugins: MQ2Bst, MQ2Shaman
UseFortitude | Plugins: MQ2War
UseFrenzied | Plugins: MQ2Berzerker
UseGrapple | Plugins: MQ2War
UseGrasp | ||
UseGroupModRod | Plugins: MQ2Mage
UseGrowth | Plugins: MQ2Shaman
UseHand | Plugins: MQ2Cleric
UseHaste | Plugins: MQ2Bst, MQ2Enchanter, MQ2Shaman
UseHatesAttraction | Plugins: MQ2Eskay
UseHideSneak | Plugins: MQ2Rogue
UseInsidious | Plugins: MQ2Eskay
UseIntimidate | Plugins: MQ2Berzerker, MQ2Monk, MQ2Rogue
UseLifetap | Plugins: MQ2Eskay
UseLigamentSlice | Plugins: MQ2Rogue
UseMalo | Plugins: MQ2Mage, MQ2Shaman
UseMaloAoE | ||
UseMangling | Plugins: MQ2Berzerker
UseMelee | Plugins: MQ2Cleric, MQ2Enchanter, MQ2Mage, MQ2Shaman
UseMending | Plugins: MQ2Bst
UseMez | Plugins: MQ2Enchanter
UseMindOverMatter | ||
UseMinion | Plugins: MQ2Mage
UseNightsTerror | Plugins: MQ2Enchanter
UseNuke | Plugins: MQ2Cleric, MQ2Enchanter, MQ2Mage, MQ2Shaman
UseOpener | Plugins: MQ2Berzerker, MQ2Rogue
UseParadox | Plugins: MQ2Mage
UseParagon | Plugins: MQ2Bst
UsePet | Plugins: MQ2Eskay, MQ2Mage, MQ2Rogue, MQ2Shaman
UsePetWeapons | Plugins: MQ2Mage
UsePhantasmal | Plugins: MQ2Enchanter
UsePhantom | Plugins: MQ2War
UsePrecision | ||
UsePreincarnation | Plugins: MQ2Shaman
UseProjection | Plugins: MQ2War
UseRegen | Plugins: MQ2Shaman
UseResponse | Plugins: MQ2Cleric
UseResponsiveSpirit | Plugins: MQ2Shaman
UseRetaliation | Plugins: MQ2Berzerker
UseRetort | Plugins: MQ2Cleric
UseRez | Plugins: MQ2Cleric, MQ2Shaman
UseRezCall | Plugins: MQ2Shaman
UseRezStick | Plugins: MQ2Cleric, MQ2Shaman
UseRoarOfThunder | Plugins: MQ2Bst
UseServant | Plugins: MQ2Mage
UseShieldOfFate | Plugins: MQ2Enchanter, MQ2Mage
UseSkinDS | Plugins: MQ2Mage
UseSlow | Plugins: MQ2Enchanter, MQ2Shaman
UseSlowAoE | ||
UseSnare | Plugins: MQ2Bst
UseSow | Plugins: MQ2Bst, MQ2Shaman
UseSpellGuard | Plugins: MQ2Enchanter
UseSpiritCall | Plugins: MQ2Shaman
UseStick | Returns the true/false value of this setting. | |
UseSwarmPet | Plugins: MQ2Bst, MQ2Eskay, MQ2Mage
UseSwimFix | Returns the true/false value of this setting. | |
UseSymbol | Plugins: MQ2Cleric
UseTash | Plugins: MQ2Enchanter
UseTashAoE | ||
UseTigerClaw | Plugins: MQ2Monk
UseTorrent | Plugins: MQ2Eskay
UseVeilDS | Plugins: MQ2Mage
UseVie | Plugins: MQ2Cleric
UseVisionaryUnity | Plugins: MQ2Shaman
UseVoiceOfThule | Plugins: MQ2Eskay
UseXTargetBuffing | Plugins: MQ2Bst, MQ2Cleric, MQ2Enchanter, MQ2Shaman
UseXTargetHealing | Plugins: MQ2Bst, MQ2Cleric, MQ2Shaman
UseYaulp | Plugins: MQ2Cleric
DanNet | CommandEcho | command echo (incoming commands) |
Debug | debugging flag | |
EvasiveRefresh | if evasiverefresh is on | |
FrontDelim | use a front delimiter in arrays | |
FullNames | print fully qualified names | |
LocalEcho | local echo flag (outgoing echo) | |
ObserveSet | short version: OSet determine if query has been set as observed data on peer, or as an observer on self if no peer specified | |
Debuff | Blind | True if you are blind |
CastingLevel | True if your Effective Casting Level has been reduced, False if not | |
Charmed | True if you are charmed | |
Detrimentals | True if you have any detrimental effects on you | |
Feared | True if you are feared | |
HealingEff | True if your Healing Effectiveness has been reduced, False if not | |
Invulnerable | True if you are invulnerable | |
ManaCost | True if your Spell Mana Cost has been raised, False if not | |
Rooted | True if you are rooted | |
Silenced | True if you are silenced | |
Slowed | True if you are Slowed (melee attacks), False if not | |
Snared | True if your are Snared, False if not | |
SpellDmgEff | True if your Spell Damage Effectiveness has been reduced, False if not | |
SpellSlowed | True if you are SpellSlowed (spell haste reduction), False if not | |
DisplayItem | Collected | |
CollectedReceived | ||
Scribed | ||
ScribedReceived | ||
dynamiczone | InRaid | |
LeaderFlagged | Returns true if the dzleader can successfully enter the dz (this also means the dz is actually Loaded.) | |
dzmember | Flagged | Returns true if the dzmember can successfully enter the dz. where x is either index or the name. |
EQBC | Connected | Client connection status |
GotNames | Indicates whether your client has received the name list from the server | |
Setting[option] | On/Off status of specified option (/bccmd set for list) | |
everquest | ChatChannel[name] | Returns TRUE if name is joined |
Foreground | Returns TRUE if EverQuest is in Foreground | |
IsDefaultUILoaded | returns a bool true or false if the "Default" UI skin is the one loaded | |
LayoutCopyInProgress | Returns TRUE if a layoutcopy is in progress and FALSE if not. | |
LClickedObject | Returns TRUE if an object has been left clicked | |
ValidLoc[X Y Z] | returns true if the X Y Z location in the world is a valid player location. | |
Evolving | ExpOn | Is evolving item experienced turned on for this item? (after 2019-02-14 test patch, it's always on) |
fellowship | Campfire | TRUE if campfire is up, FALSE if not |
Exists | True if fellowship exists | |
Sharing | true if exp sharing is on for the member | |
fellowshipmember | ||
framelimiter | ClearScreen | |
Enabled | ||
SaveByChar | ||
friend | Friend[name] | Returns TRUE if name is on your friend list |
Grind | Active | Returns TRUE or FALSE based on whether or not a Grind is currently being run |
DeadAtBind | Returns TRUE or FALSE based on whether or not your driver toon is dead at it's bind spot (zone) | |
Paused | Returns TRUE or FALSE based on whether or not a Grind is paused | |
ground | LineOfSight | Returns TRUE if ground spawn is in line of sight |
GroundSpawns | Active |
group | AnyoneMissing | TRUE if someone is missing in group, offline, in other zone or simply just dead |
groupmember | Leader | TRUE if the member is the group's leader, FALSE otherwise |
MainAssist | TRUE if the member is designated as the group's Main Assist, FALSE otherwise | |
MainTank | TRUE if the member is designated as the group's Main Tank, FALSE otherwise | |
MarkNpc | ||
MasterLooter | ||
Mercenary | TRUE if the member is a mercenary, FALSE otherwise | |
Offline | TRUE if the member is offline and FALSE if online | |
OtherZone | TRUE if the member is online but in another zone and FALSE if online and in same zone as you. | |
Present | TRUE if the member is online and in same zone and FALSE if online and not in same zone as you. | |
Puller | TRUE if the member is designated as the group's Puller, FALSE otherwise | |
iniadvfile | Exists | Tells you if the given file exists |
iniadvfilesection | Whether a specified section exists | |
iniadvfilesectionkey | TRUE if the specified key exists | |
item | Attuneable | |
CanUse | ||
Collectible | ||
Expendable | ||
Heirloom | ||
Lore | ||
LoreEquipped | ||
Magic | ||
NoDestroy | ||
NoDrop | Alias: NoTrade. Returns true if you cannot drop | |
NoRent | True if item is temporary | |
Prestige | ||
Quest | ||
Stackable | ||
Tradeskills | ||
WornSlot[name] | Can item be worn in invslot with this name? (worn slots only) | |
itemfilterdata | AutoRoll | |
Greed | ||
Need | ||
Never | ||
list | Append[sequence] | Insert a sequence of comma delimited strings onto the tail of the list. |
Clear | Removes all elements from the list. Always returns true. | |
Contains[string] | True if at least one instance of string is contained in the list and false otherwise. | |
Erase[int] | Remove an item from the input list by position. Return true if the item was removed or false if not. | |
Insert[int,sequence] | Insert a sequence of comma delimited strings into the source list before the ordinal indicated by Integer. True is returned if the sequence could be inserted and false otherwise. | |
Reverse | Reorder the list in such a way that the 0'th item is swapped with the Count -1th item, the item with ordinal 1 with the Count -2th item, etc. |
Sort | Lexicographically orders the items. The source list is modified in place. | |
listiterator | Advance | The iterator is moved to the next item in the list, if one exists. True is returned if the iterator was advanced and False otherwise. |
IsEnd | True if the iterator is at the end of the list. | |
Reset | Positions the iterator to the start of the list. True is always returned. | |
macro | IsOuterVariable | true if the provided parameter is a defined outer variable |
IsTLO | true if the provided parameter an existing TLO | |
Paused | NULL if no macro running, FALSE if mqpause is off, TRUE if mqpause is on | |
macroquest | Anonymize | Is anonymized with Command:/mqanon? |
makecamp | Leash | Displays true if leash is enabled. |
ReturnHaveTarget | Displays true if ReturnHaveTarget is enabled. | |
Returning | Displays true if /makecamp return issued. | |
ReturnNoAggro | Displays true if ReturnNoAggro is enabled. | |
ReturnNotLooting | Displays true if ReturnNotLooting is enabled. | |
Scatter | Displays true if camp scattering enabled. | |
map | Add[string,string] | True is returned if the item was added to the map. If the first string, called the 'key' is already in the map, the second string, called the 'value' will be replaced. |
Clear | Removes all items from the map. True is always returned. | |
Contains[string] | True is returned if the item is in the map. | |
Remove[string] | True is returned if the 'key' matching string was removed from the map. | |
mapiterator | Advance | The iterator is moved to the next item in the map, if one exists. True is returned if the iterator was advanced and False otherwise. |
IsEnd | True if the iterator is at the end of the map. | |
Reset | Positions the iterator to the start of the map. True is always returned. | |
Medley | Active | true - medley is active |
Melee | AggroMode | TRUE/FALSE if the plugin is operating in Aggro-mode or not. |
BackStabbing | TRUE/FALSE if backstab setting is on/off. | |
Combat | TRUE/FALSE if plugin enable and got valid kill target. Should replace ${Me.Combat} logic. | |
Enable | TRUE/FALSE if plugin on/off, NULL if not loaded. | |
Engage | TRUE if we have a valid kill target and it's okay to turn attack on, FALSE if not. | |
Enrage | True if enraged | |
GotAggro | TRUE/FALSE if current target seems to be aggroed on you (not perfect). | |
Immobilize | TRUE if you have been standing still for more then 250ms, FALSE if not. | |
Infuriate | TRUE if kill target is infuriated! | |
XTaggro | Aggro from xtarget mobs | |
merchant | Full | Returns TRUE if the merchant's inventory is full |
ItemsReceived | True if the merchants itemlist has been filled in. | |
Open | Returns TRUE if merchant is open | |
moveto | Broken | Returns true if BreakonAggro or BreakonHit event have halted moveto prematurely. |
CampStopped | Displays true if within moveto distance of makecamp Y X location. | |
Moving | Displays true if moveto or camp return is active. | |
Stopped | Displays true if the last moveto command completed successfully. | |
To string | Displays on if a moveto command is active. | |
UseWalk | Returns true if UseWalk is enabled. | |
MoveUtils | Aggro | Displays true if you are facing your target and your target is facing you. |
FullVerbosity | Displays true if fullverbosity is enabled. | |
GM | Displays true if BreakonGM fired. | |
MovePause | Displays true if mpause (PauseKB) is enabled. | |
Stuck | Displays true if plugin stucklogic has determined you are currently stuck. | |
StuckLogic | Displays true if stucklogic is enabled. | |
Summoned | Displays true if BreakonSummon is enabled and has fired due to your character being summoned beyond breakonsummon distance. | |
TotalSilence | Displays true if totalsilence is enabled. | |
TryToJump | Displays true if stucklogic trytojump is enabled. | |
Verbosity | Displays true if verbosity is enabled. | |
Navigation | Active | Returns true if navigation is currently active |
MeshLoaded | Returns true if a mesh is loaded in the current zone | |
PathExists[parameters] | Returns true if the specified navigation parameters results in a navigatable path. Navigation parameters are the same parameters that would be passed to /nav, see example below. | |
PathLength[parameters] | Similar to PathExists, but returns the length of the path if one is found. Navigation parameters are the same parameters that would be passed to /nav. | |
Paused | Returns true if navigation is currently paused | |
NetBots | AFK | is [Name] afk |
Attacking | is [Name] attacking | |
Binding | whether [Name] is kneeling | |
Ducking | is [Name] ducking | |
Enable | Returns plugin on/off status | |
Feigning | is [Name] feigning | |
Grouped | is [Name] grouped | |
InGroup | is [Name] in my group | |
Invis | is [Name] invis | |
InZone | is [Name] in my current zone | |
Levitating | is [Name] floating | |
LFG | is [Name] LFG | |
Listen | Returns "grab" status as true/false | |
Mounted | is [Name] on a mount | |
Moving | is [Name] moving | |
Output | Returns "send" status as true/false | |
Raid | is [Name] in a raid | |
Sitting | is [Name] sitting | |
StacksPet[SpellID] | True if spell will stack on [Name]'s pet. | |
Stacks[SpellID] | True if spell will stack on [Name]. Usage NetBots[Name].Stacks[SpellID] |
Standing | is [Name] standing | |
Stunned | is [Name] stunned | |
pet | Combat | Combat state |
Focus | Focus state | |
GHold | GHold state | |
Hold | Hold state | |
ReGroup | ReGroup state | |
Stop | Stop state | |
Taunt | Taunt state | |
plugin | IsLoaded | True if plugin loaded |
pointmerchantitem | CanUse | |
IsLore | ||
IsStackable | ||
PortalSetter | InProgress | |
Posse | Status | Shows if plugin is looking for players or not |
queue | IsEmpty | True if Count = 0, False otherwise. |
Push[string] | True if the item was pushed successfully. | |
raid | Invited | Have I been invited to the raid? |
Locked | Returns TRUE if the raid is locked | |
raidmember | GroupLeader | Returns TRUE if the member is a group leader |
Looter | Allowed to loot with current loot rules and looters? | |
RaidLeader | Returns TRUE if the member is the raid leader | |
Range | Between[#1,#2:n] | is n Between the range of #1 and #2 both numbers included |
Inside[#1,#2:n] | is n Inside the range of #1 and #2 both numbers excluded | |
React | Active | Returns true if processing reactions is on. |
Enabled[nickname] | Return true if the react is enabled for the currect character or false if it is disabled | |
RewardItem | Reward[<#/name>].Claim | Claims the specified reward if available and option (if any) selected. TRUE if able to claim; otherwise FALSE |
Reward[<#/name>].Select | Selects the specified reward. TRUE if available and able to select; otherwise FALSE. | |
Reward[<#/name>].Selected | Returns TRUE if indicated reward is available and selected; else FALSE | |
RewardOption | Reward[<#/name>].Option[#/name].Select | Selects the specified option. TRUE if available and able to select; otherwise FALSE |
Reward[<#/name>].Option[#/name].Selected | Returns TRUE if the indicated option is available and selected; otherwise FALSE | |
Rez | Accept | Returns TRUE if Accept is on |
Release | Returns TRUE if ReleaseToBind is on | |
SafeMode | Returns TRUE if SafeMode is on | |
Voice | Returns TRUE if VoiceNotify is on | |
set | Add[sequence] | True is returned if the item(s) were added to the set. |
Clear | Removes all items from the set. True is always returned. | |
Contains[string] | True is returned if the item is in the set. | |
Remove[string] | True is returned if the item was removed from the set. | |
setiterator | Advance | The iterator is moved to the next item in the set, if one exists. True is returned if the iterator was advanced and False otherwise. |
IsEnd | True if the iterator is at the end of the set. | |
Reset | Positions the iterator to the start of the set. True is always returned. | |
skill | Activated | Returns TRUE if the skill has been activated |
Auto | if a skill has /autoskill on or off | |
spawn | AFK | True if AFK |
Aggressive | returns TRUE or FALSE if a mob is aggressive or not | |
Anonymous | ||
Assist | Current Raid or Group assist target? | |
Binding | Binding wounds? | |
BodyWet | ||
bShowHelm | ||
BuffsPopulated | returns 1 for a empty buff list and a number above 1 if there was some buffs received. | |
Buyer | Are you in buyer mode? | |
CanSplashLand | TRUE/FALSE on if a splash spell can land. This check is ONLY for line of sight to the targetindicator (red/green circle) | |
Dead | ||
Ducking | ||
FeetWet | Feet wet/swimming? | |
Feigning | ||
Fleeing | Is your target moving away from you? | |
GM | GM or Guide? | |
GroupLeader | ||
HeadWet | ||
Holding | Represents what the pc/npc is holding | |
Hovering | ||
Invis[#|name] | No index, 0 and ANY return the same thing. Accepts: NORMAL or 1, UNDEAD or 2, ANIMAL or 3, SOS or 4. | |
IsSummoned | if its a summoned being (pet for example) | |
IsTouchingSwitch | ||
Levitating | ||
LFG | ||
LineOfSight | Returns TRUE if spawn is in LoS | |
Linkdead | ||
Moving | ||
Named | Is this a "named" spawn? | |
Roleplaying | ||
Sitting | ||
Sneaking | ||
Standing | ||
Stuck | ||
Stunned | ||
Targetable | ||
TemporaryPet | A flag indicating a non-permanent pet, like a swarm pet. (?) | |
Trader | Are you in trader mode? | |
Underwater | ||
SpawnMaster | HasTarget | Returns if your target matches a spawn in your list |
spell | Beneficial | |
CanMGB | ||
Deletable | If spell can be deleted from spellbook | |
Dispellable | returns true if a spell can be dispelled | |
HasSPA[#] | ||
IllusionOkWhenMounted | Can you mount with that illusion? | |
IsActiveAA | ||
IsSkill | is this spell a skill? | |
IsSwarmSpell | Is this spell a Swarm spell? | |
StacksPet[duration] | Does the selected spell stack with your pet's current buffs (duration is in ticks) | |
StacksSpawn[#|name] | Stack on spawn? | |
StacksTarget | Does the selected spell stack with your target's current buffs | |
StacksWithDiscs | ||
Stacks[duration] | Alias: NewStacks. Does the selected spell stack with your current buffs? Duration is in ticks. | |
WillStack[name] | Alias: StacksWith, NewStacksWith. If a spell stack with another spell. Does not work with AAs. | |
stack | IsEmpty | True if Count = 0, False otherwise. |
Push[string] | True if the item was pushed successfully. | |
stick | Active | Displays true if any form of stick is active. |
Always | Returns true if /stick always is active. | |
Behind | Displays true if currently behind target (regardless of /stick behind), false if outside of stick dist or not behind. | |
Broken | Returns true if BreakonHit event has halted stick prematurely. | |
Loose | Displays true if loose sticking is enabled. | |
MoveBack | Displays true if moveback is active. | |
MoveBehind | Displays true if stick behind is active. | |
Paused | Displays true if plugin is paused. | |
Pin | Displays true if stick pin is active. | |
Stopped | Displays true if stick is within stick distance. | |
string | EqualCS[text] | EqualCS is exactly the same as Equal, except that it is case-sensitive |
Equal[text] | If the initial string and the second string text are exactly the same, returns TRUE. Equal is case-insensitive | |
NotEqualCS[text] | NotEqualCS is exactly the same as NotEqual, except that it is case-sensitive | |
NotEqual[text] | If the initial string and the second string text are exactly the same, returns FALSE. NotEqual is case-insensitive | |
swap | Excluded | Returns true if the song is excluded |
MeleeSwap | returns true if meleeswap is enabled | |
Swapping | Returns true swapping is enabled | |
switch | IsTargeted | |
LineOfSight | Returns TRUE if the switch is in LoS | |
Open | True if the switch is in the "open" state (State == 1) | |
taskmember | Leader | Returns true if member is leader |
taskobjectivemember | Optional | Returns true or false if a objective is optional |
time | Night | Gives true if the current hour is considered "night" in EQ (7:00pm-6:59am) |
tradeskilldepot | Enabled | True if tradeskill depot is enabled. |
ItemsReceived | If the depot has been populated with items. Window needs to be opened at least once. | |
Trophy | Container |
Matches |
twist | Twisting | Returns TRUE if currently twisting, FALSE if not and NULL if plugin not loaded. |
Vendor | HasItems | Whether the vendor has any items you are looking for. |
window | Checked | Returns TRUE if the button has been checked |
Children | Returns TRUE if the window has children | |
Enabled | Returns TRUE if the window is enabled | |
Highlighted | TRUE if the specified window has focus | |
HisTradeReady | Has the other person clicked the Trade button? | |
Minimized | Returns TRUE if the window is minimized | |
MouseOver | Returns TRUE if the mouse is currently over the window | |
MyTradeReady | Have I clicked the Trade button? | |
Open | Returns TRUE if the window is open | |
Siblings | Returns TRUE if the window has siblings |
Type | Member | Description |
bool | To String | "TRUE" for non-zero, or "FALSE" for zero |