
From the wonderful RedGuides Wiki

Contains data about the current zone. Inherits zone.

This Data Type is referenced in MacroQuest, and accessed by Top-Level Object(s): Zone


Type Member Description
bool Indoor Alias: Dungeon. Are we indoors?
NoBind Can we bind here?
Outdoor Are we outdoors?
float MaxClip Maximum clip plane allowed in zone
MinClip Minimum clip plane allowed in zone
int FOgOnOff off
ID Zone ID
Type ALIAS: ZoneType. Returns: 0=Indoor Dungeon 1=Outdoor 2=Outdoor City 3=Dungeon City 4=Indoor City 5=Outdoor Dungeon
string Name Full zone name
ShortName Short zone name

Inherits zone

You may also use members of zone, shown here: [ Toggle ]

Type Member Description
int ID ID of the zone
int64 ZoneFlags
string Name Full zone name
ShortName Short zone name
To String Same as Name


A check in a condition or a macro to determine if the current zone is indoors:


See also