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Data related to integers

This Data Type is referenced in MacroQuest, and accessed by Top-Level Object(s): FindItemBankCount, FindItemCount, GroundItemCount, Int, Select, SpawnCount
int is used as a return type by these members:  [ Toggle ]

Page Member Description
achievement IconID ID of the Achievement's Icon. This icon id represents a cell in the A_DragItem texture. To access the cell, subtract 500 from the icon id.
ID The achievement's unique ID.
Index The index of the achievement.
ObjectiveCount The number of objectives in this achievement.
Points The point value for the achievement
achievementcat AchievementCount The number of achievements in this category.
CategoryCount The number of child categories in this category.
CompletedAchievements The number of achievements earned in this category and its subcategories
ID The unique ID for the category
Index The index of the category in the achievement manager.
Points The total earned points of achievements in this category.
TotalAchievements The total number of achievements in this category and its subcategories.
achievementmgr AchievementCount The number of achievements in the manager.
CategoryCount The number of achievement categories in the manager.
CompletedAchievements The number of completed achievements.
Points The total number of accumulated achievement points.
TotalAchievements The number of available achievements.
achievementobj Count The current count recorded by the objective.
ID The objective's unique ID.
Index Visual index of the objective as displayed in the achievement window. Can be used with Achievement.ObjectiveByIndex.
RequiredCount The total count required to be complete the objective. For objectives that don't require a count, this will be zero.
advloot PCount Item count from the Personal list
PWantCount Want count from the Personal list
SCount Item count from the Shared list
SWantCount Want count from the Shared list
advlootitem IconID Returns the icon ID
StackSize The number of items in the stack
AdvPath CustomPaths Gives a count filtered by CustomSearch
Idle Idle time when following and not moving
NextWaypoint Number of NextWayPoint
State FollowState, 0 = off, 1 = Following, 2 = Playing, 3 = Recording
Status Status 0 = off , 1 = on , 2 = paused
Waypoints Total Number of Waypoints
alert Size Return the number of alerts
alertlist AlertList
MaxLevel Highest level
MinLevel Lowest level
SpawnType Type of spawn
altability AARankRequired Rank required to train
Cost Base cost to train
Expansion Expansion level for the ability.
GroupID ID of the AA group that this AA belongs to
Index Returns the index number of the Alternative Ability
MaxRank Max rank available in this ability
MinLevel Minimum level to train
MyReuseTime Reuse time (in seconds) that takes into account any hastened AA abilities
NextIndex Returns the next index number of the Alternative Ability
PointsSpent Returns the amount of points spent on an AA
Rank Returns the Rank of the AA
RequiresAbilityPoints Points required in above ability
ReuseTime Reuse time in seconds
Type Type (1-6)
argb A Alpha
B Blue
G Green
Int The integer formed by ARGB
R Red
array Dimensions Number of dimensions in the array
Size Total number of elements in the array
Size[#] Total number of elements stored in the #th dimension of the array
augtype Slot
auratype Find[name] Partial matches accepted
AutoLoot FreeInventory Will return the number of empty slots not in excludebag1 or excludebag2
bandolier Index Returns the index number of the specified Bandolier profile
bandolieritem IconID Returns Icon ID of item
ID Returns item ID of item
bazaar Count number of search results
bazaaritem ItemID Returns the item ID of the specified result. e.g. /echo ${Bazaar.SortedItem[5].ItemID}
Price Returns the price of the item. e.g. /echo ${Bazaar.SortedItem[2].Price}
Quantity Returns the quantity of the specified item, i.e. a stack of 20 potions will return 20, even if there are thousands of the same named potion in search results. e.g. /echo ${Bazaar.Item[1].Quantity}
body ID The ID of the body type
buff HitCount
ID The ID of the buff or shortbuff slot
Level The level of the person that cast the buff on you (not the level of the spell)
cachedbuff Count Returns the amount of buffs catched, or -1 if none
Slot Returns the buff slot the target had the buff in
SpellID Alias: ID. Returns the buff's spell ID
Cast Timing Returns the estimated number of miliseconds remaining until the spell finished casting.
character AAExp AA exp as a raw number out of 10,000 (10,000=100%)
AAPoints Unused AA points
AAPointsSpent The number of points you have spent on AA abilities
AAPointsTotal The total number of AA points you have
Ability[name] Skill name assigned to this doability button
AccuracyBonus Accuracy bonus from gear and spells
ActiveFavorCost If Tribute is active, how much it is costing you every 10 minutes. Returns NULL if tribute is inactive.
AGI Agility
AttackBonus Attack bonus from gear and spells
AttackSpeed Your Attack Speed. No haste spells/items = AttackSpeed of 100. A 41% haste item will result in an AttackSpeed of 141. This variable does not take into account spell or song haste.
AvoidanceBonus Avoidance bonus from gear/spells
Book[name] Slot in your spellbook assigned to spell name.
CHA Charisma
Chronobines Chronobines on your character
CombatAbility[name] Returns the number of Combat ability name in your list (not the same as anyone else's list!)
CombatEffectsBonus Combat Effects bonus from gear and spells
Copper Copper on your character
CopperBank Copper in bank
CountBuffs Number of buffs you have, not including short duration buffs
CountSongs Number of songs you have
CurrentEndurance Shows current endurance
CurrentHPs Current hit points
CurrentMana Current mana
CurrentWeight Current weight
DamageShieldBonus Damage Shield bonus from gear and spells
DamageShieldMitigationBonus Damage Shield Mitigation bonus from gear and spells
DEX Dexterity
DoTShieldBonus DoT Shield bonus from gear and spells
Doubloons Doubloons on your character
Drunk Drunkenness level
EbonCrystals Number of Ebon Crystals on your character
EnduranceBonus Endurance bonus from gear and spells
EnduranceRegen Endurance regen from the last tick
EnduranceRegenBonus Endurance regen bonus
ExpansionFlags Returns a numeric number representing which expansions your toon is flagged for
Faycites Faycites on your character
FreeBuffSlots Number of open buff slots (not counting the short duration buff slots)
FreeInventory Number of free inventory spaces
FreeInventory[#] Number of free inventory spaces of at least # size (giant=4)
Gem[name] Returns the gem # if spell is memorized
Gold Gold on character
GoldBank Gold in bank
  1. of group leader points (emu only)
GroupSize Size of group
GukEarned Total LDoN points earned in Deepest Guk
Haste Total Combined Haste (worn and spell) as shown in Inventory Window stats
HaveExpansion[#|name] Returns TRUE/FALSE if you have that expansion #. e.g. ${Me.HaveExpansion[Veil of Alaris]} or ${Me.HaveExpansion[18]}
HealAmountBonus Total Heal Amount bonus from gear
HeroicAGIBonus Total Heroic Agility bonus from gear
HeroicCHABonus Total Heroic Charisma bonus from gear
HeroicDEXBonus Total Heroic Dexterity bonus from gear
HeroicINTBonus Total Heroic Intelligence bonus from gear
HeroicSTABonus Total Heroic Stamina bonus from gear
HeroicSTRBonus Total Heroic Strength bonus from gear
HeroicWISBonus Total Heroic Wisdom bonus from gear
HPBonus Hit point bonus from gear and spells
HPRegen Hit point regeneration from last tick
HPRegenBonus HP regen bonus from gear and spells
Hunger Hunger level
Instance ZoneID of current instance
INT Intelligence
LADelegateMA Level of Delegate MA of the current group leader (not your own ability level)
LADelegateMarkNPC Level of Delegate Mark NPC of the current group leader (not your own ability level)
LAFindPathPC Level of Find Path PC of the current group leader (not your own ability level)
LAHealthEnhancement Level of Health Enhancement of the current group leader (not your own ability level)
LAHealthRegen Level of Health Regen of the current group leader (not your own ability level)
LAHoTT Level of HoTT of the current group leader (not your own ability level)
LAInspectBuffs Level of Inspect Buffs of the current group leader (not your own ability level)
LAManaEnhancement Level of Mana Enhancement of the current group leader (not your own ability level)
LAMarkNPC Level of Mark NPC of the current group leader (not your own ability level)
LanguageSkill[#|name] Returns your skill in the specified language.
Language[name] Returns the EQ language name of the language number specified. See Language list
LANPCHealth Level of NPC Health of the current group leader (not your own ability level)
LAOffenseEnhancement Level of Offense Enhancement of the current group leader (not your own ability level)
LargestFreeInventory Size of your largest free inventory space
LASpellAwareness Level of Spell Awareness of the current group leader (not your own ability level)
LDoNPoints Available LDoN points
ManaBonus Mana bonus from gear and spells
ManaRegen Mana regeneration from last tick
ManaRegenBonus Mana regen bonus from gear and spells
MaxBuffSlots Max number of buffs you can have on you. /echo ${Me.MaxBuffSlots}
MaxEndurance Max endurance
MaxHPs Max hit points
MaxMana Max mana
MirEarned Total LDoN points earned in Miragul's
MMEarned Total LDoN points earned in Mistmoore
NumGems Returns the amount of spell gems your toon has
Orux Orux on your character
PctAggro Your aggro percentage
PctEndurance Current endurance as a %
PctExpToAA Returns how far to your next AA
PctHPs Current HP as a %
PctMana Current mana as a %
PersonaLevel[# Persona level of specified class
PetBuff[name] Finds PetBuff slot with the spell name
Phosphenes Phosphenes on your character
Phosphites Phosphites on your character
Platinum Platinum on your character
PlatinumBank Platinum in bank
PlatinumShared Platinum in shared bank
RadiantCrystals Number of Radiant Crystals on your character
RujEarned Total LDoN points earned in Rujarkian
SecondaryPctAggro Secondary Percentage aggro
ShieldingBonus Shielding bonus from gear and spells
Silver Silver on your character
SilverBank Silver in bank
SkillCap[#|name] Skill cap of skill with this name or ID #
Skill[#|name] Skill level of skill with this name or ID #
SPA[#] Returns the SPA for the specified spell
SpellDamageBonus Spell Damage bonus
SpellRankCap your characters spell rank cap. if it returns: 1 = Rk. I spells 2 = Rk. II spells 3 = Rk. III spells
SpellShieldBonus Spell Shield bonus from gear and spells
STA Stamina
STR Strength
StrikeThroughBonus Strikethrough bonus from gear and spells
StunResistBonus Stun Resist bonus from gear and spells
SubscriptionDays Returns the days left in your gold subscription
svChromatic Your character's lowest resist
svCold Character Cold Resist
svCorruption Character Corruption Resist
svDisease Character Disease Resist
svFire Character Fire Resist
svMagic Character Magic Resist
svPoison Character Poison Resist
svPrismatic The average of your character's resists
TakEarned Total LDoN points earned in Takish
Thirst Thirst level
WIS Wisdom
XTAggroCount it returns the number of AUTO-HATER mobs on the extended target window. XAssist may be a helpful alternative.
XTAggroCount[#] it returns the number of AUTO-HATER mobs on the extended target window where your aggro is less than the optional parameter N. N must be between 1-100 inclusive or it will be set to 100 (the default value). ${Me.XTAggroCount} and ${Me.XTAggroCount[100]} are identical.
XTarget Returns the count of xtargets
XTHaterCount number of mobs on xtarget with AUTO-HATER. XAssist may provide a helpful alternative.
charselectlist Count Number of characters in the list. See below for usage.
Level Level of specified character
ZoneID Zone ID of specified character
class ID The class's ID #
corpse Items Number of items on corpse
currentzone FOgOnOff off
ID Zone ID
Type ALIAS: ZoneType. Returns: 0=Indoor Dungeon 1=Outdoor 2=Outdoor City 3=Dungeon City 4=Indoor City 5=Outdoor Dungeon
CWTN AOECount Returns the numerical value of this setting.
CanniAAMana Plugins: MQ2Shaman
  • Returns the numerical value of this setting.
ChaseDistance Returns the numerical value of this setting.
DissidentHealMA Plugins: MQ2Cleric
  • Returns the numerical value of this setting.
DotManaMin Plugins: MQ2Bst, MQ2Enchanter, MQ2Eskay, MQ2Shaman
  • Returns the numerical value of this setting.
DurationHealMA Plugins: MQ2Cleric
  • Returns the numerical value of this setting.
EndMedEnd Returns the numerical value of this setting.
FeignAtAggro Plugins: MQ2Bst, MQ2Eskay, MQ2Monk
  • Returns the numerical value of this setting.
FocusedParagonEnd Plugins: MQ2Bst
  • Returns the numerical value of this setting.
GatherCapabilityAt Plugins: MQ2Mage
  • Returns the numerical value of this setting.
GatherManaAt Plugins: MQ2Enchanter
  • Returns the numerical value of this setting.
GroupHeal Plugins: MQ2Bst
  • Returns the numerical value of this setting.
HealsHealsMA Plugins: MQ2Cleric
  • Returns the numerical value of this setting.
HPMedEnd Returns the numerical value of this setting.
InterventionMA Plugins: MQ2Cleric
  • Returns the numerical value of this setting.
LevelMax Returns the numerical value of this setting.
MAHeal Plugins: MQ2Bst
  • Returns the numerical value of this setting.
ManaMedEnd Returns the numerical value of this setting.
MendAt Plugins: MQ2Monk
  • Returns the numerical value of this setting.
MendingMA Plugins: MQ2Shaman
  • Returns the numerical value of this setting.
ModeID Returns the mode you are in by numerical value.
  • Ex: 0 for "Manual mode", 1 for "Assist Mode"
NukeManaMin Plugins: MQ2Bst, MQ2Cleric, MQ2Enchanter, MQ2Mage, MQ2Shaman
  • Returns the numerical value of this setting.
ParagonEnd Plugins: MQ2Bst
  • Returns the numerical value of this setting.
PetHeal Plugins: MQ2Mage
  • Returns the numerical value of this setting.
PromiseHealingMA Plugins: MQ2Cleric
  • Returns the numerical value of this setting.
PullArc Returns the numerical value of this setting.
QuickHealMA Plugins: MQ2Cleric
  • Returns the numerical value of this setting.
Radius Returns the numerical value of this setting.
RecklessMA Plugins: MQ2Shaman
  • Returns the numerical value of this setting.
SelfHeal Plugins: MQ2Bst
  • Returns the numerical value of this setting.
StandOnFeignAtHealth Plugins: MQ2Bst, MQ2Eskay, MQ2Monk
  • Returns the numerical value of this setting.
STHotMA Plugins: MQ2Shaman
  • Returns the numerical value of this setting.
StickSelection Returns the numerical value of this setting.
SumAzureAt Plugins: MQ2Enchanter
  • Returns the numerical value of this setting.
SwiftTails Plugins: MQ2Monk
  • Returns the numerical value of this setting.
UseAzureAt Plugins: MQ2Enchanter
  • Returns the numerical value of this setting.
ZHigh Returns the numerical value of this setting.
DanNet Evasive time to classify a peer as evasive (in ms)
Expired keepalive time for non-responding peers (in ms)
GroupCount number of all groups
JoinedCount number of joined groups
Keepalive keepalive time for local actor pipe (in ms)
ObserveCount short version: OCount count observed data on peer, or count observers on self if no peer is specified
ObserveDelay delay between observe broadcasts (in ms)
PeerCount number of connected peers
Debuff Corrupted # of corruption counters on you
Corruptions # of corruption spells affecting you
Count # of debuffs that need cured, does not include snare
Counters # of poison/disease/curse/corruption counters on yourself
Cursed # of curse counters on you
Curses # of curse spells affecting you
Diseased # of disease counters on you
Diseases # of disease spells affecting you
  • No index= Amount of Endurance you are losing per tick from debuffs. This value is POSITIVE
  • string= Disease, Poison, Curse, All: Number of specific counters effecting Endurance
  • No index= Amount of HP you are losing per tick from debuffs. This value is POSITIVE
  • string= Disease, Poison, Curse, All: Number of specific counters effecting HP
  • No index= Amount of Mana you are losing per tick from debuffs. This value is POSITIVE
  • string= Disease, Poison, Curse, All: Number of specific counters effecting Mana
Poisoned # of poison counters on you
Poisons # of poison spells affecting you
Deity ID The deity's ID #
DisplayItem DisplayIndex shows the index number of the item window
double Int
DPSAdv MyPetID Returns your pet's ID.
MyStatus Returns your "MyActive" status 0 for off, 1 for on.
TimeElapsed The time elapsed of a fight.
dynamiczone MaxMembers Maximum number of characters that can enter this dynamic zone
MaxTimers The number of timers present in Timers
Members Current number of characters in the dynamic zone
dztimer EventID ID of the event. These values are only unique per Expedition. Non-event lockouts (Replay Timer) will have a -1 event id.
everquest ChatChannels Returns the number of channels currently joined
MouseX Mouse's X location
MouseY Mouse's Y location
PID The client's Process ID
Ping Your current ping
Running Running time of current session, in milliseconds
ScreenMode Returns the screenmode as an integer, 2 is Normal and 3 is No Windows
ViewportX EverQuest viewport upper left (X) position
ViewportXCenter EverQuest viewport center (X) position
ViewportXMax EverQuest viewport lower right (X) position
ViewportY EverQuest viewport upper left (Y) position
ViewportYCenter EverQuest viewport center (Y) position
ViewportYMax EverQuest viewport lower right (Y) position
Evolving Level The level of the evolving item.
MaxLevel The maximum level of the evolving item
Farm TargetID The intended target farm is going after
fellowship ID Fellowship ID
Members Number of members in the fellowship
fellowshipmember Level Member's level
float Int Integer portion of the number truncated rather than rounded, e.g. 12.779 returns 12
Grind CurrLoc Returns the location number that we are at
Instance Returns instance number
  • 0 = Not in an instance
  • 18 = (UF) Don't Fear The Destroyer
  • 1 = (ToV) The Great Divide: Restless Assault
  • 2 = (ToV) Eastern Wastes: Icebound Avatar
  • 3 = (TBL) Gnome Memorial Mountain: The Darkness Howls
  • 4 = (CoV) Cobalt Scar: The Crusaders
  • 5 = (CoV) Temple of Veeshan: Aaryonar
  • 6 = (CoV) Sleeper's Tomb: The Call
  • 7 = (TBL) Contract of War
  • 8 = (EoK) Goblins and Fools
  • 9 = not yet released
  • 10 = (ToL) Shei Vinatras
  • 11 = (ToL) Oubliette of Light
  • 12 = (ToL) Close the Gap (not released)
  • 13 = (NoS) Mean Streets
  • 14 = (NoS) When One Door Closes (not released yet)
  • 15 = (NoS) The Spirit Fades
  • 16 - (LS) Final Fugue
  • 17 - (LS) Heroes Are Forged
KPH Returns the kills per hour of the current session
RunCount Returns how many times the current Grind has been run
State Returns State reference number
  • 0 = IDLE
  • 1 = START
  • 2 = PAUSE
  • 4 = END
  • 5 = INCOMBAT
  • 7 = DEADBIND
  • 8 = WAITING
  • 9 = COOLDOWN
TotalKills Returns how many kills during the current session
ground ID Ground item ID (not the same as item ID, this is like spawn ID)
SubID Distance from player to ground item
GroundSpawns InvalidCount
  • Returns the number of "invalid" ground spawn items.
  • Returns the number of items collected.
  • Returns the number of shinyies collected.
  • Returns the number of shinies + items collected.
  • Returns the number of "valid" ground spawn items.
group AvgHPs
CasterMercCount count of how many Caster DPS mercenaries are in your group
GroupSize Number of members in your group, including yourself
HealerMercCount count of how many Healer mercenaries are in your group
Injured[##] Will return the number of people in the group that have an HP percent lower than ##
LowMana[##] Will return the number of people in the group that have a mana percent lower than ##
MeleeMercCount count of how many Melee DPS mercenaries are in your group
Members Total number of group members, excluding yourself
MercenaryCount Count of how many Mercenaries are in the group
Present The number of group members present
TankMercCount count of how many Tank mercenaries are in your group
groupmember Index Which number in the group the member is
Level The member's level
heading Clock The nearest clock direction, e.g. 1-12
iniadvfilesection Count How many sections exist. If a section is specified, how many matching the given name exist.
iniadvfilesectionkey How many keys exist in the specified index
int HighPart
Reverse Endianness reversed
int64 HighPart
invslot ID ID of this item slot (usable directly by /itemnotify)
Slot Slot number inside the pack which holds the item, otherwise NULL
item AC AC value on item
Accuracy Accuracy
AGI AGI value on item
Attack Attack value on item
AugRestrictions Augment Restrictions
Augs Number of augs on this item
Classes The number of classes that can use the item. Items suitable for ALL classes will return 16.
Container Number of slots, if this is a container
DamShield Damage Shield value on item
Deities The number of deities that can use the item. Items with no deity restrictions will return 0.
FreeStack The number of items needed to fill all the stacks of the item you have (with a stacksize of 20). If you have 3 stacks (1, 10, 20 in those stacks), you have room for 60 total and you have 31 on you, so FreeStack would return 29.
Haste Haste value on item
ItemDelay Returns the delay of the weapon
Items Number of items, if this is a container.
ItemSlot Item Slot number see Slot names
ItemSlot2 Item Slot subindex see Slot names
MaxPower Max power on an power source
MerchQuantity Quantity of item active merchant has
Power Power left on power source
Purity Purity of item
Races The number of races that can use the item. Items suitable for ALL races will return 15.
RequiredLevel Returns the Required Level of an item. Items with no required level will return 0.
SellPrice Price to sell this item at this merchant
Size Item size: 1 SMALL, 2 MEDIUM, 3 LARGE, 4 GIANT
SizeCapacity If item is a container, size of items it can hold: 1 SMALL, 2 MEDIUM, 3 LARGE, 4 GIANT
Stack Number of items in the stack
StackCount The total number of the stackable item in your inventory
Stacks Number of stacks of the item in your inventory
StackSize Maximum number if items that can be in the stack
TimerReady Returns the number of seconds remaining on an item recast timer
Value Item value in coppers
Weight Item weight
WornSlots The number of invslots this item can be worn in (fingers/ears count as 2 slots)
itemfilterdata IconID
itemspell CastTime
keyring Count Number of items in keyring
keyringitem Index Where on the keyring list
linkdb CurrentID
list Count Number of items in the list.
CountOf[string] Return a count of the number of times string occurs in the list.
Index[string] Returns the ordinal position of String in the List or -1 if String can not be found.
Remove[string] Remove string from the input list. Return a count of how many times the item was removed.
Replace[string,string] Replaces the first string with the second string in the input list. A count of the number of times the replacement was performed is returned.
LoginProfile Level The level of the current autologin profile
lua Turbo the turbo value
luainfo PID the PID of the running or most recently executed version of this script
ReturnCount The number of returns from the script, will be 0 if the script has not ended
macro CurLine The current line number of the macro being processed
MemUse How much memory the macro is using
Params The number of parameters that were passed to the current subroutine
macroquest Build The client this build (or at least MQ2Main.dll) was made for.
  1. = Live
  2. = Test
  3. = Beta
  4. = Emu
Parser Which parser engine is currently active
makecamp MaxDelay Displays the max delay for auto-returning to camp in ms. (125 or more greater than MinDelay)
MinDelay Displays the min delay for auto-returning to camp in ms. (125 or greater)
map Count Number of items added to the map.
math Clamp[n, min, max] Will clamp the value n between min and max
Dec[hex] Decimal value of a hexidecimal string
Not[n] Bitwise complement of n
Rand[n] Random integer. Rand[5] range 0 to 4. Rand[100,200] range 100 to 199
Medley Tune Deprecated when "A Tune Stuck in My Head" was changed to a passive AA, it's now always 0. It used to show 1 when buffed with A Tune Stuck in My Head.
Melee Ammunition Count of defined ammunition or current equipped ammunition.
Casted Time (in miliseconds) elapsed since last detected spell casting (60000 if none).
DiscID Spell ID of currently running discipline, 0 if none.
Hidden How long you've been hidden
MeleeMode Maximum distance to target to be considered in melee range.
NumHits Total number of hits
RangeMode Minimum distance to target to be considered in archery range.
Silent How long you've been sneaking
Target SpawnID of current valid kill target, otherwise 0.
menu CurrMenu returns the index for the currently visible menu. Ordinarily this will be 0 if a menu is open and -1 if not
NumItems returns number of items in the currently open menu.
NumVisibleMenus returns number of currently visible menus. Ordinarily this is going to be 1 if a menu is showing and 0 if not.
mercenary AAPoints AA Points spent on mercenary abilities
StateID Current state ID of the mercenary as a number.
merchant Items Number of items on the merchant
MoveUtils PauseMaxDelay Displays the max delay for mousepause and mpause to resume command in ms.
PauseMinDelay Displays the min delay for mousepause and mpause to resume command in ms.
PulseCheck Displays the number of pulses used to average movement rate for stucklogic.
PulseUnstuck Displays the number of pulses successfully moved forward after being stuck to be considered unstuck.
Navigation Velocity Returns current velocity of the player, rounded to nearest integer.
NetBots Blinded blinded counters on [Name]
CastingLevel Casting level counters on [Name]
Charmed charm counters on [Name]
CombatState [Name]'s combat state
Corrupted Corruption counters on [Name]
Counters Negative effect counters on [Name]
Counts Number of broadcasting NetBots clients connected to EQBCS
CurrentEndurance Endurance of [Name]
CurrentHPs Current HP of [Name]
CurrentMana Current mana of [Name]
Cursed Cursed counters on [Name]
Detrimentals number of detrimanls on [Name]
Diseased Diseased counters on [Name]
EnduDrain endurance drain counters on [Name]
Feared fear counters on [Name]
FreebuffSlots number of free buff slots on [Name]
Healing Healing counters on [Name]
ID SpawnID of [Name]
Instance returns instance id of [Name]
Invulnerable Invulnerable counters on [Name]
Level Returns level of [Name]
LifeDrain life drain counters on [Name]
ManaDrain mana drain counters on [Name]
MaxEndurance Total endurance of [Name]
MaxHPs Max HP of [Name]
MaxMana Max mana of [Name]
Mesmerized mez counters on [Name]
NoCure nocure counters on [Name]
PctEndurance Percent endurance of [Name]
PctHPs percent HP of [Name]
PctMana Percent mana of [Name]
PetHP HP of [Name]'s pet
PetID Id of [Name]'s pet
Poisoned Poison counters on [Name]
Resistance resistance counters on [Name]
Rooted root counters on [Name]
Silenced silence counters on [Name]
Slowed slow counters on [Name]
Snared snare counters on [Name]
SpellCost spellcost counters on [Name]
SpellDamage spell damage counters on [Name]
SpellSlowed slow spell counters on [Name]
TargetHP HP of [Name]'s target
TargetID id of [Name]'s target
TotalAA The total AA of [Name]
Trigger trigger counters on [Name]
UnusedAA Number of AA unspent on [Name]
Updated last netbots update from [Name]
UsedAA The number of AA's [Name] spent
Zone Returns zone id of [Name]
pet Buff[name] Returns the slot# for buffname
pointmerchantitem ClassMask
ItemID Returns the ID of the item
PortalSetter Step
Posse Count The numbers of players within the radius
Friends Number of friends within radius
Radius Size of check radius
Strangers Number of strangers within radius
ZRadius Size of check radius on the z axis
queue Count Number of items inserted onto the queue.
race ID The ID # of the race
raid Looters Number of specified looters
LootType Loot type number:
  1. Leader
  2. Leader & GroupLeader
  3. Leader & Specified
Members Total number of raid members
TotalLevels Sum of all raid members' levels
raidmember Group Current group number (or 0)
Level Raid member's level (works without being in zone)
RewardItem Reward[<#/name>].Items Returns number of items (right-side list) for the specified reward and selected option if available. Otherwise NULL.
Reward[<#/name>].Options Returns number of options for the specified reward if available. Otherwise NULL.
RewardOption Reward[<#/name>].Option[#/name].ItemCount Returns number of items (right-side list) for the specified reward and selected option if available. Otherwise NULL.
Rewards Count Returns number of currently pending rewards
Rez Delay Returns the value from Delay
Percent Returns the value from RezPct
set Count Number of items added to the set.
skill AltTimer if the skill uses the kick/bash/slam/backstab/frenzy timer
ID Skill number
MinLevel Minimum level for your class
ReuseTime Reuse timer
SkillCap Skill cap based on your current level and class.
solventtype Count
ID Solvent ID
spawn AARank AA rank number
Animation Current animation ID. See Animations for a list.
BuffCount Returns the number of buffs on the target.
CachedBuffCount returns -1 if no buffs are cached for the spawn or number of buffs cached.
CurrentEndurance Current Endurance points (only updates when target/group)
CurrentMana Current Mana points (only updates when target/group)
Equipment[#|name] Takes numbers 0-8 or names: head chest arms wrists hands legs feet primary offhand
ID Returns the ID number of the spawn.
Mark Current Raid or Group marked npc mark number (raid first)
MaxEndurance Maximum Endurance points (only updates when target/group)
MaxMana Maximum Mana points (only updates when target/group)
PlayerState returns a mask as an inttype which has the following meaning: 0=Idle 1=Open 2=WeaponSheathed 4=Aggressive 8=ForcedAggressive 0x10=InstrumentEquipped 0x20=Stunned 0x40=PrimaryWeaponEquipped 0x80=SecondaryWeaponEquipped
Primary Item ID of anything that may be in the Primary slot
Secondary Item ID of anything that may be in the Secondary slot
SpawnMaster DownList Returns the number of spawn killed/despawned that matches the search.
Search Returns the number of search strings.
UpList Returns the number of spawns currently up that matches the search.
spell ActorTagId
CategoryID category ID this spell belongs to
DurationValue1 Duration of the spell (if any)
GemIcon Icon number of the spell. Example ${Spell[blah].GemIcon}
HastePct Percentage of haste, example of use ${Me.Hasted.HastePct} or ${Spell[Speed of Milyex].HastePct}
ID spell id
Location Appears to be max distance
Mana Mana cost (unadjusted)
MinCasterLevel Reports the minimum class level of a spell. A use case is when you want to check if your spell is too powerful for the intended target.
Rank Returns either 1, 2 or 3 for spells and 4-30 for clickables and potions.
ResistAdj Resist adjustment
SlowPct Percentage of slow, example of use ${Target.Slowed.SlowPct} or ${Spell[Slowing Helix].SlowPct}
SpellIcon ID of the icon used for the spell. You may also use "BookIcon" or "GemIcon"
SubcategoryID ID of the subcategory for the spell.
WillLand This is like stacks but without the duration check. It's a clean: "Will this spell land." Returns the slot it would land in.
WillLandPet Same as WillLand but for your pet.
SQLite resultcode[<QueryName>] Result codes are returned from the SQLite Standard Result Codes found here.

Additionally, custom errors are returned as negative numbers. The following return codes may be returned:

  1. The query is still running (Active)
  2. The query you were looking for was not found (perhaps the name is wrong?)
  3. There was a conversion error on string to int conversion for the result code
rows[<QueryName>] The number of rows returned for results
stack Count Number of items inserted onto the stack.
stick StickTarget Returns spawnid of stick target if stick id/hold used, else spawnid of current target, 0 if no target and id/hold not used.
string CompareCS[text] CompareCS is exactly the same as Compare, except that it is case-sensitive
Compare[text] Determines how the initial string and the second string, text, compare to each other:
  • If both are the same, Compare will return 0.
  • If the string is alphabetically before text, Compare will return -1.
  • If text is alphabetically after string, Compare will return 1.
Compare is case-insensitive
Count[c] Returns how many times a single character c occurs in the string
Find[text] This tries to find the second string text within the original string:
  • If it is successful, it returns the first position in the string where text begins.
  • It returns NULL if text is not found.
Find is case-insensitive
Length Returns the length of the string as an integer
swap Delay Returns the delay of melee swap
switch ID Switch ID
State The "state" of the switch.
Targ Count Return number of entries on the watch list starting at 1.
Priority[<name>|<index>] The priority of the spawn (via index or Spawn search). If nothing assigned, default is -1.
target PctAggro
task ID Returns an int of the task ID
Index Returns the task's place on the tasklist
Members Returns number of members in task
WindowIndex Returns the Quest Window List Index. (if the window actually has the list filled)
taskmember Index Returns task index for member (i.e., 1-6)
taskobjectivemember CurrentCount Returns the current count of the .Type needed to complete a objective
DZSwitchID Returns an int of the switch used in a objective.
Index Returns the obective's place on the index
RequiredCount Returns the required count of the .Type needed to complete a objective
ticks Hours The number of hours in HH:MM:SS (0-23)
Minutes The number of minutes in HH:MM:SS (1-59)
Seconds The number of seconds in HH:MM:SS (1-59)
Ticks The value in ticks
TotalMinutes The total number of minutes
TotalSeconds The total number of seconds
time Day Day of the month
DayOfWeek Day of the week (1=sunday to 7=saturday)
Hour Hour (0-23)
Minute Minute (0-59)
Month Month of the year (1-12)
Second Second (0-59)
SecondsSinceMidnight Number of seconds since midnight
Year Year
timer OriginalValue Original value of the timer
Value Current value of the timer
timestamp Days Number of days remaining in the timestamp (3d 2h 23m will return 3)
tradeskilldepot Capacity Returns the total capacity of the tradeskill depot.
Count Returns the number of item stacks in the tradeskill depot.
FindItemCount[#|name] Find item by name or item ID. Prefix with "=" for exact name match.
TTS Speed The speed of the speech
Volume The current set volume
twist Current Returns the current gem being sung, -1 for item or 0 if not twisting
Next Returns the next gem to be sung, -1 for item or 0 if not twisting
type Member[name] Member internal ID number based on name (will be a number from 1 to n)
Vendor Count The number of items the vendor has that you are searching for, does not currently work.
window Child
CurrentTabIndex TabBox: Returns the index of the currently selected tab.
GetCurSel Index of the currently selected/highlighted item in a list or treeview
Height Height in pixels
HScrollMax Horizontal scrollbar range
HScrollPct Horizontal scrollbar position in % to range from 0 to 100
HScrollPos Horizontal scrollbar position
Items Number of items in a Listbox or Combobox
Style Window style code
TabCount TabBox: The number of tabs present in the TabBox.
VScrollMax Vertical scrollbar range
VScrollPct Vertical scrollbar position in % to range from 0 to 100
VScrollPos Vertical scrollbar position
Width Width in pixels
X Screen X position
Y Screen Y position
worldlocation ID The location's ID
XAssist XTFullHaterCount Returns all auto haters including the one that is being targeted
XTXAggroCount[#] allows the aggro range to be expanded to 1000 for situations where someone wants to check the >=100 aggro values. # is the aggro value provided.
xptracker Changes Returns number of EXP events
xtarget ID ID of specified XTarget
PctAggro PctAggro of specified XTarget
zone ID ID of the zone


Type Member Description
double Double
float Float The number as a float (123 is represented as 123.0)
int HighPart
Reverse Endianness reversed
string Hex The hex value of the integer (10 is represented as 0xA)
To String The number

See also