Data related to integers
This Data Type is referenced in MacroQuest, and accessed by Top-Level Object(s): FindItemBankCount, FindItemCount, GroundItemCount, Int, Select, SpawnCount
int is used as a return type by these members: [ Toggle ]
Page | Member | Description |
achievement | IconID | ID of the Achievement's Icon. This icon id represents a cell in the A_DragItem texture. To access the cell, subtract 500 from the icon id. |
ID | The achievement's unique ID. | |
Index | The index of the achievement. | |
ObjectiveCount | The number of objectives in this achievement. | |
Points | The point value for the achievement | |
achievementcat | AchievementCount | The number of achievements in this category. |
CategoryCount | The number of child categories in this category. | |
CompletedAchievements | The number of achievements earned in this category and its subcategories | |
ID | The unique ID for the category | |
Index | The index of the category in the achievement manager. | |
Points | The total earned points of achievements in this category. | |
TotalAchievements | The total number of achievements in this category and its subcategories. | |
achievementmgr | AchievementCount | The number of achievements in the manager. |
CategoryCount | The number of achievement categories in the manager. | |
CompletedAchievements | The number of completed achievements. | |
Points | The total number of accumulated achievement points. | |
TotalAchievements | The number of available achievements. | |
achievementobj | Count | The current count recorded by the objective. |
ID | The objective's unique ID. | |
Index | Visual index of the objective as displayed in the achievement window. Can be used with Achievement.ObjectiveByIndex. | |
RequiredCount | The total count required to be complete the objective. For objectives that don't require a count, this will be zero. | |
advloot | PCount | Item count from the Personal list |
PWantCount | Want count from the Personal list | |
SCount | Item count from the Shared list | |
SWantCount | Want count from the Shared list | |
advlootitem | IconID | Returns the icon ID |
Index | ||
StackSize | The number of items in the stack | |
AdvPath | CustomPaths | Gives a count filtered by CustomSearch |
Idle | Idle time when following and not moving | |
NextWaypoint | Number of NextWayPoint | |
State | FollowState, 0 = off, 1 = Following, 2 = Playing, 3 = Recording | |
Status | Status 0 = off , 1 = on , 2 = paused | |
Waypoints | Total Number of Waypoints | |
alert | Size | Return the number of alerts |
alertlist | AlertList | |
FromSpawnID | ||
MaxLevel | Highest level | |
MinLevel | Lowest level | |
NearAlertList | ||
NoAlertList | ||
NotID | ||
NotNearAlertList | ||
PlayerState | ||
SortBy | ||
SpawnID | ||
SpawnType | Type of spawn | |
altability | AARankRequired | Rank required to train |
Cost | Base cost to train | |
Expansion | Expansion level for the ability. | |
Flags | ||
GroupID | ID of the AA group that this AA belongs to | |
ID | ID | |
Index | Returns the index number of the Alternative Ability | |
MaxRank | Max rank available in this ability | |
MinLevel | Minimum level to train | |
MyReuseTime | Reuse time (in seconds) that takes into account any hastened AA abilities | |
NextIndex | Returns the next index number of the Alternative Ability | |
PointsSpent | Returns the amount of points spent on an AA | |
Rank | Returns the Rank of the AA | |
RequiresAbilityPoints | Points required in above ability | |
ReuseTime | Reuse time in seconds | |
Type | Type (1-6) | |
argb | A | Alpha |
B | Blue | |
G | Green | |
Int | The integer formed by ARGB | |
R | Red | |
array | Dimensions | Number of dimensions in the array |
Size | Total number of elements in the array | |
Size[#] | Total number of elements stored in the #th dimension of the array | |
augtype | Slot | |
Type | ||
auratype | Find[name] | Partial matches accepted |
ID | ||
SpawnID | ||
AutoLoot | FreeInventory | Will return the number of empty slots not in excludebag1 or excludebag2 |
bandolier | Index | Returns the index number of the specified Bandolier profile |
bandolieritem | IconID | Returns Icon ID of item |
ID | Returns item ID of item | |
bazaar | Count | number of search results |
bazaaritem | ItemID | Returns the item ID of the specified result. e.g. /echo ${Bazaar.SortedItem[5].ItemID} |
Price | Returns the price of the item. e.g. /echo ${Bazaar.SortedItem[2].Price} |
Quantity | Returns the quantity of the specified item, i.e. a stack of 20 potions will return 20, even if there are thousands of the same named potion in search results. e.g. /echo ${Bazaar.Item[1].Quantity} |
body | ID | The ID of the body type |
buff | HitCount | |
ID | The ID of the buff or shortbuff slot | |
Level | The level of the person that cast the buff on you (not the level of the spell) | |
cachedbuff | Count | Returns the amount of buffs catched, or -1 if none |
Slot | Returns the buff slot the target had the buff in | |
SpellID | Alias: ID. Returns the buff's spell ID | |
Cast | Timing | Returns the estimated number of miliseconds remaining until the spell finished casting. |
character | AAExp | AA exp as a raw number out of 10,000 (10,000=100%) |
AAPoints | Unused AA points | |
AAPointsAssigned | ||
AAPointsSpent | The number of points you have spent on AA abilities | |
AAPointsTotal | The total number of AA points you have | |
Ability[name] | Skill name assigned to this doability button | |
AccuracyBonus | Accuracy bonus from gear and spells | |
ActiveFavorCost | If Tribute is active, how much it is costing you every 10 minutes. Returns NULL if tribute is inactive. | |
AdoptiveCoin | ||
AGI | Agility | |
AirSupply | ||
AltCurrency[#|name] | ||
AncientDraconicCoin | ||
AncientSebilisianCoins | ||
AttackBonus | Attack bonus from gear and spells | |
AttackSpeed | Your Attack Speed. No haste spells/items = AttackSpeed of 100. A 41% haste item will result in an AttackSpeed of 141. This variable does not take into account spell or song haste. | |
AvoidanceBonus | Avoidance bonus from gear/spells | |
BaseAGI | ||
BaseCHA | ||
BaseDEX | ||
BaseINT | ||
BaseSTA | ||
BaseSTR | ||
BaseWIS | ||
BathezidTradeGems | ||
Bayle | ||
BifurcatedCoin | ||
Book[name] | Slot in your spellbook assigned to spell name. | |
Brellium | ||
BronzeFiats | ||
CHA | Charisma | |
Chronobines | Chronobines on your character | |
ClairvoyanceBonus | ||
CombatAbility[name] | Returns the number of Combat ability name in your list (not the same as anyone else's list!) | |
CombatEffectsBonus | Combat Effects bonus from gear and spells | |
Commemoratives | ||
Copper | Copper on your character | |
CopperBank | Copper in bank | |
CountBuffs | Number of buffs you have, not including short duration buffs | |
CountSongs | Number of songs you have | |
CrystallizedFear | ||
CrystallizedLuck | ||
CurrentEndurance | Shows current endurance | |
CurrentHPs | Current hit points | |
CurrentMana | Current mana | |
CurrentWeight | Current weight | |
CursorCopper | ||
CursorGold | ||
CursorKrono | ||
CursorPlatinum | ||
CursorSilver | ||
DamageShieldBonus | Damage Shield bonus from gear and spells | |
DamageShieldMitigationBonus | Damage Shield Mitigation bonus from gear and spells | |
DEX | Dexterity | |
DiamondCoins | ||
DoTShieldBonus | DoT Shield bonus from gear and spells | |
Doubloons | Doubloons on your character | |
DreadStones | ||
Drunk | Drunkenness level | |
EbonCrystals | Number of Ebon Crystals on your character | |
EnduranceBonus | Endurance bonus from gear and spells | |
EnduranceRegen | Endurance regen from the last tick | |
EnduranceRegenBonus | Endurance regen bonus | |
EnergyCrystals | ||
EntwinedDjinnCoins | ||
ExpansionFlags | Returns a numeric number representing which expansions your toon is flagged for | |
Faycites | Faycites on your character | |
FetterredIfritCoins | ||
Fists | ||
FreeBuffSlots | Number of open buff slots (not counting the short duration buff slots) | |
FreeInventory | Number of free inventory spaces | |
FreeInventory[#] | Number of free inventory spaces of at least # size (giant=4) | |
FroststoneDucat | ||
Gem[name] | Returns the gem # if spell is memorized | |
Gold | Gold on character | |
GoldBank | Gold in bank | |
GoldTokens | ||
GroupLeaderPoints |
GroupSize | Size of group | |
GukEarned | Total LDoN points earned in Deepest Guk | |
Haste | Total Combined Haste (worn and spell) as shown in Inventory Window stats | |
HaveExpansion[#|name] | Returns TRUE/FALSE if you have that expansion #. e.g. ${Me.HaveExpansion[Veil of Alaris]} or ${Me.HaveExpansion[18]} |
HealAmountBonus | Total Heal Amount bonus from gear | |
HeroicAGIBonus | Total Heroic Agility bonus from gear | |
HeroicCHABonus | Total Heroic Charisma bonus from gear | |
HeroicDEXBonus | Total Heroic Dexterity bonus from gear | |
HeroicINTBonus | Total Heroic Intelligence bonus from gear | |
HeroicSTABonus | Total Heroic Stamina bonus from gear | |
HeroicSTRBonus | Total Heroic Strength bonus from gear | |
HeroicWISBonus | Total Heroic Wisdom bonus from gear | |
HPBonus | Hit point bonus from gear and spells | |
HPRegen | Hit point regeneration from last tick | |
HPRegenBonus | HP regen bonus from gear and spells | |
Hunger | Hunger level | |
Instance | ZoneID of current instance | |
INT | Intelligence | |
IsBerserk | ||
Krono | ||
LADelegateMA | Level of Delegate MA of the current group leader (not your own ability level) | |
LADelegateMarkNPC | Level of Delegate Mark NPC of the current group leader (not your own ability level) | |
LAFindPathPC | Level of Find Path PC of the current group leader (not your own ability level) | |
LAHealthEnhancement | Level of Health Enhancement of the current group leader (not your own ability level) | |
LAHealthRegen | Level of Health Regen of the current group leader (not your own ability level) | |
LAHoTT | Level of HoTT of the current group leader (not your own ability level) | |
LAInspectBuffs | Level of Inspect Buffs of the current group leader (not your own ability level) | |
LAManaEnhancement | Level of Mana Enhancement of the current group leader (not your own ability level) | |
LAMarkNPC | Level of Mark NPC of the current group leader (not your own ability level) | |
LanguageSkill[#|name] | Returns your skill in the specified language. | |
Language[name] | Returns the EQ language name of the language number specified. See Language list | |
LANPCHealth | Level of NPC Health of the current group leader (not your own ability level) | |
LAOffenseEnhancement | Level of Offense Enhancement of the current group leader (not your own ability level) | |
LargestFreeInventory | Size of your largest free inventory space | |
LASpellAwareness | Level of Spell Awareness of the current group leader (not your own ability level) | |
LaurionInnVoucher | ||
LCK | ||
LDoNPoints | Available LDoN points | |
LoyaltyTokens | ||
ManaBonus | Mana bonus from gear and spells | |
ManaRegen | Mana regeneration from last tick | |
ManaRegenBonus | Mana regen bonus from gear and spells | |
MarksOfValor | ||
MaxAirSupply | ||
MaxBuffSlots | Max number of buffs you can have on you. /echo ${Me.MaxBuffSlots} | |
MaxEndurance | Max endurance | |
MaxHPs | Max hit points | |
MaxLevel | ||
MaxMana | Max mana | |
McKenzie | ||
MedalsOfConflict | ||
MedalsOfHeroism | ||
MercAAPoints | ||
MercAAPointsSpent | ||
MercListInfo[name] | ||
MirEarned | Total LDoN points earned in Miragul's | |
MMEarned | Total LDoN points earned in Mistmoore | |
Motes | ||
Nobles | ||
NumBagSlots | ||
NumGems | Returns the amount of spell gems your toon has | |
Orux | Orux on your character | |
OverseerTetradrachm | ||
ParcelStatus | ||
PctAggro | Your aggro percentage | |
PctAirSupply | ||
PctEndurance | Current endurance as a % | |
PctExpToAA | Returns how far to your next AA | |
PctHPs | Current HP as a % | |
PctMana | Current mana as a % | |
PersonaLevel[# | Persona level of specified class | |
PetBuff[name] | Finds PetBuff slot with the spell name | |
Phosphenes | Phosphenes on your character | |
Phosphites | Phosphites on your character | |
PiecesofEight | ||
Platinum | Platinum on your character | |
PlatinumBank | Platinum in bank | |
PlatinumShared | Platinum in shared bank | |
RadiantCrystals | Number of Radiant Crystals on your character | |
RaidLeaderPoints | ||
RebellionChits | ||
Reclamation | ||
RemnantOfTranquility | ||
RestlessMark | ||
RujEarned | Total LDoN points earned in Rujarkian | |
SathirsTradeGems | ||
ScarletMarks | ||
SecondaryPctAggro | Secondary Percentage aggro | |
ShadedSpecie | ||
ShadowStones | ||
ShalowainsPrivateReserve | ||
ShieldingBonus | Shielding bonus from gear and spells | |
Silver | Silver on your character | |
SilverBank | Silver in bank | |
SilverTokens | ||
SkillBase[#|name] | ||
SkillCap[#|name] | Skill cap of skill with this name or ID # | |
Skill[#|name] | Skill level of skill with this name or ID # | |
SPA[#] | Returns the SPA for the specified spell | |
SpellDamageBonus | Spell Damage bonus | |
SpellRankCap | your characters spell rank cap. if it returns: 1 = Rk. I spells 2 = Rk. II spells 3 = Rk. III spells | |
SpellShieldBonus | Spell Shield bonus from gear and spells | |
SpiritualMedallions | ||
STA | Stamina | |
STR | Strength | |
StrikeThroughBonus | Strikethrough bonus from gear and spells | |
StunResistBonus | Stun Resist bonus from gear and spells | |
SubscriptionDays | Returns the days left in your gold subscription | |
svChromatic | Your character's lowest resist | |
svCold | Character Cold Resist | |
svCorruption | Character Corruption Resist | |
svDisease | Character Disease Resist | |
svFire | Character Fire Resist | |
svMagic | Character Magic Resist | |
svPoison | Character Poison Resist | |
svPrismatic | The average of your character's resists | |
TakEarned | Total LDoN points earned in Takish | |
Thirst | Thirst level | |
VeliumShards | ||
Voucher | ||
WarforgedEmblem | ||
WarlordsSymbol | ||
WIS | Wisdom | |
XTAggroCount | it returns the number of AUTO-HATER mobs on the extended target window. XAssist may be a helpful alternative. | |
XTAggroCount[#] | it returns the number of AUTO-HATER mobs on the extended target window where your aggro is less than the optional parameter N. N must be between 1-100 inclusive or it will be set to 100 (the default value). ${Me.XTAggroCount} and ${Me.XTAggroCount[100]} are identical. |
XTarget | Returns the count of xtargets | |
XTargetSlots | ||
XTHaterCount | number of mobs on xtarget with AUTO-HATER. XAssist may provide a helpful alternative. | |
charselectlist | Count | Number of characters in the list. See below for usage. |
Level | Level of specified character | |
ZoneID | Zone ID of specified character | |
class | ID | The class's ID # |
corpse | Items | Number of items on corpse |
currentzone | FOgOnOff | off |
ID | Zone ID | |
Type | ALIAS: ZoneType. Returns: 0=Indoor Dungeon 1=Outdoor 2=Outdoor City 3=Dungeon City 4=Indoor City 5=Outdoor Dungeon | |
CWTN | AOECount | Returns the numerical value of this setting. |
AssistAt | ||
AutoAssistAt | ||
BurnCount | ||
CampRadius | ||
CanniAAMana | Plugins: MQ2Shaman
CanniSpellMana | ||
ChaseDistance | Returns the numerical value of this setting. | |
DissidentHealMA | Plugins: MQ2Cleric
DissidentHealNotMA | ||
DotManaMin | Plugins: MQ2Bst, MQ2Enchanter, MQ2Eskay, MQ2Shaman
DurationHealMA | Plugins: MQ2Cleric
DurationHealNotMA | ||
EndMedEnd | Returns the numerical value of this setting. | |
EndMedStart | ||
FeignAtAggro | Plugins: MQ2Bst, MQ2Eskay, MQ2Monk
FeignAtHealth | ||
FocusedParagonEnd | Plugins: MQ2Bst
FocusedParagonMana | ||
GatherCapabilityAt | Plugins: MQ2Mage
GatherManaAt | Plugins: MQ2Enchanter
GroupHeal | Plugins: MQ2Bst
HealsHealsMA | Plugins: MQ2Cleric
HealsHealsNotMA | ||
HPMedEnd | Returns the numerical value of this setting. | |
HPMedStart | ||
InterventionMA | Plugins: MQ2Cleric
InterventionNotMA | ||
LevelMax | Returns the numerical value of this setting. | |
LevelMin | ||
MAHeal | Plugins: MQ2Bst
ManaMedEnd | Returns the numerical value of this setting. | |
ManaMedStart | ||
MendAt | Plugins: MQ2Monk
MendingMA | Plugins: MQ2Shaman
MendingNotMA | ||
ModeID | Returns the mode you are in by numerical value.
NukeManaMin | Plugins: MQ2Bst, MQ2Cleric, MQ2Enchanter, MQ2Mage, MQ2Shaman
ParagonEnd | Plugins: MQ2Bst
ParagonMana | ||
PetHeal | Plugins: MQ2Mage
PetType | ||
PromiseHealingMA | Plugins: MQ2Cleric
PromiseHealingNotMA | ||
PullArc | Returns the numerical value of this setting. | |
PullRadius | ||
QuickHealMA | Plugins: MQ2Cleric
QuickHealNotMA | ||
Radius | Returns the numerical value of this setting. | |
RaidAssist | ||
RecklessMA | Plugins: MQ2Shaman
RecklessNotMA | ||
SelfHeal | Plugins: MQ2Bst
StandOnFeignAtHealth | Plugins: MQ2Bst, MQ2Eskay, MQ2Monk
STHotMA | Plugins: MQ2Shaman
STHotNotMA | ||
StickSelection | Returns the numerical value of this setting. | |
SumAzureAt | Plugins: MQ2Enchanter
SumSanguineAt | ||
SwiftTails | Plugins: MQ2Monk
UseAzureAt | Plugins: MQ2Enchanter
UseSanguineAt | ||
ZHigh | Returns the numerical value of this setting. | |
ZLow | ||
DanNet | Evasive | time to classify a peer as evasive (in ms) |
Expired | keepalive time for non-responding peers (in ms) | |
GroupCount | number of all groups | |
JoinedCount | number of joined groups | |
Keepalive | keepalive time for local actor pipe (in ms) | |
ObserveCount | short version: OCount count observed data on peer, or count observers on self if no peer is specified | |
ObserveDelay | delay between observe broadcasts (in ms) | |
PeerCount | number of connected peers | |
Debuff | Corrupted | # of corruption counters on you |
Corruptions | # of corruption spells affecting you | |
Count | # of debuffs that need cured, does not include snare | |
Counters | # of poison/disease/curse/corruption counters on yourself | |
Cursed | # of curse counters on you | |
Curses | # of curse spells affecting you | |
Diseased | # of disease counters on you | |
Diseases | # of disease spells affecting you | |
EnduranceDrain[string] |
HPDrain[string] |
ManaDrain[string] |
Poisoned | # of poison counters on you | |
Poisons | # of poison spells affecting you | |
Deity | ID | The deity's ID # |
DisplayItem | DisplayIndex | shows the index number of the item window |
double | Int | |
DPSAdv | MyPetID | Returns your pet's ID. |
MyStatus | Returns your "MyActive" status 0 for off, 1 for on. | |
TimeElapsed | The time elapsed of a fight. | |
dynamiczone | MaxMembers | Maximum number of characters that can enter this dynamic zone |
MaxTimers | The number of timers present in Timers | |
Members | Current number of characters in the dynamic zone | |
MinMembers | ||
dztimer | EventID | ID of the event. These values are only unique per Expedition. Non-event lockouts (Replay Timer) will have a -1 event id. |
everquest | ChatChannels | Returns the number of channels currently joined |
MaxBGFPS | ||
MaxFPS | ||
MouseX | Mouse's X location | |
MouseY | Mouse's Y location | |
PID | The client's Process ID | |
Ping | Your current ping | |
Running | Running time of current session, in milliseconds | |
ScreenMode | Returns the screenmode as an integer, 2 is Normal and 3 is No Windows | |
ViewportX | EverQuest viewport upper left (X) position | |
ViewportXCenter | EverQuest viewport center (X) position | |
ViewportXMax | EverQuest viewport lower right (X) position | |
ViewportY | EverQuest viewport upper left (Y) position | |
ViewportYCenter | EverQuest viewport center (Y) position | |
ViewportYMax | EverQuest viewport lower right (Y) position | |
Evolving | Level | The level of the evolving item. |
MaxLevel | The maximum level of the evolving item | |
Farm | TargetID | The intended target farm is going after |
fellowship | ID | Fellowship ID |
Members | Number of members in the fellowship | |
fellowshipmember | Level | Member's level |
float | Int | Integer portion of the number truncated rather than rounded, e.g. 12.779 returns 12 |
Raw | ||
Grind | CurrLoc | Returns the location number that we are at |
Instance | Returns instance number
KPH | Returns the kills per hour of the current session | |
RunCount | Returns how many times the current Grind has been run | |
State | Returns State reference number
TotalKills | Returns how many kills during the current session | |
ground | ID | Ground item ID (not the same as item ID, this is like spawn ID) |
SubID | Distance from player to ground item | |
ZoneID | ||
GroundSpawns | InvalidCount |
ItemCount |
ShinyCount |
TotalCount |
ValidCount |
group | AvgHPs | |
CasterMercCount | count of how many Caster DPS mercenaries are in your group | |
GroupSize | Number of members in your group, including yourself | |
HealerMercCount | count of how many Healer mercenaries are in your group | |
Injured[##] | Will return the number of people in the group that have an HP percent lower than ## | |
LowMana[##] | Will return the number of people in the group that have a mana percent lower than ## | |
MeleeMercCount | count of how many Melee DPS mercenaries are in your group | |
Members | Total number of group members, excluding yourself | |
MercenaryCount | Count of how many Mercenaries are in the group | |
Present | The number of group members present | |
TankMercCount | count of how many Tank mercenaries are in your group | |
groupmember | Index | Which number in the group the member is |
Level | The member's level | |
PctAggro | ||
heading | Clock | The nearest clock direction, e.g. 1-12 |
iniadvfilesection | Count | How many sections exist. If a section is specified, how many matching the given name exist. |
iniadvfilesectionkey | How many keys exist in the specified index | |
int | HighPart | |
LowPart | ||
Reverse | Endianness reversed | |
int64 | HighPart | |
LowPart | ||
invslot | ID | ID of this item slot (usable directly by /itemnotify) |
Slot | Slot number inside the pack which holds the item, otherwise NULL | |
item | AC | AC value on item |
Accuracy | Accuracy | |
AGI | AGI value on item | |
Attack | Attack value on item | |
AugRestrictions | Augment Restrictions | |
Augs | Number of augs on this item | |
AugSlot1 | ||
AugSlot2 | ||
AugSlot3 | ||
AugSlot4 | ||
AugSlot5 | ||
AugSlot6 | ||
AugType | ||
Avoidance | ||
CHA | ||
Charges | ||
Clairvoyance | ||
Classes | The number of classes that can use the item. Items suitable for ALL classes will return 16. | |
CombatEffects | ||
Container | Number of slots, if this is a container | |
ContentSize | ||
Damage | ||
DamageShieldMitigation | ||
DamShield | Damage Shield value on item | |
Deities | The number of deities that can use the item. Items with no deity restrictions will return 0. | |
DEX | ||
DoTShielding | ||
Endurance | ||
EnduranceRegen | ||
FirstFreeSlot | ||
FreeStack | The number of items needed to fill all the stacks of the item you have (with a stacksize of 20). If you have 3 stacks (1, 10, 20 in those stacks), you have room for 60 total and you have 31 on you, so FreeStack would return 29. | |
Haste | Haste value on item | |
HealAmount | ||
HeroicAGI | ||
HeroicCHA | ||
HeroicDEX | ||
HeroicINT | ||
HeroicSTA | ||
HeroicSTR | ||
HeroicSvCold | ||
HeroicSvCorruption | ||
HeroicSvDisease | ||
HeroicSvFire | ||
HeroicSvMagic | ||
HeroicSvPoison | ||
HeroicWIS | ||
HP | ||
HPRegen | ||
Icon | ||
ID | ||
IDFile | ||
IDFile2 | ||
INT | ||
ItemDelay | Returns the delay of the weapon | |
Items | Number of items, if this is a container. | |
ItemSlot | Item Slot number see Slot names | |
ItemSlot2 | Item Slot subindex see Slot names | |
Luck | ||
Mana | ||
ManaRegen | ||
MaxLuck | ||
MaxPower | Max power on an power source | |
MerchQuantity | Quantity of item active merchant has | |
MinLuck | ||
Open | ||
OrnamentationIcon | ||
Power | Power left on power source | |
Purity | Purity of item | |
Races | The number of races that can use the item. Items suitable for ALL races will return 15. | |
Range | ||
RequiredLevel | Returns the Required Level of an item. Items with no required level will return 0. | |
SellPrice | Price to sell this item at this merchant | |
Shielding | ||
Size | Item size: 1 SMALL, 2 MEDIUM, 3 LARGE, 4 GIANT | |
SizeCapacity | If item is a container, size of items it can hold: 1 SMALL, 2 MEDIUM, 3 LARGE, 4 GIANT | |
SkillModMax | ||
SkillModValue | ||
SlotsUsedByItem | ||
SpellDamage | ||
SpellShield | ||
STA | ||
Stack | Number of items in the stack | |
StackCount | The total number of the stackable item in your inventory | |
Stacks | Number of stacks of the item in your inventory | |
StackSize | Maximum number if items that can be in the stack | |
STR | ||
StrikeThrough | ||
StunResist | ||
svCold | ||
svCorruption | ||
svDisease | ||
svFire | ||
svMagic | ||
svPoison | ||
TimerReady | Returns the number of seconds remaining on an item recast timer | |
Tribute | ||
Value | Item value in coppers | |
Weight | Item weight | |
WIS | ||
WornSlots | The number of invslots this item can be worn in (fingers/ears count as 2 slots) | |
itemfilterdata | IconID | |
ID | ||
Types | ||
itemspell | CastTime | |
EffectiveCasterLevel | ||
EffectType | ||
MaxCharges | ||
OtherID | ||
ProcRate | ||
RecastType | ||
RequiredLevel | ||
SpellID | ||
TimerID | ||
keyring | Count | Number of items in keyring |
keyringitem | Index | Where on the keyring list |
linkdb | CurrentID | |
NextID | ||
list | Count | Number of items in the list. |
CountOf[string] | Return a count of the number of times string occurs in the list. | |
Index[string] | Returns the ordinal position of String in the List or -1 if String can not be found. | |
Remove[string] | Remove string from the input list. Return a count of how many times the item was removed. | |
Replace[string,string] | Replaces the first string with the second string in the input list. A count of the number of times the replacement was performed is returned. | |
LoginProfile | Level | The level of the current autologin profile |
lua | Turbo | the turbo value |
luainfo | PID | the PID of the running or most recently executed version of this script |
ReturnCount | The number of returns from the script, will be 0 if the script has not ended | |
macro | CurLine | The current line number of the macro being processed |
MemUse | How much memory the macro is using | |
Params | The number of parameters that were passed to the current subroutine | |
StackSize | ||
macroquest | Build | The client this build (or at least MQ2Main.dll) was made for.
Parser | Which parser engine is currently active | |
makecamp | MaxDelay | Displays the max delay for auto-returning to camp in ms. (125 or more greater than MinDelay) |
MinDelay | Displays the min delay for auto-returning to camp in ms. (125 or greater) | |
map | Count | Number of items added to the map. |
math | Clamp[n, min, max] | Will clamp the value n between min and max |
Dec[hex] | Decimal value of a hexidecimal string | |
Not[n] | Bitwise complement of n | |
Rand[n] | Random integer. Rand[5] range 0 to 4. Rand[100,200] range 100 to 199 | |
Medley | Tune | Deprecated when "A Tune Stuck in My Head" was changed to a passive AA, it's now always 0. It used to show 1 when buffed with A Tune Stuck in My Head. |
Melee | Ammunition | Count of defined ammunition or current equipped ammunition. |
Casted | Time (in miliseconds) elapsed since last detected spell casting (60000 if none). | |
DiscID | Spell ID of currently running discipline, 0 if none. | |
Hidden | How long you've been hidden | |
MeleeMode | Maximum distance to target to be considered in melee range. | |
NumHits | Total number of hits | |
RangeMode | Minimum distance to target to be considered in archery range. | |
Silent | How long you've been sneaking | |
Target | SpawnID of current valid kill target, otherwise 0. | |
menu | CurrMenu | returns the index for the currently visible menu. Ordinarily this will be 0 if a menu is open and -1 if not |
NumItems | returns number of items in the currently open menu. | |
NumVisibleMenus | returns number of currently visible menus. Ordinarily this is going to be 1 if a menu is showing and 0 if not. | |
mercenary | AAPoints | AA Points spent on mercenary abilities |
Index | ||
StateID | Current state ID of the mercenary as a number. | |
merchant | Items | Number of items on the merchant |
MoveUtils | PauseMaxDelay | Displays the max delay for mousepause and mpause to resume command in ms. |
PauseMinDelay | Displays the min delay for mousepause and mpause to resume command in ms. | |
PulseCheck | Displays the number of pulses used to average movement rate for stucklogic. | |
PulseUnstuck | Displays the number of pulses successfully moved forward after being stuck to be considered unstuck. | |
Navigation | Velocity | Returns current velocity of the player, rounded to nearest integer. |
NetBots | Blinded | blinded counters on [Name] |
CastingLevel | Casting level counters on [Name] | |
Charmed | charm counters on [Name] | |
CombatState | [Name]'s combat state | |
Corrupted | Corruption counters on [Name] | |
Counters | Negative effect counters on [Name] | |
Counts | Number of broadcasting NetBots clients connected to EQBCS | |
CurrentEndurance | Endurance of [Name] | |
CurrentHPs | Current HP of [Name] | |
CurrentMana | Current mana of [Name] | |
Cursed | Cursed counters on [Name] | |
Detrimentals | number of detrimanls on [Name] | |
Diseased | Diseased counters on [Name] | |
EnduDrain | endurance drain counters on [Name] | |
Feared | fear counters on [Name] | |
FreebuffSlots | number of free buff slots on [Name] | |
Healing | Healing counters on [Name] | |
ID | SpawnID of [Name] | |
Instance | returns instance id of [Name] | |
Invulnerable | Invulnerable counters on [Name] | |
Level | Returns level of [Name] | |
LifeDrain | life drain counters on [Name] | |
ManaDrain | mana drain counters on [Name] | |
MaxEndurance | Total endurance of [Name] | |
MaxHPs | Max HP of [Name] | |
MaxMana | Max mana of [Name] | |
Mesmerized | mez counters on [Name] | |
NoCure | nocure counters on [Name] | |
PctEndurance | Percent endurance of [Name] | |
PctHPs | percent HP of [Name] | |
PctMana | Percent mana of [Name] | |
PetHP | HP of [Name]'s pet | |
PetID | Id of [Name]'s pet | |
Poisoned | Poison counters on [Name] | |
Resistance | resistance counters on [Name] | |
Rooted | root counters on [Name] | |
Silenced | silence counters on [Name] | |
Slowed | slow counters on [Name] | |
Snared | snare counters on [Name] | |
SpellCost | spellcost counters on [Name] | |
SpellDamage | spell damage counters on [Name] | |
SpellSlowed | slow spell counters on [Name] | |
TargetHP | HP of [Name]'s target | |
TargetID | id of [Name]'s target | |
TotalAA | The total AA of [Name] | |
Trigger | trigger counters on [Name] | |
UnusedAA | Number of AA unspent on [Name] | |
Updated | last netbots update from [Name] | |
UsedAA | The number of AA's [Name] spent | |
Zone | Returns zone id of [Name] | |
pet | Buff[name] | Returns the slot# for buffname |
pointmerchantitem | ClassMask | |
ItemID | Returns the ID of the item | |
RaceMask | ||
ThemeID | ||
PortalSetter | Step | |
Posse | Count | The numbers of players within the radius |
Friends | Number of friends within radius | |
Radius | Size of check radius | |
Strangers | Number of strangers within radius | |
ZRadius | Size of check radius on the z axis | |
queue | Count | Number of items inserted onto the queue. |
race | ID | The ID # of the race |
raid | Looters | Number of specified looters |
LootType | Loot type number:
Members | Total number of raid members | |
TotalLevels | Sum of all raid members' levels | |
raidmember | Group | Current group number (or 0) |
Level | Raid member's level (works without being in zone) | |
RewardItem | Reward[<#/name>].Items | Returns number of items (right-side list) for the specified reward and selected option if available. Otherwise NULL. |
Reward[<#/name>].Options | Returns number of options for the specified reward if available. Otherwise NULL. | |
RewardOption | Reward[<#/name>].Option[#/name].ItemCount | Returns number of items (right-side list) for the specified reward and selected option if available. Otherwise NULL. |
Rewards | Count | Returns number of currently pending rewards |
Rez | Delay | Returns the value from Delay |
Percent | Returns the value from RezPct | |
set | Count | Number of items added to the set. |
skill | AltTimer | if the skill uses the kick/bash/slam/backstab/frenzy timer |
ID | Skill number | |
MinLevel | Minimum level for your class | |
ReuseTime | Reuse timer | |
SkillCap | Skill cap based on your current level and class. | |
solventtype | Count | |
ID | Solvent ID | |
spawn | AARank | AA rank number |
Animation | Current animation ID. See Animations for a list. | |
Blind | ||
BuffCount | Returns the number of buffs on the target. | |
CachedBuffCount | returns -1 if no buffs are cached for the spawn or number of buffs cached. | |
CombatSkillTicks[#] | ||
ContractorID | ||
CorpseDragCount | ||
CurrentEndurance | Current Endurance points (only updates when target/group) | |
CurrentMana | Current Mana points (only updates when target/group) | |
Equipment[#|name] | Takes numbers 0-8 or names: head chest arms wrists hands legs feet primary offhand | |
GMRank | ||
HoldingAnimation | ||
ID | Returns the ID number of the spawn. | |
InPvPArea | ||
Level | ||
Mark | Current Raid or Group marked npc mark number (raid first) | |
MaxEndurance | Maximum Endurance points (only updates when target/group) | |
MaxMana | Maximum Mana points (only updates when target/group) | |
MercID | ||
MyBuffCount | ||
PctEndurance | ||
PctMana | ||
PlayerState | returns a mask as an inttype which has the following meaning: 0=Idle 1=Open 2=WeaponSheathed 4=Aggressive 8=ForcedAggressive 0x10=InstrumentEquipped 0x20=Stunned 0x40=PrimaryWeaponEquipped 0x80=SecondaryWeaponEquipped | |
Primary | Item ID of anything that may be in the Primary slot | |
Secondary | Item ID of anything that may be in the Secondary slot | |
SeeInvis[#] | ||
SpawnStatus[#] | ||
StandState | ||
SpawnMaster | DownList | Returns the number of spawn killed/despawned that matches the search. |
Search | Returns the number of search strings. | |
UpList | Returns the number of spawns currently up that matches the search. | |
spell | ActorTagId | |
Attrib[#] | ||
AutoCast | ||
BaseEffectsFocusCap | ||
CalcIndex | ||
Calc[#] | ||
CategoryID | category ID this spell belongs to | |
DurationValue1 | Duration of the spell (if any) | |
DurationWindow | ||
EnduranceCost | ||
GemIcon | Icon number of the spell. Example ${Spell[blah].GemIcon} | |
HastePct | Percentage of haste, example of use ${Me.Hasted.HastePct} or ${Spell[Speed of Milyex].HastePct} | |
ID | spell id | |
Level | ||
Location | Appears to be max distance | |
Mana | Mana cost (unadjusted) | |
MinCasterLevel | Reports the minimum class level of a spell. A use case is when you want to check if your spell is too powerful for the intended target. | |
NoExpendReagentID[#] | ||
NumEffects | ||
Rank | Returns either 1, 2 or 3 for spells and 4-30 for clickables and potions. | |
ReagentCount[#] | ||
ReagentID[#] | ||
RecastTimerID | ||
ResistAdj | Resist adjustment | |
SlowPct | Percentage of slow, example of use ${Target.Slowed.SlowPct} or ${Spell[Slowing Helix].SlowPct} | |
SpellGroup | ||
SpellIcon | ID of the icon used for the spell. You may also use "BookIcon" or "GemIcon" | |
SubcategoryID | ID of the subcategory for the spell. | |
SubSpellGroup | ||
TimeOfDay | ||
WillLand | This is like stacks but without the duration check. It's a clean: "Will this spell land." Returns the slot it would land in. | |
WillLandPet | Same as WillLand but for your pet. | |
SQLite | resultcode[<QueryName>] | Result codes are returned from the SQLite Standard Result Codes found here.
rows[<QueryName>] | The number of rows returned for results | |
stack | Count | Number of items inserted onto the stack. |
stick | StickTarget | Returns spawnid of stick target if stick id/hold used, else spawnid of current target, 0 if no target and id/hold not used. |
string | CompareCS[text] | CompareCS is exactly the same as Compare, except that it is case-sensitive |
Compare[text] | Determines how the initial string and the second string, text, compare to each other:
Count[c] | Returns how many times a single character c occurs in the string | |
Find[text] | This tries to find the second string text within the original string:
Length | Returns the length of the string as an integer | |
swap | Delay | Returns the delay of melee swap |
switch | ID | Switch ID |
State | The "state" of the switch. | |
Targ | Count | Return number of entries on the watch list starting at 1. |
Priority[<name>|<index>] | The priority of the spawn (via index or Spawn search). If nothing assigned, default is -1. | |
target | PctAggro | |
SecondaryPctAggro | ||
task | ID | Returns an int of the task ID |
Index | Returns the task's place on the tasklist | |
Members | Returns number of members in task | |
WindowIndex | Returns the Quest Window List Index. (if the window actually has the list filled) | |
taskmember | Index | Returns task index for member (i.e., 1-6) |
taskobjectivemember | CurrentCount | Returns the current count of the .Type needed to complete a objective |
DZSwitchID | Returns an int of the switch used in a objective. | |
Index | Returns the obective's place on the index | |
RequiredCount | Returns the required count of the .Type needed to complete a objective | |
ticks | Hours | The number of hours in HH:MM:SS (0-23) |
Minutes | The number of minutes in HH:MM:SS (1-59) | |
Seconds | The number of seconds in HH:MM:SS (1-59) | |
Ticks | The value in ticks | |
TotalMinutes | The total number of minutes | |
TotalSeconds | The total number of seconds | |
time | Day | Day of the month |
DayOfWeek | Day of the week (1=sunday to 7=saturday) | |
Hour | Hour (0-23) | |
Minute | Minute (0-59) | |
Month | Month of the year (1-12) | |
Second | Second (0-59) | |
SecondsSinceMidnight | Number of seconds since midnight | |
Year | Year | |
timer | OriginalValue | Original value of the timer |
Value | Current value of the timer | |
timestamp | Days | Number of days remaining in the timestamp (3d 2h 23m will return 3) |
tradeskilldepot | Capacity | Returns the total capacity of the tradeskill depot. |
Count | Returns the number of item stacks in the tradeskill depot. | |
FindItemCount[#|name] | Find item by name or item ID. Prefix with "=" for exact name match. | |
TTS | Speed | The speed of the speech |
Volume | The current set volume | |
twist | Current | Returns the current gem being sung, -1 for item or 0 if not twisting |
Next | Returns the next gem to be sung, -1 for item or 0 if not twisting | |
type | Member[name] | Member internal ID number based on name (will be a number from 1 to n) |
Vendor | Count | The number of items the vendor has that you are searching for, does not currently work. |
window | Child | |
CurrentTabIndex | TabBox: Returns the index of the currently selected tab. | |
FirstChild | ||
GetCurSel | Index of the currently selected/highlighted item in a list or treeview | |
Height | Height in pixels | |
HScrollMax | Horizontal scrollbar range | |
HScrollPct | Horizontal scrollbar position in % to range from 0 to 100 | |
HScrollPos | Horizontal scrollbar position | |
Items | Number of items in a Listbox or Combobox | |
Next | ||
Parent | ||
Style | Window style code | |
TabCount | TabBox: The number of tabs present in the TabBox. | |
VScrollMax | Vertical scrollbar range | |
VScrollPct | Vertical scrollbar position in % to range from 0 to 100 | |
VScrollPos | Vertical scrollbar position | |
Width | Width in pixels | |
X | Screen X position | |
Y | Screen Y position | |
worldlocation | ID | The location's ID |
XAssist | XTFullHaterCount | Returns all auto haters including the one that is being targeted |
XTXAggroCount[#] | allows the aggro range to be expanded to 1000 for situations where someone wants to check the >=100 aggro values. # is the aggro value provided. | |
xptracker | Changes | Returns number of EXP events |
xtarget | ID | ID of specified XTarget |
PctAggro | PctAggro of specified XTarget | |
zone | ID | ID of the zone |
Type | Member | Description |
double | Double | |
float | Float | The number as a float (123 is represented as 123.0) |
int | HighPart | |
LowPart | ||
Reverse | Endianness reversed | |
string | Hex | The hex value of the integer (10 is represented as 0xA) |
Prettify | ||
To String | The number |