
From the wonderful RedGuides Wiki

Data Types for MQ2NetBots, the bread and butter of this plugin. Returns information from character name to hit points to levitation status. Most types will require that you use a character name on the index of the TLO. e.g. ${NetBots[Name].AFK}

This Data Type is referenced in MQ2NetBots, and accessed by Top-Level Object(s): NetBots


Type Member Description
bool AFK is [Name] afk
Attacking is [Name] attacking
Binding whether [Name] is kneeling
Ducking is [Name] ducking
Enable Returns plugin on/off status
Feigning is [Name] feigning
Grouped is [Name] grouped
InGroup is [Name] in my group
Invis is [Name] invis
InZone is [Name] in my current zone
Levitating is [Name] floating
LFG is [Name] LFG
Listen Returns "grab" status as true/false
Mounted is [Name] on a mount
Moving is [Name] moving
Output Returns "send" status as true/false
Raid is [Name] in a raid
Sitting is [Name] sitting
StacksPet[SpellID] True if spell will stack on [Name]'s pet.
Stacks[SpellID] True if spell will stack on [Name]. Usage NetBots[Name].Stacks[SpellID]
Standing is [Name] standing
Stunned is [Name] stunned
class Class Returns class of [Name]
float PctAAExp Percent AA exp of [Name]
PctExp Percent EXP of [Name]
PctGroupLeaderExp Returns group leader EXP on servers that have this feature (emu only)
int Blinded blinded counters on [Name]
CastingLevel Casting level counters on [Name]
Charmed charm counters on [Name]
CombatState [Name]'s combat state
Corrupted Corruption counters on [Name]
Counters Negative effect counters on [Name]
Counts Number of broadcasting NetBots clients connected to EQBCS
CurrentEndurance Endurance of [Name]
CurrentHPs Current HP of [Name]
CurrentMana Current mana of [Name]
Cursed Cursed counters on [Name]
Detrimentals number of detrimanls on [Name]
Diseased Diseased counters on [Name]
EnduDrain endurance drain counters on [Name]
Feared fear counters on [Name]
FreebuffSlots number of free buff slots on [Name]
Healing Healing counters on [Name]
ID SpawnID of [Name]
Instance returns instance id of [Name]
Invulnerable Invulnerable counters on [Name]
Level Returns level of [Name]
LifeDrain life drain counters on [Name]
ManaDrain mana drain counters on [Name]
MaxEndurance Total endurance of [Name]
MaxHPs Max HP of [Name]
MaxMana Max mana of [Name]
Mesmerized mez counters on [Name]
NoCure nocure counters on [Name]
PctEndurance Percent endurance of [Name]
PctHPs percent HP of [Name]
PctMana Percent mana of [Name]
PetHP HP of [Name]'s pet
PetID Id of [Name]'s pet
Poisoned Poison counters on [Name]
Resistance resistance counters on [Name]
Rooted root counters on [Name]
Silenced silence counters on [Name]
Slowed slow counters on [Name]
Snared snare counters on [Name]
SpellCost spellcost counters on [Name]
SpellDamage spell damage counters on [Name]
SpellSlowed slow spell counters on [Name]
TargetHP HP of [Name]'s target
TargetID id of [Name]'s target
TotalAA The total AA of [Name]
Trigger trigger counters on [Name]
UnusedAA Number of AA unspent on [Name]
Updated last netbots update from [Name]
UsedAA The number of AA's [Name] spent
Zone Returns zone id of [Name]
spell Buff[#] The name of the buff [Name] has in slot <#>
Casting the spell [Name] is casting
PetBuff[#] The buff [Name]'s pet has in slot <#>
ShortBuff[#] Name of the short duration buff [Name] has in slot <#>
string Buff A list of all buffs on [Name]
Client Returns a list of client names currently broadcasting
Detrimental All detrimental types affecting [Name]
Heading The heading of [Name]
Leader is [Name] the leader
Location The coordinates of [Name]
Name Returns the name of [Name]
Note Returns the custom note on [Name] (see Command:/netnote on how to set this)
PetBuff A list of buffs on [Name]'s pet
ShortBuff A list of short duration buffs on [Name]
  • State of [Name]:


  • Displays the duration remaining on the buff Samwell has in buff slot 4
/echo ${NetBots[Samwell].Duration[4]}

See also