
From the wonderful RedGuides Wiki

This contains data related to the specified in-game window.

This Data Type is referenced in MacroQuest, and accessed by Top-Level Object(s): Window
window is used as a return type by these members:  [ Toggle ]

Page Member Description
DisplayItem Window Gives access to the window datatype, allowing you to do things like /invoke ${DisplayItem[5].Window.DoClose}
everquest LastMouseOver Returns information on the last window you moused over. Handy to add .Name
window Child[name] Find a child window with the provided name
CurrentTab TabBox: Returns the Page window associated with the currently selected tab.
FirstChild[name] First child window
Next[name] Next sibling window
Parent[name] Parent window
Tab[#|name] TabBox: Looks up the Page window that matches the provided index or tab text.


Type Member Description
action DoClose Does the action of closing a window
DoOpen Does the action of opening a window
LeftMouseDown Does the action of clicking the left mouse button down
LeftMouseHeld Does the action of holding the left mouse button
LeftMouseHeldUp does the action of holding the left mouse button up
LeftMouseUp Does the action of clicking the left mouse button up
Move[x,y,width,height] Moves window to specified location and size.
RightMouseDown does the action of clicking the right mouse button
RightMouseHeld Does the action of holding the right mouse button
RightMouseHeldUp Does the action of holding the right mouse button up
RightMouseUp Does the action of clicking the right mouse button up
Select Selects the specified window
SetAlpha[0-255] Sets the alpha/opacity
SetBGColor[argb] Sets the window color
SetCurrentTab[#|name] If the window is a TabBox, set the current tab by index or by name.
SetFadeAlpha[0-255] Sets the faded alpha/opacity
SetText Set text to an edit box
argb BGColor Background color
bool Checked Returns TRUE if the button has been checked
Children Returns TRUE if the window has children
Enabled Returns TRUE if the window is enabled
Highlighted TRUE if the specified window has focus
HisTradeReady Has the other person clicked the Trade button?
Minimized Returns TRUE if the window is minimized
MouseOver Returns TRUE if the mouse is currently over the window
MyTradeReady Have I clicked the Trade button?
Open Returns TRUE if the window is open
Siblings Returns TRUE if the window has siblings
float Value for gauges
int Child
CurrentTabIndex TabBox: Returns the index of the currently selected tab.
GetCurSel Index of the currently selected/highlighted item in a list or treeview
Height Height in pixels
HScrollMax Horizontal scrollbar range
HScrollPct Horizontal scrollbar position in % to range from 0 to 100
HScrollPos Horizontal scrollbar position
Items Number of items in a Listbox or Combobox
Style Window style code
TabCount TabBox: The number of tabs present in the TabBox.
VScrollMax Vertical scrollbar range
VScrollPct Vertical scrollbar position in % to range from 0 to 100
VScrollPos Vertical scrollbar position
Width Width in pixels
X Screen X position
Y Screen Y position
string List[#, y] Get the text for the #th item in a list box. Only works on list boxes. Use of y is optional and allows selection of the column of the window to get text from.
List[text, y] Find an item in a list box by partial match (use window.List[=text] for exact). Only works on list boxes. Use of y is optional and allows selection of the column of the window to search in.
Name Name of window piece, e.g. "ChatWindow" for top level windows, or the piece name for child windows.

Note: this is Custom UI dependent
ScreenID ScreenID of window. Note: This is not Custom UI dependent, it must be the same on all UIs
Size Returns Y,X size of window in pixels
Text Window's text.

STMLBox: returns the contents of the STML.

Page: returns the name of the page's Tab.
Tooltip TooltipReference text
Type Type of window piece (Screen for top level windows, or Listbox, Button, Gauge, Label, Editbox, Slider, etc)
window Child[name] Find a child window with the provided name
CurrentTab TabBox: Returns the Page window associated with the currently selected tab.
FirstChild[name] First child window
Next[name] Next sibling window
Parent[name] Parent window
Tab[#|name] TabBox: Looks up the Page window that matches the provided index or tab text.


  • Move a window to 100x, 200y and make it 300px wide, 400px high:

/invoke ${Window[GroupWindow].Move[100,200,300,400]}

  • Set color to black,

/invoke ${Window[GroupWindow].SetBGColor[FF000000]}

  • Set opacity to 100%

/invoke ${Window[GroupWindow].SetAlpha[255]}

  • Set faded opacity to 100%,

/invoke ${Window[GroupWindow].SetFadeAlpha[255]}

  • Returns TRUE if a Merchant window is open

/echo ${Window[MerchantWnd].Open}

  • Returns TRUE if the WindowName exists, but doesn't have to be opened.

/echo ${Window[windowname]}

  • Returns TRUE if the Window is opened and minimized

/echo ${Window[MerchantWnd].Minimized}

  • Returns the index (int) of Water Flask in the merchant's item list. ",2" means scan the second column, since that's where the item names are.

/echo ${Window[MerchantWnd/ItemList].List[=Water Flask,2]}

  • Find an item in the tradeskill item list box by the exact name Inky Shadow Silk

/echo ${Window[TradeskillWnd/RecipeList].List[=Inky Shadow Silk]}

  • Get the first-column text for the 1st item in the tradeskill item list box

/echo ${Window[TradeskillWnd/RecipeList].List[1]}

  • Return TRUE if the other person has clicked the Trade button in the Trade Window

/echo ${Window[tradewnd].HisTradeReady}

  • Return TRUE if I have clicked the Trade button in the Trade Window (TradeWnd)

/echo ${Window[tradewnd].MyTradeReady}

  • Returns the name of the 2nd option in the list of rewards for the tab titled "Brew for the Day"

/echo ${Window[RewardSelectionWnd/RewardPageTabWindow].Tab[Brew for the Day].Child[RewardSelectionOptionList].List[2]}

Find window names

A quick way to find window names is make this a hotkey, /echo ${EverQuest.LastMouseOver.Name} And then press it while hovering your mouse over windows.

See also