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MQ2Rewards allows control over specifying, selecting, and claiming rewards from macros.
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Authors GoldenFrog, Sic, Knightly, brainiac, ChatWithThisName
Software type Plugin

Maintained Yes and supported

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MQ2Rewards allows control over specifying, selecting, and claiming rewards from macros.

This has been written specifically to support the Overseer macro. Has been tested on Test during the 5/20 24-hour outage on Live, so hasn't been tested on Live yet. Through Overseer needs, will be tested much further.

Caution: Rewards are highly sensitive to mistakes and tricky to test as acquiring rewards and combinations to experiment with is not always easy.


Syntax Description
/mqrewards [help | reward <reward> | option <option> | claim] Allows you to select and claim a reward, as well as reference the help text.

See also

Top-Level Object(s)

TLOs added by MQ2Rewards:

TLO Data Type(s) Description
Rewards RewardItem RewardOption RewardOptionItem Rewards Holds several data types which return detailed information on the reward screen, its options and items.

Forms. Typical usage, /echo ${TLO}

Type TLO Description
Rewards Rewards Returns the word "Rewards" if loaded

Members. More may be available if inherited. Typical usage, /echo ${TLO.Member}

TLO Data Type Return Type Member Description
Rewards RewardItem bool Reward[<#/name>].Claim Claims the specified reward if available and option (if any) selected. TRUE if able to claim; otherwise FALSE
Reward[<#/name>].Select Selects the specified reward. TRUE if available and able to select; otherwise FALSE.
Reward[<#/name>].Selected Returns TRUE if indicated reward is available and selected; else FALSE
int Reward[<#/name>].Items Returns number of items (right-side list) for the specified reward and selected option if available. Otherwise NULL.
Reward[<#/name>].Options Returns number of options for the specified reward if available. Otherwise NULL.
RewardOption Reward[<#/name>].Option[#/name] Returns the appropriate option by index or name; else returns NULL
RewardOptionItem Reward[<#/name>].Item[#/name] Returns the appropriate item by index or name; else returns NULL
string Reward[<#/name>].Text Returns name of the indicated reward if available; else NULL
RewardOption bool Reward[<#/name>].Option[#/name].Select Selects the specified option. TRUE if available and able to select; otherwise FALSE
Reward[<#/name>].Option[#/name].Selected Returns TRUE if the indicated option is available and selected; otherwise FALSE
int Reward[<#/name>].Option[#/name].ItemCount Returns number of items (right-side list) for the specified reward and selected option if available. Otherwise NULL.
RewardOptionItem Reward[<#/name>].Option[#/name].Item[#/name] Returns the appropriate item by index or name; else returns NULL
string Reward[<#/name>].Option[#/name].Text Returns name of the indicated option if available; else NULL
RewardOptionItem Reward[<#/name>].Item[#/name].Text
Rewards int Count Returns number of currently pending rewards
RewardItem Reward[#] Returns the reward by specified index
Reward[name] Returns the reward by name