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CWTN Plugins - ALL
- RaidAssistNum can now also be RaidAssist.
-- ex: /shd RaidAssist 1
- Class Window now shows "RaidAssist" as the label for RaidAssistNum
- Dropdown box for RaidAssist now shows names instead of numbers.
- Can now use text command to assign RaidAssist by name or number
-- ex: /shd raidassist BrickWall
--- Would assign "BrickWall" to be the raid assist. Will fail if the player is not a RaidAssist.
- Output now shows RaidAssists Name.
-- If no raid assist is assigned in that slot, it will be listed as "Unassigned".
- RaidAssistNum now loads correctly from the INI. (was off by 1).
- RaidAssist now correctly correlates to the RaidAssist EQ Shows if you set RaidAssist#
-- to your XTarget window. It does not however, match ${Raid.MainAssist[#]} (unless it gets updated).
- Tank modes no longer care if you have blank xtarget slots.
- updated showsettings outputs for font, show, hide, toggleui, and pause
- beta stuffs.
- Additional spell book exiting checks try counter the amount of folks who are using a too low background fps causing book issues.
-- this still functions the same - if you are in byos, or manual mode, you will still not stand back up if you open your spell book
-- and it doesn't realize you are memorizing a spell.
--- Any non-manual mode (with byos off) will automatically kick you out of the book after a short period, bugged or not.

CWTN Plugins - ALL
- Added ReportAssist option.
-- ex: /shd reportassist true/false/on/off/0/1 - will set if you want "Assisting MA With..." messages.
--- particularly useful to limit output spam for classes that change targets frequently during combat.
- Added toggleui and hide commands.
-- ex: /shd hide - this will hide your cwtn UI.
-- ex: /shd toggleui - this will hide your cwtn UI if already shown; show if hidden.
- CWTN Type additions/adjustments.
CWTN Plugins - ALL
- Added CWTN Member UseCures "${CWTN.UseCures}".
- Removed the "not a valid AA" debug msg.
- If you try and set a camp "off mesh" it will now give you an error msg and beep at you.
- Added missing CWTN Types: SwitchWithMA (all) and DisablePullAbility(for bst, monk, eskay).
CWTN Plugins - ALL
- Plugins now tell you what gem it's memorizing a spell into.
- MezImmune and UnMezImmune has been moved out of Enchanter and is now available to all CWTN Class plugins.
- Added ability to track and compare against current number of buffs and max buffs.
-- this fixes trying to buff someone if they're capped.
CWTN Plugins - ALL
- CWTN Types have been added - *most* you would expect are there, some are yet to be added.
-- Example: ${CWTN.CampRadius} will tell you the value you have set for CampRadius.
-- Example: ${CWTN.Mode} will tell you what mode you are in.
-- Example: ${CWTN.Paused} will tell you if you are paused or not.
-- MQ2Status has a pending merge request so /status will display Mode and Paused info.
- Ranged pulling alterations to cover some additional ranges of distance.
CWTN Plugins - All
UI Window should no long cause you to crash if you have the wrong UI and issue a command.
CWTN Plugins - ALL
- All true/false/on/off/0/1 slash commands can now be toggled with "toggle".
-- example "/shd usecures toggle" would flip the true/false from whatever value you have.
- Adjustment to "Sit/Stand" logic for chase mode.
-- We will no longer force a /stand, which means if you have autostandonduck turned off, and are ducking - you won't stand to mimic the MA.
- UI window will now update without having to force a UI tab change when issue a change with a slash command.
- AA's should now verify you're high enough level to use them, in the event you've deleveled.
CWTN Plugins - ALL
- Can now add a clicky cure item.
-- usage example: /shd addclicky cure.
--- this will automagically figure out if a self or other item and use it accordingly.
- All classes now have UseCures as an ini/window option.
-- UseCures will toggle on AA/Spell/CureClicky usage.
- Removed individual UseCure cases.
- MQ2Monk, MQ2Bst and MQ2Eskay now all check against UseCures setting to see if they should selfcure.
- Corrected ranged check with pet metamorph clickies.
- Corrected issue with certain poisons for Addclicky Spam.
-- This also corrects the spam issue with lower lvl mounts (like bazaar mounts).
- Added some spells to get ignored by the "AutoRemoveInvul" option. Feel free to msg CWTN or Sic if you come across more.
-- "Calming Shackles" and "Massive Magic Blast", for example.
--- The are like the invul spells that gets cased on you during TDS missions while dialog happens.
- Misc "under the hood" and "grammatical" adjustments.
- Using the DisablePullAbility slash command for classes that have it now refreshes your pull ability.
-- Toggling in the UI already worked correctly.
- Adjusted our function for group need cure to also return yourself if you're not in a group and you need a cure.
- "FeightAtAggro" is now "FeignAtAggro".
CWTN Plugins - ALL
- The missing "DisablePullAbility" slash command has been found! (and added).
- We will now (again) check bards for mana in groupwatch.
- Class Window output will anonymize if you have your macroquest to anon mode on.
- MQUI_BerzerkerWnd.xml is updated. ensure you let it load from the mq2->release->uifiles->default folder
-- see "https://www.redguides.com/community/threads/cwtn-class-window-ui-info-video.72928/"
CWTN Plugins - ALL
- Margidor in Great Divide has gotten a promotion, and is once again a Named!

CWTN Plugins - ALL
- When checking for an active disc, the CombatAbility must be opened. So we open it for you if it's closed.
-- This is so that your burns and filler discs fire correctly without trying to activate another.
- HealthGroup/ManaGroup clickies - Check players are not a corpse before trying to heal them. :-)
- Will now check for Feigning in CastReady checks.
- Remove Invulnerability should now work correctly on all classes instead of just the cleric.
- Logic was added to try and detect gating mobs. If they suddenly change their location while you are fighting
-- them by double your camp radius, they probably gated and we clear our target.
- Vorpal Mode now mimics the stand state of the MA, so they sit when the MA sits, and they stand when the MA stands.
- Items and AltAbilities will now check to see if you are Silenced, Stunned, Enthralled, or Feigning and fail if
-- any of those things are true.
- Added an option to disable pull abilities. This only applies to characters with hard coded pull abilities.
-- (Bst/Mnk/Shd) Example: /bst DisablePullAbility on/off/true/false/0/1
- Removed Bards from our mana checks since Bard == Unique && Beautiful Snowflakes
- Using Abilities on large creatures is possible once again. Examples: a restless dracoliche, wurms, some giant models.
- Fixed issue where adjusting radius/zradius would not update your search string correctly.
Currently all plugins for CWTN are crashing due to an issue with buff stack testing function which appears to have had it's signature changed. Which is causing the crash.
It is a known issue, and will require eqmule or brainac to fix in MQ2 (they both know about it).

TLDR: We know, sorry, do the thing below.

In the mean time you will need to go into your macroquest2.ini in your release folder and under [Plugins] change any cwtn plugins to =0


We have been trying to see if we can come up with any work arounds in the mean time, so far no joy. If we find that the fix is expected to take longer than a little bit, then it's possible we could disable buffing until it's sorted. Which isn't ideal, but would at least allow the cleric to heal, the warrior to tank, the zerker to hit mobs, etc (without buffing)